How Could I use git log --oneline --all output for ubuntu which will be the same as look like mac, when I will use git bisect good/bad command - git-log

I have set the both git bisect good and bad commit but for Ubuntu refs/bisect/bad and good is missing. So how could I bring it back in ubuntu for the same command( git log --oneline --all).
This is in mac git log --oneline --all command output
This is in Ubuntu git log --oneline --all command output


What does the option " -q" in git cli and this command do?

I'm learning for Machine Learning and I'm analyzing about Siam Mask Tutorial in google colab.
I saw the code "-q", I don't know what the code means.
I looked it up but couldn't find it.
I'd be very grateful if you could help me.
I think that the code is one of Linux command option
!git clone -q --depth 1 {git_repo_url}
!sed -i "/torch/d" {project_name}/requirements.txt
!cd {project_name} && pip install -q -r requirements.txt
!cd {project_name} && bash
!pip install -q youtube-dl
The code is not about machine learning but clones a repository managed by the version control system git.
Git clone's help page tell you the -q option switches to quiet, as in non-verbous, command line output.
git clone -?
usage: git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]
-v, --verbose be more verbose
-q, --quiet be more quiet
--progress force progress reporting
-n, --no-checkout don't create a checkout
--bare create a bare repository
--mirror create a mirror repository (implies bare)
-l, --local to clone from a local repository
The second -q option in your example refers to pip becoming quit(er), as in less verbose, by reducing the loglevel with each q you add as a parameter (max. 3 are possible). This can be found by calling `pip install --help``` on your console. Excerpt:
-q, --quiet Give less output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times (corresponding to WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels).
So, line by line your bash commands do the following:
clone repository to current prompt from {git_repo_url}
string operation in requirements.txt for dependency correction
change prompt to project directory and install all python dependencies of the project
change prompt to project directory and run the make script
install python package quietly
Generally for future reference: If you are unsure about what a command does, try using only that command with no parameters plus any variation of -?, -h or --help. On most unixoide shells this gives you a pretty helpful page of the command's purpose and all (or most) of its possible parameters. Make it a habit of always referring to this first, this is literally the developers themselves teaching you how to use their software.

How to solve syntax error with git clone code?

I'm python beginner and have issues with running a the following command:
git clone
I have installed Python 3.7.4 on my mac and tied to run this in the IDLE. But it says "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" regarding "clone". Do I need to install something else first to be able to run this?
you just need to '!' before the command
Your command would be like,
!git clone
NOTE : if you are using anaconda navigator or googlecolab
It's because you can't use git clone in IDLE.
To clone a git repository you should open a terminal and go the location in which you want to clone the repo, and then type the following command:
git clone
If it still give you an error then you need to install git, for Mac you can use this installer.

What causes git interactive to not be present when git is installed?

Running on Alpine Linux 3.10, I've installed the distribution's git package using apk.
In an existing checkout directory, when I try to launch git add's interactive mode:
$ git add -i
I get the error:
git: 'add--interactive' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
The git add help indicates that -i is a valid option.
What is happening?
The interactive mode feature of git uses perl, and in many Linux distributions the perl-based parts of git are separated out into another package, so that the core functionality of git can be used without needing to install perl.
On Alpine, the git package just has this core functionality.
To get the missing functionality on Alpine, install the git-perl package.
$ sudo apk add git-perl
On RedHat Linux, you may need to add the perl-Git package:
$ sudo dnf install -y perl-Git

How to find the install path of git in Mac or Linux?

I want to configure the git in jenkins,but I can't find the install path of git in my mac. can you help me ?
Execute in terminal
$ which git
that produces output
on Linux. If you are looking for where is install directory on MAC and you installed git with brew then
brew info git
on Debian
dpkg -L git
For Linux we can use any of the following commands to find the location of GIT installation directory.
1. type git
2. which git
3. command -v git
4. whereis git

Installing Git version above 1.8.5 on Centos

Earlier today, I ran into problems moving git folders (Move Git folder containing submodules), and the recommendation was to use a newer git version above 1.8.5. Easy, I thought, but haven't been so lucky.
I've searched high and low, and the most recent version I could find in a yum repository is 1.8.3 (PUIAS_6_computational:
I then looked for help installing by source ( and which are almost identical), however, git is only available to the root user, and it is my understanding both these tutorials shouldn't be installing in /usr/local/.
# cd git-2.0.4
# make prefix=/usr/local/git all
# make prefix=/usr/local/git install
# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/git/bin" >> /etc/bashrc
# source /etc/bashrc
Please provide a means to use Git version greater than 1.8.5.
Try following this set of instructions:
Then, do this:
yum remove git
# reopen an terminal
Using Docker you have two options:
If you don't want to install dependencies on your host you could build it with docker, you could try this:
Or a quick but far from ideal way, you could execute it on a docker container, so every time you run git a container is created, your command is executed and the container is automatically removed and a cleaned up is made.
First: sudo yum remove git
then: sudo vim /bin/git
with this:
docker run -ti --rm -v ${HOME}:/root -v $(pwd):/git alpine/git $#
last: sudo chmod 775 /bin/git
and add .gitconfig with your name and email to your home
Check your version: git --version
