Error trying to create a microservice using mino-cli - minos

I'm trying to run this command minos new microservice wallet, and I get this error:
How can I resolve this?


Serverless Lambda with NestJS + Typeorm

I try to run serverless offline with NestJS + Typeorm. First time I call to get all users, it worked. But second time, I got an error:
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] No repository for "User" was found. Looks like this entity is not registered in current "default" connection?
I added keepConnectionAlive: true but it doesn't work. Please help me, thank you!
Try --allowCache option.
I'd got exactly same issue with you
This command worked for me.
npx sls offline --allowCache start

Error when trying to run serverless offline on plugin serverless-reqvalidator-plugin

I'm using serverless to deploy lambda functions. When I execute serverless offline start I get the following error:
TypeError: serverless.configSchemaHandler.defineFunctionEventProperties is not a function
at new ServerlessReqValidatorPlugin (C:\asd\asd\asd\SaveBidItem\node_modules\serverless-reqvalidator-plugin\src\index.js:50:36)
at PluginManager.addPlugin (C:\Users\Univ Ovidius\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\serverless\lib\classes\PluginManager.js:94:28)

How do you deploy Nodejs using Zeit now?

I'm trying to deploy my back-end nodejs server ising now by Zeit
I installed it using the npm i -g now command
and I used the now command to deploy, but I'm getting this error:
Now CLI 17.1.1
Error! The content of "~\AppData\Roaming\now\Data\auth.json" is invalid. No `token` property found inside. Run `now login` to authorize.
I'm confused on what I did wrong, any suggestions?
I had to run the command:
now login
then it asks for my Zeit account info. Afterwards, I navigated to the directory where my server files are and used the command:
to innitiate and deploy the backend.
Once it was done, it gave me a URL which I can use to access the backend within my front-end code

Update Connection Profile: The Current Identity has not been Registered

I'm able to run the hyperledger fabric network successfully. Now, I want to add new and organisation at run time. I have made all the changes and able to setup new peer and organisation. But to deploy BNA on peers, I update the connection profile JSON file and add the information of the newly added Peer and Organisation. After updating the connection profiles, I create the new cards using these updated JSON files.
But when I try to execute any command using these cards I get the identity not registered error. For example if I run the following command:
composer network ping -c abc#network
I get the following error:
Error: Error trying to ping. Error: transaction returned with failure:
Error: The current identity, with the name 'admin' and the identifier
has not been registered
And when I try to run composer playground and connect using these cards, I get the following error:
An error has occurred Error: Error trying to ping. SyntaxError:
Unexpected end of JSON input
And this is what composer playground logs say:
ERROR :ConnectorServer :connectionPing()
{"message":"Error trying to ping. SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON
input","stack":"Error: Error trying to ping. SyntaxError: Unexpected
end of JSON input\n at _checkRuntimeVersions.then.catch

grunt grunt-s3 upload error ECONNREFUSED issue

I am using grunt to do a build and one plugin I am using is grunt-s3 to push files (if tests successful) to the cloud.
However, I am getting:
Running "s3" task
>> Error: Upload error: /header/dist/js/lib/json2.min.js.gz (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED)
>> Error: Upload error: /header/dist/js/lib/modernizr.custom.js.gz (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED)
>> Error: Upload error: /header/dist/js/ (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED)
Anyone have any idea what I can check/change? My Amazon credentials are ok as I can log in using my key/secret to my bucket via cloudberry explorer on the same machine/connection so must be something node/grunt related?
Reading npm docs says this:
"I get ECONNREFUSED a lot. What's up?
... or node's DNS isn't able to reach out."
This sounds intriguing, but I have no idea what to check or how to resolve as I am new to node.js
