Custom domain for proxy and DNS issues - azure-ad-b2c

Per following article ( to verify custom domain for Azure B2C you need to create TXT record.
As an example if I want to handle login at, I need to create TXT record with value of MS=ms12345678. But this domain also have to be hosted on Azure FrontDoor and hence you also need to create CNAME record for pointing to <....>
Issue is that you can not have both records at the same time (TXT record and CNAME record for the same name). How is it supposed to work?

Please note that as a first step you have to verify your custom domain name with Azure AD B2C. Once it is done, you have to delete the DNS TXT record you created, this is mentioned in the documentation:
Then you setup your custom domain on the Azure Front Door:
This is my final setup for the AD B2C custom domain on the Azure AD B2C side:
Here is the Azure Front Door frontend with my custom domain:
Here is DNS configuration in DNS Registrar:


Adding a custom domain name (NOT a subdomain) to a static site hosted on Azure Storage

I have a domain registered through GoDaddy.
Currently there is an A record where:
Host: #
Points To: IP Address
This is pointing to a server that is currently serving the site.
I also have the site in an Azure Storage static web blob, and the endpoint is serving up the site and all is good.
I have tried registering a custom domain via the "asverify" method (see below), and Azure reports that it works. My custom domain "" is accepted and all appears good except, navigating to never works (after disabling the A record above).
Create a CNAME record with your DNS provider that points from the "asverify" subdomain (like to or After this step completes, enter your domain below (exclude the 'asverify' subdomain). This method does not incur any downtime. To use this method, select the 'Use indirect CNAME validation' checkbox.
I have done something similar previously with AppServices. I have another domain that I have added to an AppService that is not a subdomain (so it is NOT That was done with adding a TXT record to the DNS at GoDaddy, and works perfectly.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain? That is the only way that I want to access the site.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain?
Unfortunately, Azure Storage does not allow you to use non-subdomains to perform this operation. The subdomain is required, root domains are not supported.
please see:here.
While Azure Storage doesn't allow it as stated by the other anwser. You could very easily place an Azure CDN infront of it that does. To do this from the portal just go to the storage resource and search for the Azure CDN blade. From there you can create an endpoint to the storage or its static website. After creating the endpoint you can go to the resource and use the Custom Domain blade to set it up using a CNAME record.

What is the custom domain DNS entry used for in Azure AD

To add a custom domain to Azure AD you are required to register the Azure AD DNS with your domain registrar. What does Azure AD actually do with this registration? Does it serve resources out of this domain (if so what) or is the registration only used to verify your ownership of the domain?
It is a TXT record, so it won't redirect traffic or anything. It is only used to prove you actually own the domain. By requiring you to enter a random piece of text in a DNS record, you show that you are able to modify DNS records for the domain.

Azure Custom Domain from 3rd party Registrar

As part of my Azure learning, I am trying to configure Azure with a Domain Name purchased with GoDaddy.
I am following the following Azure Articles:
Map a custom domain name to an Azure app
Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service (Purchased directly from GoDaddy)
The article references making a TXT record that references <appname> Has <appname> replaced this?
The article references a "Custom Domains Blade in the Azure Portal". When I go to "Web Apps" on the old Azure Portal, it redirects me to the new one.
In the new I cannot find a place to specify a Custom Domain anywhere.
Here is what my GoDaddy DNS looks like, does it look right?
I got this to work.
I just kitchen-sinked it. Not sure if or is needed so I put in both.
I also set up Active Directory with a custom domain (the additional TXT entry)

How to perform third party Domain setup on Microsoft Azure?

I have set up AD Azure and since I have a domain from a third party hosting provider(re-seller) i needed to assign MX and TX values in order to verify the Domain.
Re-seller refused to manually setup the records in the domain registrar and provided a free shared hosting package for me to setup those values in the control panel which i did with no effort and successfully verified the domain name within Azure portal.
I had made all the wire up within azure portal to use the domain i had verified but when i browse i get responses from the Re-seller server instead of Azure.
The only thing i had left to do is to change the NS records which the Re-Seller refused to do so - so far.
Please provide some details of how the request travels in this kind of Domain name setup and what measures should i take in order to use my domain in Azure hosted environment?
To bind a custom domain for your Azure app, you need to do three main steps to map the custom domain to your app( more detail refer here):
And if you also want to add a custom domain for Azure AD, you can refer this document.

How to create custom wildcard domain in azure

I'm having an issue with setting a custom wildcard domain on an Azure Website.
The azure website is
And my custom domain is
I have done following steps : --
Step A:- Login into the
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
In this I filled all required information and select resource group as use existing. Because I have existing resource group. And click on create button.
C) After click on create button of above image it will show following image.
D) After that I crated record set. Please refer following image. I filled all information that required.
Name = *
Type = CNAME
TTL = 1
TTL unit = Hours
Alias = my existing domain
E) after that I created custom domain.
When I am going to create custom domain it show following error.
And my custom domain is
We can’t add subdomain to, because we are not the owner of
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
Until now, Azure doesn’t provide domain register service. Azure DNS Zone is used to host the DNS records for a particular domain. Azure DNS Service will answers DNS queries for records in the zone. It works as a name server. The prerequisites to use Azure DNS Zone is that you must be the owner of the domain. Please check the following note from Azure DNS Zone official document.
You do not have to own a domain name to create a DNS zone with that domain name in Azure DNS. However, you do need to own the domain to configure the Azure DNS name servers as the correct name servers for the domain name with the domain name registrar.
After you create a DNS Zone, to let the DNS record works, you also need to delegate your domain to Azure DNS by adding name server record in your domain register portal. Though you can add DNS record for in your DNS zone as you mentioned in your post. But it won’t work until you have the right to configure the name server record in your domain register portal.
