Azure Data Factory Global variables - azure

If I define a global variable at the management panel level. Is that variable accessible by other concurrently running data factories?
I am looking into using a global as a validation flag as it will be available as a return value from child pipelines. And I do not want a concurrent data factory invocation to have scope into that variable.

I believe you are referring to Global parameters in Azure Data factory. If that is the case, then the answer is No. Global parameters are constants across a particular Data Factory that can be consumed by a pipeline in any expression. You cannot use that global parameter in other data factories except the one in which it was created. But it can be referenced in other pipelines within the same data factory.

Adding to the #KranthiPakala-MSFT, Yes Global parameters are constant, and we cannot use a Global parameter of one ADF in another ADF.
But if you want to use it, store it in a file in blob using copy activity source additional column.
Then use this file value by lookup activity in another ADF workspace.
Or store it in a set variable.
Run this pipeline and in another ADF get this activity run details by using the below REST API in web activity.{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/{factoryName}/pipelineruns/{runId}/queryActivityruns?api-version=2018-06-01


Send parameters in trigger ADF

I am working on a pipeline and we have DEV,QA and UAT env, so we are trying to use a parameter in the linked service in order to change the conection to the different DB (based on the environment)
we also have different triggers to run the pipeline based on the environment so my question is, is there a way to add a parameter in the trigger, execute the pipeline and send the linked service to connect to a specific environment?
You can have parameters to any type of triggers. Assuming you have a custom event trigger and SQL server as source, checkout the below example:
While creating SQL server linked service as a dataset, create string parameter for database name field
Create New parameter in dataset
Assign dataset parameter to Linked service parameter, which we will then use to store the data from trigger.
Create or use existing trigger, I am using a custom event trigger for example
A custom event trigger can parse and send a custom data payload to your pipeline. You create the pipeline parameters, and then fill in the values on the Parameters page. Use the format #triggerBody() to parse the data payload and pass values to the pipeline parameters.
For a detailed explanation, see the following articles:
Reference trigger metadata in pipelines
System variables in custom event trigger
existing pipeline parameter.
Inside pipeline activity, specific your activity when used in source it would prompt for dataset parameter. Here use dynamic content and select the parameter holding trigger data.
Finally.. when the pipeline is triggered, trigger metadata is passed to pipeline parameter, which will be used in dataset property to switch between database dynamically in a server. Use multiple parameters similar to my example for use in different triggers and pipeline as per your environment.

Import Schemas in Azure Data Factory with Parameters

I am trying to develop a simple ADF pipeline that copies data from a delimited file to MySQL database, when such a file is uploaded to a Blob Storage Account. I am using parameters to define the name of the Storage Account, the Container that houses the files and file name (inputStorageAccount, inputContainer, inputFile). The name of the Storage Account is a global parameter and the other two are meant to be provided by the trigger. The Linked Service has also been parameterized.
However, I want to define the mappings for this operation. So, I am trying to 'import schemas' by providing the values for these parameters (I have stored a sample file in the Storage Account). But, I keep getting this error when trying to do so,
What am I doing wrong? How can I get this to work?
I would also like to know why I am not being asked to provide a value for the inputContainer parameter when I try to use 'import schema' at the dataset level,
Where you have to add the values Add dynamic content [Alt+P] :
Just as mentioned here in the below Snip, Go to the + Symbol where you will find a window and need to fill in the parameter name, type and value:
Where we can directly select the parameter according to the options :
Here is another detailed scenario which might help: Using Azure DataFactory Parameterized Linked Service | Docs, then you can reset the schema.

Run cosmos scope script in ADF V2

I want to run cosmos scope script in ADF pipeline.
Scope script takes input parameter
current date
folder path.
My challenge is how can I read and call the parameters in my scope script(I am using scope activity).
Add these 2 parameters as scope script parameters.
Once you load the script in ADF under the activity in advanced you should see those parameters.
Then you can pass in the static/dynamic values to these parameters from ADF scope activity.

Azure Data Factory Copy Data dynamically get last blob

I have an Azure Data Factory Pipeline that runs on a Blob Created Trigger, I want it to grab the last Blob added and copy that to the desired location.
How do I dynamically generate the file path for this outcome?
System Variables
Expressions and Functions
"#triggerBody().folderPath" and "#triggerBody().fileName" captures the last created blob file path in event trigger. You need to map your pipeline parameter to these two trigger properties. Please follow this link to do the parameter passing and reference. Thanks.

how to pass a folder from a data lake store as a parameter to a pipeline?

In data factory, I know you can pass a parameter at the beginning of a pipeline, and then access it later using #pipeline(). If I have a folder in a data lake store, how can I pass that as a parameter and have access to it later (let's say I want to loop a for-each over each file inside it.) Do I pass the path to the folder? Am I passing it as an object?
Here are the steps that you can use -
You can use pass folder path as a parameter (string) to the pipeline.
Use the path and "Get Metadata" activity with "Child Items". This will return the list of files in JSON Format
Get Metadata Selection
Loop through using "Foreach" activity and perform any action.
Use output from metadata activity as Items in Foreach activity (example below)
#activity('Get List of Files').output
Hope this helps
First, you need create a data lake store linked service. It will contain the path of azure data lake store. You could use azure data factory UI to create the linked service
Then you need create a data lake store dataset reference that linked service in step 2.
Then you create a getMetaData activity reference dataset in step 2.
Then following steps provided by summit.
All of these can be done in UI.
