Global Admin - cannot see Billing - Unauthorized - azure

I'm global admin and subcription owner
But when click on Billing-Cost analysis getting
Customer does not have the privilege to see the cost
Am i missing something ?

Seems like there is a missing permission on the subscription. The impacted user should have one of the following roles:
Service Administrator
Billing reader
Kindly assign one of the above roles to the user on the targeted subscription (I am using service administrator) by following Assign a user as an administrator of an Azure subscription
For current admins kindly see classic admins tab:

Tenant is managed by CSP, didn't know it until i tried to create support case to MS and got following error:
After that got access to Partner center and performed below steps:


Restrict Users from adding to groups manually in Azure

I need to restrict the users from adding to the groups manually in Azure, any help on this issue?
Thanks #Rahul Shukla for your suggestion .
Restrict Users from adding to groups
Give the user with reader or contributor permission to the user .
if you add that user the reader permission they will then be able to read any resource in the subscription, but not modify anything.
For more details refer this document:
2)Prevent admin to add the users to group
Create review process in places where if any user gets added in the group admin will get notification for the same and based on admin approval only it will gets added.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access reviews enable organizations to efficiently manage group memberships, access to enterprise applications, and role assignments. User's access can be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure only the right people have continued access
For more details refer this document:

Cannot Add Account Owner to Azure EA Enrollment

I need some help with this and I couldn't find any solution on the internet.
I need to change the ownership for an Azure Gov Subscription under an Enterprise Agreement Enrollment so first I need to create the new Account following the related Microsoft Documentation
The current "Account Owner" is the Initial Account
It's a work account in our "Azure AD Free" tenant and I have full control over it
It's also a Global Administrator in that tenant
The new account to add ( is also a "Global Administrator" and exists in the same tenant
When I try to add it, the portal returns this error:
The login information provided is not a valid user.
If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact customer support.
But when I try to add an account from the tenant that we have in Azure Commercial (with "Azure AD for Office 365") ...
... the error seems to be correct.
The enrollment is in a cloud that is different from that of the user.
So far, I know that the "" account was signied up to the EA portal using an email from the Comercial Tenant (comtenant)
Also "govtenant" is a custom domain for the Comercial Tenant
So, what am I doing wrong?
Any help will be appreciated!

Microsoft Graph Api User.Read.All Not granted for my domain

I am getting the following error or status Not granted for my domain. see the attached document
Is this because my role is User?
I tried to find who is Azure AD Global Administrator?
I followed the following steps:
Log into the Azure Portal (
Click on Azure Active Directory
Click on Roles and administrators
Click on Global administrator
Under Global administrator it says Microsoft Office 365 Portal
what does it mean?
How can I or someone else in organization become Global administrator?
I want API permissions->User.Read.All Not granted for mydomain
PS: My email is work email.
Update 1
My role is user
Update 2
Global administrator - Assignments say's Microsoft Office 365 Portal is my Admin. How to get these credentials?
I was similiarly frustrated here: it's very hard to spot, however you'll notice that the 'grant admin consent for -' is reset on every update to permissions.
Therefore: simply re-tick this and wait a few seconds for the warnings to disappear.
I too thought I was missing a step elsewhere, very misleading!
For User.Read.All permission you should have Admin Consent which a User cannot avail.
You should have either Global Admin or Application administrator credentials.
Permission Required:
Please refer to this official document Permission details
Admin Credentials:
For Admin credentials details refer to this document
Office 365 Admin Role Assignment:
Hope this will help. Let me know if you have any more concern.
Make sure that if you're the only one or just opened the account that you are an admin on Microsoft 365.
You will need to add a TXT record in your DNS settings (F.e. Route53 - AWS)
Once that is verified you will automatically be a global administrator and then you will have access to all admin features.
Go back to Azure and then just click on the small hard to see in grey here:

Don't have access in Azure Portal to create new items

I was added as a global administrator to a company's Azure AD directory. When I try to create a new web app I get the following message:
You are currently signed into the '-company- (Default Directory)' directory which does not have any subscriptions. You have other directories you can switch to or you can sign up for a new subscription.
When I try to sign up for a new subscription it wants me to enter my payment information, which I do not want to do. I want to use the company's existing subscription.
I also cannot see the App Service that the admin of the account just created in the portal.
It seems like I'm not fully configured, but we thought adding me as Global Administrator should give me exactly what he has, which is what we want. What else do we need to do so we have the same access, and can see each other's items?
In new Azure Portal, you should be added as a Co-Owner through the RBAC system. You should contact your Account Administrator(AA) who could grant the permission to your subscription. More information about how to add an admin for a subscription please refer to this article.
More information about RBAC please refer to this article.
You are the admin of the Azure AD directory, but not any subscriptions in that directory (assuming there are subscriptions). Directory admins don't have access to subscriptions by default. A subscription admin will need to grant you access to a subscription.
Note that directories can be created without subscriptions, so not every directory has an Azure subscription.
Also, a credit card is required to create a new subscription and you can't reference an existing company account without the company's Azure account admin doing that for you. Unfortunately, only one account can have access to do that today.

Why as a co-administrator of a subscription am I unable to edit the Active Directory?

A customer made me a co-administrator of his Azure subscription. However, I am unable to edit his Active Directory, ie add/edit users, create applications, etc.
Why can't I access that? I'm thinking perhaps the Subscription is owned by the AD and not the other way around.
What do each of the role levels in AD allow? There's
Global Admin
Billing Admin
Service Admin
User Admin
Password Admin
I believe the primary reason for this error is because when a co-admin with Microsoft account is added to a subscription, it gets added into the subscription AD as Guest user type. In order for you to get access to that AD so that you can perform the operations on the AD, you user type needs to be changed to Member from Guest. I had exact same issue with one of the users of our product and the steps described below solved the problem.
To change the user type, one would need to use AD PowerShell Cmdlets. The process is rather convoluted and needs to be done by your customer.
First, check with your customer if they themselves are using Microsoft Account for signing in into the portal. If they are, then they would need to create a user in their Azure AD. Please see this thread for why this is needed: PowerShell - Connecting to Azure Active Directory using Microsoft Account.
Next, they would need to sign in using this user account because one would need to change user password on the 1st login.
Install AD Modules. You may find these links useful for that purpose:, (Please choose 64 bit version) and
Launch PowerShell and execute the following commands:
$cred = Get-Credential #In the window that shows up, please specify the local AD user credentials.
connect-msolservice -Credential $cred
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address").UserType #This should output "Guest". If it doesn’t, please stop and do not proceed further as there might be some other issue.
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address") | Set-MsolUser -UserType Member
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address").UserType #This should now output "Member"
If somehow the problem still persists, ask your customer to login into the portal, delete your user record from AD users list and add it again. That should also take care of this problem.
The answer was that I needed to be set up as a Global Administrator in the Azure AD domain.
Both answers above seem to be correct in it's own way.
As a starter subscription administrator does not automatically make you an Azure AD administrator. You'd need explicit role grant on the target Azure AD.
Second aspect is the type of the account used. If it's in current Azure AD or Microsoft Live account all is well.
In case that account is part of an external Azure AD, by default user type is "Guest"(can login, but cannot control event if assigned "Global admin"). Therefore PowerShell commands highlighted above should be executed to change user type to "Member".
Some more helpful info can be found here (it is mentioned as a Visual Studio Team Services issue, but actually applies to most Azure related services).
