Using alias for referenced variables in capture list of lambda? - visual-c++

With a lambda, is it not possible to use an alias for a variable that is in the capture list (by reference)?
auto AddSlip = [rFile = &fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
That won't work.

With a lambda, is it not possible to use an alias for a variable that is in the capture list (by reference)?
Yes: it's possible. Starting from C++14.
Not in your way
auto AddSlip = [rFile = &fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
because rFile become the copy of the pointer to fileCSV; the syntax you're looking for is the following
auto AddSlip = [&rFile = fileCSV](COleDateTime datMeeting)
or, if you want a const reference,
auto AddSlip = [&rFile = std::as_const(fileCSV)](COleDateTime datMeeting)


I want to make a dropdown container in my script

I want to create a dropdown container to organize my export variable. Is it possible to create a custom dropdown container in the script?
Like this:
This is another approach to do this. It also requires the script to be tool.
What we need for this approach as a common prefix for the variables you want to group. The advantage is that we don't need _get and _set:
extends Node
var custom_position:Vector2
var custom_rotation_degrees:float
var custom_scale:Vector2
func _get_property_list():
return [
name = "Custom",
type = TYPE_NIL,
hint_string = "custom_",
name = "custom_position",
name = "custom_rotation_degrees",
type = TYPE_REAL
name = "custom_scale",
As you can see we define a category with a name that will appear in the Inspector panel, and the hint_string is the prefix we will use. It is important to put the category before the properties in the array.
See: Adding script categories
Addendum: Using PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY will produce a named header, similar to the one that says "Node2D" on the picture on the question. Use PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP to make a collapsible group.
Yes, you can do this, but (in my opinion) it is a bit ugly and clutters up your script. You need to mark your script as a tool script and override the _get, _set, and _get_property_list functions.
An example based on your screenshot (not 100% sure this works exactly as-is; I'm also basing it on a recent project where I have since removed it and somewhat reorganized the project/code/node because the slightly nicer UI wasn't worth the additional clutter in the script):
extends Node2D
# Note that these are NOT exported
var actual_position: Vector2
var actual_rotation: float
var actual_scale: Vector2
# Function to enumerate the properties to list in the editor
# - Not actually directly/automatically backed by variables
# - Note the naming pattern - it is {group heading}/{variable}
func _get_property_list():
var props = []
props.append({name="transform/position", type=TYPE_VECTOR2})
props.append({name="transform/rotation deg", type=TYPE_FLOAT}) # might not exist; look at docs to determine appropriate type hints for your properties
props.append({name="transform/scale", type=TYPE_VECTOR2})
return props
# Now the get/set functions to map the names shown in the editor to actual script variables
# Property names as input here will match what is displayed in the editor (what is enumerated in _get_property_list); just get/set the appropriate actual variable based on that
func _get(property: String):
if property == "transform/position":
return actual_position
if property == "transform/rotation deg":
return actual_rotation
if property == "transform/scale":
return actual_scale
func _set(property: String, value):
if property == "transform/position":
actual_position = value
return true
if property == "transform/rotation deg":
actual_rotation = value
return true
if property == "transform/scale":
actual_scale = value
return true
# Not a supported property
return false
Note that this answer is based on Godot 3.4. I'm not sure if a simpler approach is (or will be) available in Godot 4.

Terraform v0.13 - Check if password or secret provided, use a randomly generated one if not

I'm working to fine-tune some of my Terraform modules, specifically around the google_compute_vpn_tunnel, google_compute_router_interface, and google_compute_router_peer resources. I'd like to make things similar to AWS, where pre-shared keys and tunnel interface IP addresses are randomized by default, but can be overridden by the user (provided they are within a certain range).
The random option is working fine. For example, to create a 20-character random password, I do this:
resource "random_password" "RANDOM_PSK" {
length = 20
special = false
But, I only want to use this value if an input variable called vpn_shared_secret was not defined. Seems like this should work:
variable "vpn_shared_secret" {
type = string
default = null
locals {
vpn_shared_secret = try(var.vpn_shared_secret, random_password.RANDOM_PSK.result)
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "VPN_TUNNEL" {
shared_secret = local.vpn_shared_secret
Instead, it seems to ignore the vpn_shared_secret input variable and just go with the randomly generated one each time.
Is try() the correct way to be doing this? I'm just now learning Terraform if/else and map statements.
How about the coalesce() function?
The coalesce function takes any number of arguments, and returns the first argument that isn't null or an empty string.
locals {
vpn_shared_secret = coalesce(var.vpn_shared_secret, random_password.RANDOM_PSK.result)

Declare a nodejs const from a variable?

Is it possible to programmatically declare a nodejs const from a variable (string?)
let myConsts = ["const1","const2","const3"];
defineConst(label,"value"); // I need this function
defineConst should define a const, something like the PHP "define" function, but for nodejs
No, you can't really do that in Javascript. For a bit, I thought maybe you could hack it with eval() which is pretty much always the wrong way to solve a programming problem, but even eval() won't introduce a new const variable to the current scope. It will introduce a new var variable to the current scope as in this:
// dynamic variable name
let varName = "test";
// create variable in the current scope
eval("var " + varName + " = 4;");
// see if that variable exists and has the expected value
But, alas you can't do this with const. You can read more about why here: Define const variable using eval().
Whatever programming problem you are trying to solve can likely be solved in a much better way since you really shouldn't be introducing dynamically named local variables. It's much better to use something like a Map object or a regular object with dynamically named properties in order to keep track of values with dynamic names to them.
If you shared the actual programming problem you're trying to solve (rather than your attempted solution), we could advise further on the best code for that particular problem.
Here's an example of the ability to store dynamically named properties on an object:
let base = {};
// dynamic property name (any string value in this variable)
let varName = "test";
// set property value with dynamic property name
base[varName] = "Hello";
// can reference it either way
Or, it can be done using a Map object:
let base = new Map();
// dynamic Map element key (any string value in this variable)
let varName = "test";
// set Map element with dynamic key
base.set(varName, "Hello");
// can reference it either way by the key

Trying to point a puppet variable with the content of others variables

I'm writing a puppet code and need to point to a variable with the information of others.... to make it clear here is the example:
These are the variables with the information:
Array $users_ap1_dev = ['userdev1,userdev2'],
Array $users_ap2_prd = ['userprd1,userprd2'],
but ap1 and ap2 values are store in a fact calles main_app and dev and prd values are store in a fact called env.
I want to retrieve the info and create the user based on the fact information, something like
$dmz_users.each | String $user |{
user { $user:
ensure => 'present',
So, how can i put the content of $users_ap1_dev into dmz_users, replacing ap1 and dev with the one store in the fact?
something like?:
Array $dmz_user = "${users_${main_app}_${env}}"
Thanks a lot in advance for the help!
I found the answer, the function: getvar()
It allows you to create a variable and put his content into another...
How to use it:
$dmz_users = getvar("users_${main_app}_${env}")
So let's says $main_app = web and '$env = prod', it will take this two values and will make '$dmz_users = $users_web_prod`

How to replace construction variables without executing the action in SCons?

I have the following action:
act = SCons.Action.Action('$ACTIONVAR', 'Executing a dummy action')
env['EXTENSION'] = '.err'
env['ACTIONVAR'] = '${SOURCE.filebase}$EXTENSION'
I want to have the value of action var depending on different target and sources.
What I want to achieve could be similar to this:
obj = env.Execute(act('file.o', 'file.c'))
print 'Str: ' + str(obj) #this should print 'file.err'
Is it possible to get the value without executing the action ?
You are searching for the env.subst() method. Please check the MAN page for a description of its exact syntax and functionality.
