How to stop structured streaming query in spark-shell - apache-spark

I just started a structured streaming from within bin/spark-shell in bash.
//readstream is from json
Once I started it Ctrl+C doesn't seem to work anymore. And in spark-ui the Structured streaming tab doesnt contain any 'kill' command.
What I did just closing the bash...


Processing Batch files coming every 2 minutes in system using spark Streaming

I am trying to process my near real time batch csv files using spark streaming. I am reading these files in batches of 100 files and doing some operation and writing to output files. I am using spark.readstream and spark.writestream functions to read and write streaming files.
I am trying to find out how I can stop the spark streaming?
stream_df = spark.readstream.csv(filepath_directory).
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 10)
query = spark.writeStream.format("parquet")..outputMode("append").option("output filepath")
I faced the issue while streaming job is running, due to some reason
my job is failing or some exceptions are.
I tried try, except.
I am planning to stop the query in case of any exceptions and process the same code again.
I used query.stop(), is this the right way to stop streaming job?
I read one post, I am not sure whether it is for Dstream and how to execute this code in my pyspark code.

How to implement exactly-once processing when reading reading from directory using Spark Structured Streaming?

I'd like to use the concept of stream processing to read files from a local directory and then publish to Apache Kafka. I thought about using Spark Structured Streaming.
How is the checkpointing implemented when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time or will it again read from the start of the file?
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time Or will it again read from the start of the file.
Either the entire file is fully processed or none at all. That's how FileFormat works in general in Spark SQL and has little to do with Spark Structured Streaming in particular (since they share the underlying execution infrastructure).
In short, the engine "will it again read from the start of the file."
That also to say that there is no concept of a single line while processing files in Spark Structured Streaming. You process a streaming DataFrame that is an entire file (or even a couple of files) all at once and whether you want to process the dataset line by line or in its entirety is up to you, a Spark developer.
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
In theory, you should not. The purpose of the new checkpointing mechanism in Spark Structured Streaming (as compared to the legacy Spark Streaming's) was to allow for restarts and upgrades in a more comfortable way. The checkpointing uses just a little information (usually stored in JSON files) to restart processing from the point of the last successful checkpoint.

spark streaming write data to spark-sql, but cann't query it

I have submitted a streaming application, and write DataFram to spark-sql.
when i send some message to kafka, the line have printed in the log file, that means i have successfully consumed the data, but when i use the zeppelin and the spark-sql interactive command line to query industry.test1, there is no data that i have consumed. And the log file has not any errors, but when i reopened a spark-sql interactive command line to query table, i got the data. So i want to know why i need to reopen it. Thanks for any help.

Connect Spark Streaming to Spark Batch automatically

I'm receiving streaming data from Kafka, which I'm reading as a dataframe with Structured Spark Streaming.
The problem is that I need to perform multiple aggregations on the same column and non-time-based window operations with that results.
AFAIK that's still not possible in Spark Structured Streaming, so I want to start a Spark batch job triggered after some time.
How could I achive that? Is there any way to start a python script like with spark submit?

How do I stop a spark streaming job?

I have a Spark Streaming job which has been running continuously. How do I stop the job gracefully? I have read the usual recommendations of attaching a shutdown hook in the job monitoring and sending a SIGTERM to the job.
sys.ShutdownHookThread {"Gracefully stopping Application...")
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext = true, stopGracefully = true)"Application stopped gracefully")
It seems to work but does not look like the cleanest way to stop the job. Am I missing something here?
From a code perspective it may make sense but how do you use this in a cluster environment? If we start a spark streaming job (we distribute the jobs on all the nodes in the cluster) we will have to keep track of the PID for the job and the node on which it was running. Finally when we have to stop the process, we need to keep track which node the job was running at and the PID for that. I was just hoping that there would be a simpler way of job control for streaming jobs.
You can stop your streaming context in cluster mode by running the following command without needing to sending a SIGTERM. This will stop the streaming context without you needing to explicitly stop it using a thread hook.
$SPARK_HOME_DIR/bin/spark-submit --master $MASTER_REST_URL --kill $DRIVER_ID
-$MASTER_REST_URL is the rest url of the spark driver, ie something like spark://localhost:6066
-$DRIVER_ID is something like driver-20150915145601-0000
If you want spark to stop your app gracefully, you can try setting the following system property when your spark app is initially submitted (see on setting spark configuration properties).
This is not officially documented, and I gathered this from looking at the 1.4 source code. This flag is honored in standalone mode. I haven't tested it in clustered mode yet.
I am working with spark 1.4.*
Depends on the use case and how driver can be used.
Consider the case you wanted to collect some N records(tweets) from the Spark Structured Streaming, store them in Postgresql and stop the stream once the count crosses N records.
One way of doing this is to use accumulator and python threading.
Create a Python thread with stream query object and the accumulator, stop the query once the count is crossed
While starting the stream query pass the accumulator variable and update the value for each batch of the stream.
Sharing the code snippet for understanding/illustration purpose...
import threading
import time
def check_n_stop_streaming(query, acc, num_records=3500):
while (True):
if acc.value > num_records:
print_info(f"Number of records received so far {acc.value}")
print_info(f"Number of records received so far {acc.value}")
count_acc = spark.sparkContext.accumulator(0)
def postgresql_all_tweets_data_dump(df,
print_info("Raw Tweets...")["text"]).show(50, False)
count_acc += df.count()
mode = "append"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{}:{}/{}".format(self._postgresql_host,
properties = {"user": self._postgresql_user,
"password": self._postgresql_password,
"driver": "org.postgresql.Driver"}
df.write.jdbc(url=url, table=raw_tweet_table_name, mode=mode, properties=properties)
query = tweet_stream.writeStream.outputMode("append"). \
foreachBatch(lambda df, id :
stop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.check_n_stop_streaming, args=(query, num_records, raw_tweet_table_name, ))
If all you need is just stop running streaming application, then simplest way is via Spark admin UI (you can find it's URL in the startup logs of Spark master).
There is a section in the UI, that shows running streaming applications, and there are tiny (kill) url buttons near each application ID.
It is official now,please look into original apache documentation here-
