what if i double click on the listbox, then it displays the value in the userform - excel

so the listbox is in the userform3. after I do a data search, it will appear in the listbox. when I double click on the listbox, it will show the value of the textbox in userform2. i used this code but it didn't work
Dim r, lr as integer
lr= sheet7. Cells(rows.count, 2).end(xlup).row
For r=2 to lr
If sheet7.cells(r, 1).value=listbox1.list(listbox1.listindex, 1) and sheet7.cells(r, 2).value=listbox1.list(listbox1.listindex, 2) then
Unload me
Userform2.Textbox2.value = sheet7.cells(r,1)
End if
End with
Next r
Why that code isn't working? Fyi there are 2 kriteria

too little context for the code you showed
maybe this will help you get on the route
Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
'define the criteria parameters
With Me ' reference the parent Userform object
With .ListBox1
Dim refVal1 As String, _
refVal2 As String
refVal1 = .List(.ListIndex, 1)
refVal2 = .List(.ListIndex, 2)
End With
End With
Dim r As Long, lr As Long
With Sheet7 ' reference "sheet7" sheet
lr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
For r = 2 To lr
If .Cells(r, 1).Value = refVal1 And .Cells(r, 2).Value = refVal2 Then
UserForm2.TextBox2.Value = .Cells(r, 1) ' hoping UserForm2 has no "Initialize" event active...
Exit For
End If
unload me 'are you sure you want to unload the parent userform?
End With
End Sub


Excel vba simple textbox insert sub error

I'm making a very easy application to insert names and some other info , and I'm getting a problem in the sub. I don't know what's happening , been a long time since I used vba ....
Private Sub button_Click()
Dim linha As Long
linha = Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS").cell(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & linha).Value = boxname.Value
Range("B" & linha).Value = boxinstr.Value
Range("C" & linha).Value = boxescola.Value
Range("D" & linha).Value = boxtel.Value
Range("E" & linha).Value = boxemail.Value
End Sub
I'm getting error 438
I'm trying to return the values , when i press the "buttonright" it changes to the next data , and when i press buttonleft it shows me previous data and so on
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow boxname1.Value, boxinstr1.Value, boxescola1.Value,
boxtel1.Value, boxemail1.Value
End Sub
Function GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow() As Range
Dim Target As Range
With Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS")
Set Target = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
Set Target = Intersect(Target.EntireRow, Target.CurrentRegion)
End With
Set GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow = Target
End Function
linha is set to the last row but LR is the variable that is actually used for the last row.
linha = Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS").Cell(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cell( should be changes to Cells(.
linha = Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
It would be better to qualify Rows.Count to the worksheet.
I prefer to write a separate sub routine to add the values. In this way, I can test the code without having to instantiate a userform.
Alternative Solution
Note: AddRowToFAMINHO_ESCOLAS will accept anywhere from 1 to 69 values.
Private Sub button_Click()
AddRowToFAMINHO_ESCOLAS boxname.Value, boxname.Value, boxinstr.Value, boxescola.Value, boxtel.Value, boxemail.Value
End Sub
Sub AddRowToFAMINHO_ESCOLAS(ParamArray Args() As Variant)
With Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS")
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(1, UBound(Args) + 1).Value = Args
End With
End Sub
This function will return the last row with values in column A.
Function GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow() As Range
Dim Target As Range
With Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS")
Set Target = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
Set Target = Intersect(Target.EntireRow, Target.CurrentRegion)
End With
Set GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow = Target
End Function
You can test this function by entering the following code into the Immediate Window:
Application.Goto GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow
Response to Question Update
I changed things up a bit because the OP wants to write and retrieve the values.
Private Sub buttonleft_Click()
Dim Target As Range
Set Target = GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow
With Target
boxname.Value = .Cells(1, 1).Value
boxinstr.Value = .Cells(1, 2).Value
boxescola.Value = .Cells(1, 3).Value
boxtel.Value = .Cells(1, 4).Value
boxemail.Value = .Cells(1, 5).Value
End With
End Sub
Private Sub buttonright_Click()
Dim Target As Range
With Target
.Cells(1, 1).Value = boxname.Value
.Cells(1, 2).Value = boxinstr.Value
.Cells(1, 3).Value = boxescola.Value
.Cells(1, 4).Value = boxtel.Value
.Cells(1, 5).Value = boxemail.Value
End With
End Sub
Function GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow() As Range
Dim Target As Range
With Worksheets("FAMINHO_ESCOLAS")
Set Target = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
Set Target = Intersect(Target.EntireRow, Target.CurrentRegion)
End With
Set GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASLastRow = Target
End Function
Function GetFAMINHO_ESCOLASNewRow() As Range
End Function

Return the value from a checklist on a UserForm

This makes a UserForm checklist and it works.
Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim chkBox As MSForms.CheckBox
LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LastRow
Set chkBox = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox_" & i)
chkBox.Caption = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value
chkBox.Left = 5
chkBox.Top = 5 + ((i - 1) * 20)
Next i
End Sub
I want to select as many of the boxes as I need, hit a command button and have the resulting values pasted in a different cell.
For example I have 1-10 in cells A1-A10. The first piece makes a checklist for each value 1-10. If I check the boxes next to 2, 3, 5, and 7, hit the command button and then want 2, 3, 5, and 7 to be entered into cells G2, G3, G5 and G7.
I cant figure out how to get this last part to happen. I have tried to make If statement
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If chkBox1 = False Then GoTo Here
Range("G1").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text
End If
End Sub
I get
"Compile error: Variable not defined"
I tried different names instead of "chkbox1" but get the same error.
I think this does what you want.
You can reference the controls using their name and loop through them in a similar way to the Initialize code. By declaring 'LastRow` before the sub we can use it in both subs.
Dim LastRow As Long
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To LastRow
If Me.Controls("CheckBox_" & i) Then
Range("G" & i).Value = i
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
Dim chkBox As MSForms.CheckBox
LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LastRow
Set chkBox = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox_" & i)
chkBox.Caption = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value
chkBox.Left = 5
chkBox.Top = 5 + ((i - 1) * 20)
Next i
End Sub

Dynamically adding column values based on combo box selection

I need your help. It seems what I have written in code does not accomplish what I am trying to do here.
The objective would be to have 2 userform combo boxes one for the (floor) values which are manually added once [3,4,5] and the other combo boxes (offices) in which values are dynamically added based on the selection made in the floor selection box.
Let's say for example that if I chose the value [3] in my floor combo box that the office combo box would contain the following values:
I thought this code would work but it doesn't:
'Cells(row, col)
Private Sub floor_Change()
lRow = Sheets("Office Spaces").UsedRange.Rows.Count
With Sheets("Office Spaces")
For i = 2 To lRow
If .Cells(i, 1).Value = UserForm1.floor.Value Then
UserForm1.office.AddItem .Cells(i, 2).Value
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Here's what the data looks in my excel sheet:
'Cells(row, col)
Private Sub floor56_Change()
Dim sh
Dim rw
Set sh = Sheets("Office Spaces")
For Each rw In sh.Rows
If sh.Cells(rw.row, 1).Text = UserForm1.floor.Value Then
UserForm1.office.AddItem (sh.Cells(rw.row, 2).Value)
End If
Next rw
End Sub
Private Sub floor_Change()
If UserForm1.floor.Value <> "" Then
Dim ws
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Office Spaces")
Dim rng
Set rng = ws.Range("A:A")
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Text = UserForm1.floor.Value Then
UserForm1.office.AddItem (cell.Offset(0, 1).Value)
End If
Next cell
End If
End Sub

Requiring Listbox Selection for userform

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
whichSheet = ListBox1.Value
Dim n As Integer
n = n + 1
ListBox1.AddItem Sheets(n).Name
Loop Until n = Worksheets.Count
Dim lastrow
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Cells(lastrow, 1) = TextBox1
answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to add the record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add Record")
If answer = vbYes Then
Cells(lastrow, 1) = TextBox1.Text
Cells(lastrow, 2) = TextBox2.Text
Cells(lastrow, 3) = TextBox3.Value
Cells(lastrow, 4) = TextBox4.Text
Cells(lastrow, 5) = TextBox5.Text
Cells(lastrow, 6) = TextBox6.Text
Cells(lastrow, 1) = ""
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ListBox1.AddItem (ws.Name)
Next ws
End Sub
Hello guys, I am using the code above which works perfectly for my userform. The only issue I'm having is that when someone doesn't pick a choice from the listbox1 and submits the info, the "Runtime Error" window pops up. I would like to stop that from happening by making a message box appear that tells users to make a choice--->click ok on the message box---> and then resume. If the user doesn't select an option still the same procedure should occur every time. If you have any ideas, I would love to try them out. Thanks.
My preferred way of handling this situation is to disable CommandButton1 if nothing in the ListBox1 is selected. Or, in other words, enable the button when something is selected.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
CommandButton1.Enabled = False ' <--- here.
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ListBox1.AddItem (ws.Name)
Next ws
End Sub
I don't have Excel open at the moment, but you want a corresponding listbox event to enable/disable the button. The following is an example and untested.
Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
CommandButton1.Enabled = ListBox1.ListIndex <> -1
End Sub
Another approach is to check to see if something has been selected when you enter the CommandButton1_Click routine and handle it there. But I prefer to prevent bad user input in the first place - less complicated.

Moving through sequential array items

The code below creates an array of unique values from values in Column A. Each selected array element is used to select a range on the sheet. The range is displayed in a userform Listbox.
I would like help with code that would allow the user to scroll through each array ‘MyarUniqVal’ element via two form buttons Right ‘>>’ and Left ‘<<’. Each time a button is pressed a sequential array item will be selected and a new range will populate the Listbox.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please see the code below:
Sub testRange3()
Dim lastrow, i, j As Long
Dim c As Range, rng As Range
Dim MyArUniqVal() As Variant
ReDim MyArUniqVal(0)
'With ActiveSheet
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp")
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastrow
If .Cells(i, 1).Value <> .Cells(i + 1, 1).Value Then
MyArUniqVal(UBound(MyArUniqVal)) = .Cells(i, 1).Value
ReDim Preserve MyArUniqVal(UBound(MyArUniqVal) + 1)
End If
ReDim Preserve MyArUniqVal(UBound(MyArUniqVal) - 1)
End With
For j = LBound(MyArUniqVal) To UBound(MyArUniqVal)
'Prints out each array to Immediate Window
Debug.Print j
'Prints out unique values from Column A stored in array to Immediate Window
Debug.Print MyArUniqVal(j)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp")
'changed to ActiveSheet
'With ActiveSheet
For Each c In .Range("A1:A" & lastrow)
For j = LBound(MyArUniqVal) To UBound(MyArUniqVal)
If UCase(c.Text) = j Then
'If UCase(c.Text) = "B" Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = .Range("B" & c.Row).Resize(, 2)
Debug.Print rng
Set rng = Union(rng, .Range("B" & c.Row).Resize(, 2))
Exit For
Debug.Print rng
End If
End If
Next c
End With
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Select
End Sub
See the following code to get you heading the the right direction. I took the approach of adding another listbox that displayed the available prefixes to help the user see what was available and then searching the data column for entries containing the selected prefix.
Hopefully you will be able to adapt the name of the variables and objects to whatever you are currently using. Let me know if anything needs clarification. Best of luck with your project.
My sample form code:
Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
code_frmMain.IncrementValue (0)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
code_frmMain.IncrementValue (1)
End Sub
Private Sub lstPrefixes_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
End Sub
My sample program code:
' This subroutine will search column B for the selected value
Sub DisplayNext()
Dim searchTerm As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Integer
' clear frmMain.lstResults
For i = 0 To frmMain.lstPrefixes.ListCount - 1
If frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(i) = True Then
searchTerm = frmMain.lstPrefixes.List(i)
Exit For ' exits once selected item is found
End If
Next i
'Debug.Print searchTerm
With Sheets("Temp")
lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
End With
For i = 1 To lastRow
If InStr(Cells(i, 2).Value, searchTerm) Then
frmMain.lstResults.AddItem (Cells(i, 2).Value)
End If
Next i
End Sub
' increments value. input direction: 0 is down and 1 is up
Sub IncrementValue(direction As Integer)
Dim currentIndex As Integer
currentIndex = -1
For i = 0 To frmMain.lstPrefixes.ListCount - 1
If frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(i) = True Then
currentIndex = frmMain.lstPrefixes.ListIndex
Exit For ' exits once selected item is found
End If
Next i
' defaults to first item if none selected
If currentIndex = -1 Then
frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(0) = True
currentIndex = 0
End If
If direction = 0 Then
' prevents listIndex from being invalid
If currentIndex = 0 Then
frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(frmMain.lstPrefixes.ListCount - 1) = True
frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(currentIndex - 1) = True
End If
If currentIndex = frmMain.lstPrefixes.ListCount - 1 Then
frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(0) = True
frmMain.lstPrefixes.Selected(currentIndex + 1) = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Note that I also added this to the bottom of your testRange3() to use that data that you had already gathered:
For i = 0 To UBound(MyArUniqVal)
frmMain.lstPrefixes.AddItem (MyArUniqVal(i))
Next i
Sample Data:
Running on user form:
