Keep attached screen session alive and waiting for more commands to enter from detached screens - linux

I had this idea of a script that I was trying to make come to light. I want one main process that is running and keeping track of subprocesses running in the background. I decided to go with screen for my implementation, and I can run the in attached mode, with the subcommands all running in detached. I can also send text to the once each sub-process has hit their point. However, i want the main script to be running until all sub-processes finish (accomplished), but I want it to be updating what it is printing out to the user. I currently have the main process doing:
while screen -list | grep -q process-1 || screen -list | grep -q process-2 || screen -list | grep -q process-3; do
sleep 1
which works perfectly as the main loop, but any data i send to that process just prints out like text, not like a command. Is there a way I can keep a screen session alive and receiving more commands/variables?
I currently plan on sending data from the sub-process like screen -S main -X stuff "PROCESS_1=FINISHED" and the main will keep trying to grab the variable PROCESS_1 to get it's status.
I can't just get the result of the sub-process either, as for at least one of the commands i plan on it running continuously, but I want to let the main-process know when it has hit a certain point. I was also tinkering with the idea of using file descriptors but I had issues getting that working in detached mode.
Is this possible and I haven't just used/found the right command? Do i need to somehow use another screen as a like a data layer so that the main layer just prints out to the user?
For completeness, here is the current setup:
screen -S process-1 -dm ./
screen -S process-2 -dm ./
screen -S main -m ./
while screen -list | grep -q process-1 || screen -list | grep -q process-2; do
sleep 1
while [[ count -ne 5 ]]; do
sleep 5
screen -S main -X stuff "PROCESS_1=FINISHED"
while [[ count -ne 3 ]]; do
sleep 5
screen -S main -X stuff "PROCESS_2=FINISHED"
Thanks for any advice you can provide.
Something along these lines is the end goal, like Vue.js, a constant screen that updates whenever changes are made (or in this case processes end)


How to check in If-Statement if a screen is already running

I want to write a bash script where I check If my Screen (I gave this screen the name a3_altis) is already running or not, just like this:
if (screen a3_altis is running)
sleep 5
I'm new in Bash, so I don't really know how to check If a screen is running.
screen may provide a more robust mechanism, but it should suffice to just use grep:
if screen -ls | grep -q a3_altis; then
sleep 5

How can we prevent CTRL-C from screen terminating?

I'm currently writing a bash script that would create multiple shell instances (with screen command) and execute a subprogram.
The problem is when I try to interrupt the subprogram, it interrupts the screen instance too. I already searched for trap command on internet with SIGINT but I don't really know how to use it in this case.
Here is my code to show you how do I create the screen:
declare -A PATHS; declare -a orders;
PATHS["proxy"]=/home/luna/proxy/HydraProxy; orders+=( "proxy" )
PATHS["bot"]=/home/luna/bot; orders+=( "bot" )
for dir in */; do
d=$(basename "$dir")
PATHS["$d"]="$(realpath $dir)"; orders+=( "$d" )
for name in "${orders[#]}"; do
if ! screen -list | grep -q "$name"; then
cd "$path"
screen -dmS "$name" ./
echo "$name CREATED AT $path"
sleep 2
Could you help me more to find a solution please ? Thank you very much for your time.
Each of your screen instances is created to run a single command, When this command terminates, for instance when you interrupt it, the screen will have done its job and terminate. The reason for this is that screen runs shell scripts directly in a non-interactive shell, rather than spawning a new interactive shell and running it there.
If you wanted to run inside an interactive shell in each screen, you'd do something like this:
screen -dmS "$name" /bin/bash -i
screen -S "$name" -X stuff "./^M"
The ^M is needed as it simulates pressing enter in your shell within screen.
If you use this, then when you interrupt a script within screen, you will still be left with an interactive prompt afterward to deal with as you see fit.

Run a command from a script directly to another process

I'm currently working on a script which interact with another process.
If it is relevant, the said process is a simdebug console. What I want is exiting it properly because when I kill the process itself, it creates a lock file .lck.
The Simdebug console is waiting for inputs and closes on receiving quit, then q and n, both sperated by an enter keypress to validate the command.
I managed to send some commands to the Simdebug using
echo quit > /proc/< PID >/fd/1
But it only print the results of the echo and I can't find how to send a enter keypress, only new lines '\n' .
I can't aswell manage to send a quit command which would execute directly in the Simdebug and not the terminal where it is sent from.
My question would be resolved if one of those two points is answered:
Is it possible to simulate a validate keypress as in :
Term 1 : echo ifconfig ; echo < enter keypress>
Which would then execute what's in the read buffer of the Term 2
Is there a way to already execute a commande in another process as in
Term 1 : < unknown syntax > pwd
Term 2 < shows pwd of term2 not term1>
Which would not be working only from terminal to terminal but with an already opened process in read mode.
This is actually a hard thing to do. If you send characters to the /proc/self/fd/0 device or similar stdin device link from a different master terminal then it will just output the characters to the output side of the master terminal of the other process.
With tools like expect or pdip or screen you can send anything you want to a process encapsulated in their pseudoterminals as if it comes from their master terminal. But if a process is running then it will already have it's own terminal.
You can be in luck if your console can be persuaded for a controlling terminal transfer with reptyr.
For example if your console has process id 999999 (and you have screen and reptyr installed and maybe did something to appease selinux or apparmor/yama protections):
screen -dmS automateconsole
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'reptyr 999999^M'
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'quit^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'q^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'n^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'exit^M'
But note:
You probably should cleanup the program that init'ed the console.
On Ubuntu at least I could not reptyr processes from other SSH sessions.

Run script in a new screen if true

I have a script where it will check if background_logging is true, if it is then I want the rest of the script to run in a new detached screen.
I have tried using this: exec screen -dmS "alt-logging" /bin/bash "$0";. This will sometimes create the screen, etc. but other times nothing will happen at all. When it does create a screen, it doesn't run the rest of the script file and when I try to resume the screen it says it's (Dead??).
Here is the entire script, I have added some comments to explain better what I want to do:
# Configuration files
source "$config"
# If this is true, run the rest of the script in a new screen.
# $background_logging comes from the configuration file declared above (config).
if [ $background_logging == "true" ]; then
exec screen -dmS "alt-logging" /bin/bash "$0";
[ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo -e "\nERROR: You must specify an alt file!"; exit 1; }
# Logging script
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
cmd="screen -dmS alt$y bash -c 'exec $line;'"
eval $cmd
sleep $logging_speed
y=$(( $y + 1 ))
done < "$1"
Here are the contents of the configuration file:
# This is the speed at which alts will be logged, set to 0 for fast launch.
# This is to make a new screen in which the script will run.
The purpose of this script is to loop through each line in a text file and execute the line as a command. It works perfectly fine when $background_logging is false so there are no issues with the while loop.
As described, it's not entirely possible. Specifically what is going on in your script: when you exec you replace your running script code with that of screen.
What you could do though is to start screen, figure out few details about it and redirect your console scripts in/output to it, but you won't be able to reparent your running script to the screen process as if started there. Something like for instance:
# Use a temp file to pass cat's parent pid out of screen.
screen -dmS 'alt-logging' /bin/bash -c "echo \$\$ > \"${tempfile}\" && /bin/cat"
# Wait to receive that information on the outside (it may not be available
# immediately).
while [[ -z "${child_cat_pid}" ]] ; do
child_cat_pid=$(cat "${tempfile}")
# point stdin/out/err of the current shell (rest of the script) to that cat
# child process
exec 0< /proc/${child_cat_pid}/fd/0
exec 1> /proc/${child_cat_pid}/fd/1
exec 2> /proc/${child_cat_pid}/fd/2
# Rest of the script
while true ; do
echo $((i++))
sleep 1
Far from perfect and rather messy. It could probably be helped by using a 3rd party tool like reptyr to grab console of the script from inside the screen. But cleaner/simpler yet would be to (when desired) start the code that should be executed in that screen session after it has been established.
That said. I'd actually suggest to take a step back and ask, what exactly is it that you're trying to achieve and why exactly would you like to run your script in screen. Are you planning to attach/detach to/from it? Because if running a long term process with a detached console is what you are after, nohup might be a bit simpler route to go.

bash cron flock screen

I am using cron to run a bash script periodically, and trying to use flock to prevent this script and the processes it creates from being run multiple times.
The entry in crontab to run it every minute is:
*/1 * * * * flock -n /tmp/mylockfile /home/user/ arg1 arg2
The problem is, spawns multiple screen sessions in detached mode, it contains
for i in {1..3};
screen -d -m ./ arg3
Running screen with "-d -m" as above starts screen in "detached" mode as forked process, but these processes do not inherit the lock from flock, so that every minute 3 new screen processes running show up.
If I use "-D -m" instead then only one screen process runs all the time until finishes, not three.
What I need is flock to only run if none of the the screen processes running are running.
How can this be achieved? Are there flags in screen or flock that can help to achieve this?
EDIT: If I change the line inside the for loop into running as a background process with:
./ arg3 &
The locking behavior is exactly as I want, except that I do not have the separate screens anymore.
Depending on your exact needs you can either run your subscript loop all consecutively or create individual screen sessions for each.
Multiple Screen Method
if ! screen -ls | grep -q "screenSession"
for i in {1..3};
screen -S screenSession_${i} -d -m sh arg3 &
{ echo "waking up after 3 seconds"; sleep 3; } &
wait # wait for process to finish
exit # exit screen
else echo "Screen Currently Running"
62646.screenSession_1 (Detached)
62647.screenSession_2 (Detached)
62648.screenSession_3 (Detached)
This method will setup screens for each of iteration of your loop and execute the subscript. If cron happens to try and run the script while there are still active sockets then it will exit until next cron.
Single Screen Caller Method
if ! screen -ls | grep -q "screenSession"
then screen -S screenSession -d -m sh
else echo "Screen Currently Running"
for i in {1..3};
sh arg3
{ echo "waking up after 3 seconds"; sleep 3; } &
wait # wait for process to finish
exit # exit screen
59916.screenSession (Detached)
This method uses a separate caller script then simply loops your subscript one after the other in the same screen session.
Either method would then be executed like so (eg., or
*/1 * * * * flock -n /tmp/mylockfile arg1 arg2
Or if you wanted to run it manually from CLI just do:
$ sh
If you wanted to enter the session you would just call screen -r screenSession. A couple of other useful commands are screen -ls and ps aux | grep screen which shows the screens and processes that you are currently running.
