Zeppelin HDP 2.6.5 : I want to display some data stored on my spark-wharehouse and i have problems - apache-spark

I'm trying to display some data stored on my database in the spark-wharehous on zeppelin but i have an some errors :
select * from testdb3.test2
the errors :
Table or view not found: `testdb3`.`test2`; line 1 pos 14;
'Project [*]
+- 'UnresolvedRelation `testdb3`.`test2`
set zeppelin.spark.sql.stacktrace = true to see full stacktrace
When i go to my filezilla i can see the database on my spark-warehouse(root account) but i can get the data.
my database in filezilla
how can i get my database on the sparkwarehouse ?
Thank you for the help and have a nice day.
I try to restart my hdp.


Activity browser user interface: bw2data.backends.peewee.schema.ActivityDatasetDoesNotExist

I was working with bw2 on a jupiter notebook. I was successfully linking inventories in excel files with the activity browser.
Today, I cannot open the activity browser user interface anymore & I get this message.
bw2data.backends.peewee.schema.ActivityDatasetDoesNotExist: <Model: ActivityDataset> instance matching query does not exist:
SQL: SELECT "t1"."id", "t1"."data", "t1"."code", "t1"."database", "t1"."location", "t1"."name", "t1"."product", "t1"."type" FROM "activitydataset" AS "t1" WHERE (("t1"."database" = ?) AND ("t1"."code" = ?)) ORDER BY Random() LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
I installed the newest update activitybrowser 2.4 but still I get the same message.

ERROR KeyProviderCache: Could not find uri with key [dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri] to create a keyProvider

I am getting error while inserting data into hive table but data is getting inserted successfully in table.
act = sqlContext.createDataFrame(df,schema)
sqlContext.sql("insert into table project_defect.biweb_t_activity select * from act_view")
Give me this following error:
KeyProviderCache: Could not find uri with key [dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri] to create a keyProvider
I am using Hortonworks Platform, if any one has faced this issues please suggest.

No data from view sys.resource_usage and sys.resource_stats in azure

When i run the following query in the Azure, I am getting no records. and getting the message "Query succeeded: Affected rows: 0."
1) SELECT * FROM sys.resource_usage where database_name='DB_NAME';
When i run this following query in azure, i get this error , "Failed to execute query. Error: Invalid object name 'sys.resource_stats'."
2) SELECT * FROM sys.resource_st where database_name='DB_NAME';
Please help me solve this issue, as im trying to track the daily database usage i.e amount of data stored in DB.
I suppose the issue is with your current db context, what does SELECT DB_NAME() return? Is that a user database? As per BOL 'This view is available to all user roles with permissions to connect to the virtual master database.' you'd have to connect to the master database before query against both sys.resource_usage and sys.resource_stats.
As Lin mentioned ,You have to connect to Master database to see output of sys.resource_stats
For DBspecific DTU usage , you can use sys.dm_db_resource_stats ..this stores data for every 15 seconds
and your question says
as im trying to track the daily database usage i.e amount of data stored in DB.
you can use below DMV to track that
SELECT sys.objects.name, SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8.0 / 1024
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats, sys.objects
WHERE sys.dm_db_partition_stats.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
GROUP BY sys.objects.name;

Azure SQL Data Warehouse: No catalog entry found for partition ID <id> in database <id>. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB

I am working on moving stored procedures from an on-prem SQL Server database to an Azure SQL Data Warehouse (ASDW). Throughout the process I have had to work around a few missing features - time consuming but not impossible. One thing I have had to do is replace CTE's followed by MERGE statements with temp tables followed by UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements (since CTE's cannot be followed by these statements). At the beginning of each SP I check for the temp tables and delete them if they exist.
Today, I created another stored procedure in the ASDW without any temp tables (no updates/inserts/deletes so I left the CTE's in there), it "compiled", and I was able to run it without issue (returned an empty result set, as there is no data yet). I created another SP after this, and when I went to execute it, I got the following error:
...No catalog entry found for partition ID (id) in database 26. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for a metadata corruption...
I then went back to the first SP that I mentioned, and it gave me the same error, even though it had previously run without flaw.
I tried running DBCC CHECKDB as instructed but alas, it is not supported/doesn't work.
I dug around a lot, and what I ended up doing was scaling my database from 100DWU's to 500DWU's. I am at 0.16% of my database storage size limit, and there is barely any data anywhere (total DB size is <300MB).
Is there an explanation for this? If not, I can't in good conscience use this platform in a production environment.
Full error:
Msg 110802, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
110802;An internal DMS error occurred that caused this operation to fail.
Details: Exception: Microsoft.SqlServer.DataWarehouse.DataMovement.Workers.DmsSqlNativeException,
Message: SqlNativeBufferReader.Run, error in OdbcExecuteQuery: SqlState:
42000, NativeError: 608, 'Error calling: SQLExecDirect(this->GetHstmt(), (SQLWCHAR *)statementText, SQL_NTS), SQL return code: -1 | SQL Error Info:
SrvrMsgState: 1, SrvrSeverity: 16, Error <1>: ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]No catalog entry found for partition ID
72057594047758336 in database 36. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC
CHECKDB to check for a metadata corruption. | Error calling: pReadConn-
>ExecuteQuery(statementText, bufferFormat) | state: FFFF, number: 134148,
active connections: 100', Connection String: Driver={pdwodbc};APP=TypeC01-
DmsNativeReader:DB196\mpdwsvc (2504)- ODBC;Trusted_Connection=yes;AutoTranslate=no;Server=\\.\pipe\DB.196-
I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Azure SQL Data Warehouse. I believe this is a defect related to BIT data type handling for NOT NULL columns. Can you confirm that you have a BIT NOT NULL column (e.g., CREATE TABLE t1 (IsTrue BIT NOT NULL);)?
If so, a fix has been coded and is in testing for release. To mitigate this now, you can either switch to a TINY INT or remove the NOT NULL setting for the column.

Unable to select from SQL Database tables using node-ibm_db

I created a new table in the Bluemix SQL Database service by uploading a csv (baseball.csv) and took the default table name of "baseball".
I created a simple app in Node.js which is just trying to select data from the table with select * from baseball, but I keep getting the following error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0204N "USERxxxx.BASEBALL" in an undefined name
Why can't it find my database table?
This issue seems independent of bluemix, rather it is usage error.
This error is possibly caused by following:
The object identified by name is not defined in the database.
User response
Ensure that the object name (including any required qualifiers) is correctly specified in the SQL statement and it exists.
try running "list tables" from command prompt to check if your table spelling is correct or not.
I created the table from SQL Database web UI in bluemix and took the default name of baseball. It looks like this creates a case-sensitive table name.
Unfortunately for me, the sql_db libary (and all db2 clients I believe) auto-capitalizes the SQL query into "SELECT * FROM BASEBALL"
The solution was to either
A. Explicitly name my table BASEBALL in the web UI; or
B. Modify my sql query by quoting the table name:
select * from "baseball"
More info at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/0203adamache/0203adamache.html#N10121
