How to manage order of init services in nestjs - nestjs

in nestjs app, I have 2 modules:
ServiceModule and ParamStoreModule
Param Store module has a ParamStoreService which loads Data from AWS Param Store (i load all params only once and store them in a map)
Service Module has a Work Service which during initialization (in constructor) requires a parameter from this ParamStoreService, but this value is loaded after the Worker service is created
Is there a way to create this Work Service after the values from Param Store will be loaded? Can we manage the order of creating Services?


Creating Multiple Environment Parameters for Azure Data Factory Linked Services

I have a requirement where I need to point our DEV Azure Data Factory to a Production Azure SQL database and also have the ability to switch the data source back to the Dev database should we need to.
I've been looking at creating parameters against the linked services but unsure of the best approach.
Should I create parameters as follows and choose the relevant parameters depending on the environment I want to pull data from?
Any sort of trigger can also have parameters attached to it. Check out the following example, assuming you have a custom event trigger and SQL server as a source:
Create a string parameter for the database name field while establishing a SQL server connected service as a dataset.
Create New parameter in dataset, assign the dataset parameter to that same Linked service parameter, which will be used to store the trigger data.
A custom event trigger has the ability to parse and deliver a custom data payload to your pipeline. You define the pipeline parameters and then populate the values on the Parameters page. To parse the data payload and provide values to the pipeline parameters, use the format #triggerBody() keyName_.
As per Microsoft Official Documents, which could be referred:
Reference trigger metadata in pipelines
System variables in custom event trigger
When you utilize a pipeline activity in a source, it will request you for a dataset parameter. In this case, utilize dynamic content and choose the parameter containing the trigger data.
I would suggest using Azure Key Vault for that.
Create an Azure Key Vault for each environment (dev, prod, etc.)
Create secrets inside both key vaults with the same name but different values.
For example, for the database server name, create the same secret "database-server" in both dev and prod key vaults but with the correct value representing the connection string of the dev and prod server respectively, in the following format:
integrated security=False;encrypt=True;connection timeout=30;data source=<serverName>;initial catalog=<databaseName>;user id=<userName>;password=<loginPassword>
In your Azure Data Factory, create a Key Vault linked service pointing to your key vault.
In your Azure Data Factory, create a new Azure SQL Database linked service selecting the Key Vault created in step 1 and the secret created in step 2.
Now you can easily switch between dev and prod by simply adjusting your Key Vault linked service to point to the desired environment.
Have fun ;)

Any way to concatenate two Application setting in Configuration - Azure Function app

In Azure Function App, I have added two application settings using the Configuration tab. The first Application setting is fetching the SAS token from the Azure Key vault using #Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=##). The other application setting is the endpoint URL. Now I have to concatenate these two variables and use in connection parameter in HTTP and Queue Trigger.
For example, Below StorageConnectionAppSetting will be the key that will have concatenated value.
public static async Task Run([QueueTrigger("myqueue-items", Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] string queueItem, ILogger log)
Is there any way this concatenation can be done in the Application setting itself.
This isn't currently possible. Even if you were to customize configuration using DI, it won't work for triggers when deploying to the consumption or premium plans as mentioned at the end of the docs.

Azure App Service Timeout for Resource creation

I have a problem with my Web app on Azure App Service and its timeout. It provides an API that creates a CosmosDB instance in an Azure Resource group. Since its creation takes a lot of time (~ 5 minutes), the App Service timeout (230 seconds) forces the App to return an HTTP Response 500, while the CosmosDB creation is successful. Within the method, the Resource is created and then some operations are performed on it.
ICosmosDBAccount cosmosDbAccount = azure.CosmosDBAccounts
Since I've read that the timeout cannot be increased, is there a simple way to await the Resource creation and get a successful response?
From your code point of view, you are using .net sdk to implement it.
From the official SDK source code, we should be very clear that the source code uses asynchronous methods to create resources, and finally determines whether the creation is complete by detecting the state value of ProvisioningState.
In webapp, the api we designed should be that it is reasonable to return data immediately after sending the request. If in our api, we need to wait for the asynchronous or synchronous callback result in the SDK, and then return the data, it must take a long time, so the design is unreasonable.
So my suggestion is to use rest api to achieve your needs.
Create (use Database Accounts - Create Or Update)
The database account create or update operation will complete asynchronously.
Check the response result.
Check the provisioningState in properties (use Database Accounts - Get)
If the provisioningState is Succeeded, then we can know the resoure has been created successfully.
If you want to achieve the same effect as in portal, it is recommended to add a timer to get the state value of provisioningState.

How to Get Service Fabric Project Settings.xml Values

I have 5 service fabric stateless services. I have to get these service fabric settings.xml values in a class library based on Section Name of each file. I am going to create a common class which will take SectionName as a parameter and have to get all configuration values.
you can use this as a starting point:
internal sealed class YourService: StatelessService
public YourService(StatelessServiceContext context)
: base(context)
var configurationPackage = Context.CodePackageActivationContext.GetConfigurationPackageObject("Config");
var sectionParams = configurationPackage.Settings.Sections["sectionname"].Parameters;
// You can now iterate through these parameters (e.g. get count and access by index)
I am not sure if there is a way for a library to find the ServiceContext of other Services. Please also be aware that not all services might be deployed to the same nodes. This might affect configuration availability.
You might need to create a central service or actor that collects the configuration values of all other services.

How can I check if the AWS SDK was provided with credentials?

There are many ways to provide the AWS SDK with credentials to perform operations.
I want to make sure any of the methods were successful in setting up the interface before I try my operation on our continuous deployment system.
How can I check if AWS SDK was able to find credentials?
You can access them via the config.credentials property on the main client. All AWS service libraries included in the SDK have a config property.
Class: AWS.Config
The main configuration class used by all service objects to set the region, credentials, and other options for requests.
By default, credentials and region settings are left unconfigured. This should be configured by the application before using any AWS service APIs.
// Using S3
var s3 = new AWS.S3();
