spark3 executor native memory management - apache-spark

i have a spark sql job execute on spark3 version. i config my job
set spark.executor.memory=8G;
set spark.executor.cores=3;
set spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=3072;
and i didn't use the off-heap memory.
but encounter error:Container killed by YARN for exceeding physical memory limits. 12.1 GB of 11 GB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead。
i open the executor rss report config. the memory report below:
enter image description here
what make me confuse is why rss memory is not sum of on-heap memory、off-memory、direct-pool memory、mapped-pool memory。
is there any else component that not include here and how to fix it?


Spark is not use all configured storage memory capacity

My task in spark uses images data for prediction I am working on a spark cluster standalone but I have an issue utilizing all the available memory capacity as here all available memory is 2.7 GB (coming from a memory executor that is configured 5 GB *0.6 *0.9= 2.7 it's okay ) but the usage memory is only 342 MB after that value my spark session being crashed and I did not know why this specific value!
I test my application on local and on a standalone cluster mode in addition whatever the memory executor configured value the limit of memory value for execution will be 342 MB. and here as shown my data size of 290691 KB led to the crash of my spark session and it works fine if I decrease the number of images
as follows screenshot issue:
This output error crashed with a data size of 290691 KB
Here my spark UI Storage Memory did not exceed 342 MB
so is there any advice or what is the correct spark configuration?
It's a warning, initially.
The general gist here is that you need to repartition to get more, but smaller size partitions, so as to get more parallelism and higher throughput. You can find many such issues out there on the Internet.

Required executor memory is above the max threshold of this cluster

I am running Spark on an 8 node cluster with yarn as a resource manager. I have 64GB memory per node, and I set the executor memory to 25GB, but I get the error:
Required executor memory (25600MB) is above the max threshold (16500 MB) of this cluster! Please check the values of 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb' and/or 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'.
I the set yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb and yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb to 25600 but nothing changes.
Executor memory is only the heap portion of the memory. You still have to run a JVM plus allocate the non-heap portion of memory inside a container and have that fit in YARN. Refer to the image from How-to: Tune Your Apache Spark Jobs (Part 2) by Sandy Ryza.
If you want to use executor memory set at 25GB, I suggest you bump up yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb and yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb to something higher like 42GB.

Allocated Memory and Reserved Memory of Application Master

I am trying to understand the 'Allocated Memory' and 'Reserve Memory' columns that are present in the screenshot. Screenshot from Application Master in YARN UI
The cluster settings that I have done in YARN are:
yarn_nodemanager_resource_memory-mb: 16GB
yarn_scheduler_minimum-allocation-mb: 256MB
yarn_scheduler_increment-allocation-mb: 500MB
yarn_scheduler_maximum-allocation-mb: 16GB
It is a single node cluster having 32GB of memory in total and 6 vCores.
Now, you can see from the screenshot that the 'Allocated Memory' is 8500MB. I would like to know how this is getting calculated.
One more thing - the driver memory specified is spark.driver.memory=10g
Allocated memory is either determined by:
The memory available in your cluster
The memory available in your queue
vCores * (executor memory + executor overhead)
In your case it looks like your allocated memory is limited by the third option. I'm guessing you didn't set spark.executor.memory or spark.executor.memoryOverhead because the memory you are getting is right in line with the default values. The Spark docs show that default values are:
spark.executor.memory = 1g
spark.executor.memoryOverhead = 0.1 * executor memory with a minimum of 384mb
This gives about 1400mb per core which multiple by your 6 cores lines up with the Allocated Memory you are seeing

Spark Yarn Memory configuration

I have a spark application that keeps failing on error:
"Diagnostics: Container [pid=29328,containerID=container_e42_1512395822750_0026_02_000001] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 1.5 GB of 1.5 GB physical memory used; 2.3 GB of 3.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container."
I saw lots of different parameters that was suggested to change to increase the physical memory. Can I please have the some explanation for the following parameters? (currently set to 0 so suppose to take the default which is 1GB so why we see it as 1.5 GB, changing it also dint effect the number)
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb (currently set to 0 so suppose to take the default which is 1GB so why we see it as 1.5 GB, changing it also dint effect the number) set to 80% form the previous number
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb=1GB (when changing this then I see the effect on the max physical memory, but for the value 1 GB it still 1.5G) can't find at all in configuration.
We are defining YARN (running with yarn-cluster deployment mode) using cloudera CDH 5.12.1.
These control the base amount of memory spark will try to allocate for it's driver and for all the executors. These are probably the ones you want to increase if you are running out of memory.
// options before Spark 2.3.0
// options after Spark 2.3.0
This value is an additional amount of memory to request when you are running Spark on yarn. It is intended to account extra RAM needed for the yarn container that is hosting your Spark Executors.
When Spark goes to ask Yarn to reserve a block of RAM for an executor, it will ask a value of the base memory plus the overhead memory. However, Yarn may not give it back one of exactly that size. These parameters control the smallest container size and the largest container size that YARN will grant. If you are only using the cluster for one job, I find it easiest to set these to very small and very large values and then using the spark memory settings mentions above to set the true container size.
I don't think these have any bearing on your Spark/Yarn job.

The actual executor memory does not match the executoy-memory I set

I hava a spark2.0.1 cluster with 1 Master(slaver1) and 2 worker(slaver2,slaver3),every machine has 2GB RAM.when I run the command
./bin/spark-shell --master spark://slaver1:7077 --executor-memory 500m
when I check the executor memory in the web (slaver1:4040/executors/). I found it is 110MB.
The memory you are talking about is Storage memory Actually Spark Divides the memory [Called Spark Memory] into 2 Region First is Storage Memory and Second is Execution Memory
The Total Memory can Be calculated by this Formula
(“Java Heap” – “Reserved Memory”) * spark.memory.fraction
Just to give you an overview Storage Memory is This pool is used for both storing Apache Spark cached data and for temporary space serialized data “unroll”. Also all the “broadcast” variables are stored there as cached blocks
If you want to check total memory provided you can go to Spark UI Spark-Master-Ip:8080[default port] in the start you can find Section called MEMORY that is total memory used by spark.
From Spark 1.6 version, The memory is divided according to the following picture
There is no hard boundary between execution and storage memory. The storage memory is required more then it takes from execution memory and viceversa. The
Execution and storage memory is given by (ExecutorMemory-300Mb)* spark.memory.fraction
In your case (500-300)*).75 = 150mb there will be 3 to 5% error in Executor memory that is allocated.
300Mb is the reserved memory
User memory = (ExecutorMemory-300)*).(1-spark.memory.fraction).
In your case (500-300)*).25 = 50mb
Java Memory : Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
