how to use await instead of then in promise? - node.js

How to correctly resolve a Promise.all(...), I'm trying that after resolving the promise which generates a set of asynchronous requests (which are simple database queries in supabase-pg SQL) I'm iterating the result in a forEach , to make a new request with each of the results of the iterations.
But, try to save the result that it brings me in a new array, which prints fine in the console, but in the response that doesn't work. It comes empty, I understand that it is sending me the response before the promise is finished resolving, but I don't understand why.
In an answer to a previous question I was told to use await before the then, but I didn't quite understand how to do it.
What am I doing wrong?
export const getReportMonthly = async(req: Request & any, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
try {
let usersxData: UsersxModalidadxRolxJob[] = [];
let data_monthly: HoursActivityWeeklySummary[] = [];
let attendance_schedule: AttendanceSchedule[] = [];
let time_off_request: TimeOffRequestRpc[] = [];
let configs: IndicatorConfigs[] = [];
const supabaseService = new SupabaseService();
const promises = [
supabaseService.getSummaryWeekRpcWihoutFreelancers(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
data_monthly = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getUsersEntity(res).then(dataFromDB => {
usersxData = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getAttendaceScheduleRpc(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
attendance_schedule = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getTimeOffRequestRpc(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
time_off_request = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getConfigs(res).then(dataFromDB => {
configs = dataFromDB;
let attendanceInMonthly = new Array();
await Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
attendance_schedule.forEach(element => {
let start_date = element.date_start.toString();
let end_date = element.date_end.toString();
supabaseService.getTrackedByDateAndIDArray(start_date, end_date).then(item => {
} catch (error) {
title: 'API-CIT Error',
message: 'Internal server error'

If you await a promise you could write the return of this in a variable and work with this normaly.
So instead of your current code you could use the following changed code:
export const getReportMonthly = async(req: Request & any, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
try {
let usersxData: UsersxModalidadxRolxJob[] = [];
let data_monthly: HoursActivityWeeklySummary[] = [];
let attendance_schedule: AttendanceSchedule[] = [];
let time_off_request: TimeOffRequestRpc[] = [];
let configs: IndicatorConfigs[] = [];
const supabaseService = new SupabaseService();
const promises = [
supabaseService.getSummaryWeekRpcWihoutFreelancers(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
data_monthly = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getUsersEntity(res).then(dataFromDB => {
usersxData = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getAttendaceScheduleRpc(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
attendance_schedule = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getTimeOffRequestRpc(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
time_off_request = dataFromDB as any;
supabaseService.getConfigs(res).then(dataFromDB => {
configs = dataFromDB;
const resolvedPromises = await Promise.all(promises)
const attendanceInMonthly = await Promise.all(
async (element) => {
let start_date = element.date_start.toString();
let end_date = element.date_end.toString();
return supabaseService.getTrackedByDateAndIDArray(start_date, end_date)
console.log(attendanceInMonthly) // this should be your finaly resolved promise
} catch (error) {
title: 'API-CIT Error',
message: 'Internal server error'
Something like this should your code looks like. I am not sure if this solves exactly your code because your code has some syntax errors wich you have to solve for you.

If I understand correctly, you launch a few requests, among which one (getAttendaceScheduleRpc, which assigns attendance_schedule) is used to launch some extra requests again, and you need to wait for all of these (including the extra requests) before returning?
In that case, the immediate issue is that you perform your extra requests in "subqueries", but you do not wait for them.
A very simple solution would be to properly separate those 2 steps, somehow like in DerHerrGammler's answer, but using attendance_schedule instead of resolvedPromises as input for the 2nd step:
let attendanceInMonthly = new Array();
await Promise.all(promises);
await Promise.all( (element) => {
let start_date = element.date_start.toString();
let end_date = element.date_end.toString();
const item = await supabaseService.getTrackedByDateAndIDArray(start_date, end_date);
If you are really looking to fine tune your performance, you could take advantage of the fact that your extra requests depend only on the result of one of your initial requests (getAttendaceScheduleRpc), so you could launch them as soon as the latter is fullfilled, instead of waiting for all the promises of the 1st step:
let attendance_schedule: AttendanceSchedule[] = [];
let attendanceInMonthly = new Array();
const promises = [
supabaseService.getAttendaceScheduleRpc(req.query.fecha_inicio, req.query.fecha_final).then(dataFromDB => {
attendance_schedule = dataFromDB as any;
// Immediately launch your extra (2nd step) requests, without waiting for other 1st step requests
// Make sure to return when all new extra requests are done, or a Promise
// that fullfills when so.
return Promise.all( (element) => {
let start_date = element.date_start.toString();
let end_date = element.date_end.toString();
const item = await supabaseService.getTrackedByDateAndIDArray(start_date, end_date);
// etc. for the rest of 1st step requests
await Promise.all(promises);


What is the ideal way to loop API requests with fetch?

I'm relatively new to working with NodeJS, and I'm doing a practice project using the Youtube API to get some data on a user's videos. The Youtube API returns a list of videos with a page token, to successfully collect all of a user's videos, you would have to make several API requests, each with a different page token. When you reach the end of these requests, there will be no new page token present in the response, so you can move on. Doing it in a for, or while loop seemed like the way to handle this, but these are synchronous operations that do not appear to work in promises, so I had to look for an alternative
I looked at a few previous answers to similar questions, including the ones here and here. I got the general idea of the code in the answers, but I couldn't quite figure out how to get it working fully myself. The request I am making is already chained in a .then() of a previous API call - I would like to complete the recursive fetch calls with new page tokens, and then move onto another .then(). Right now, when I run my code, it moves onto the next .then() without the requests that use the tokens being complete. Is there any way to stop this from happening? I know async/await may be a solution, but I've decided to post here just to see if there are any possible solutions without having to go down that route in the hope I learn a bit about fetch/promises in general. Any other suggestions/advice about the way the code is structured is welcome too, as I'm pretty conscious that this is probably not the best way to handle making all of these API calls.
Code :
let body = req.body
let resData = {}
let channelId = body.channelId
let videoData = []
let pageToken = ''
const fetchWithToken = (nextPageToken) => {
let uploadedVideosUrlWithToken = `${uploadedVideosPlaylistId}&pageToken=${nextPageToken}&maxResults=50&key=${apiKey}`
.then(res => res.json())
.then(uploadedVideosTokenPart => {
let {items} = uploadedVideosTokenPart
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
pageToken = (uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken) ? uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken : ''
if (pageToken) {
} else {
// tried to return a promise so I can chain .then() to it?
// return new Promise((resolve) => {
// return(resolve(true))
// })
const channelDataUrl = `${channelId}&key=${apiKey}`
// promise for channel data
// get channel data then store it in variable (resData) that will eventually be sent as a response,
// contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads is the playlist ID which will be used to get individual video data.
.then(res => res.json())
.then(channelData => {
let {snippet, contentDetails, statistics } = channelData.items[0]
resData.snippet = snippet
resData.statistics = statistics
resData.uploadedVideos = contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads
return resData.uploadedVideos
.then(uploadedVideosPlaylistId => {
// initial call to get first set of videos + first page token
let uploadedVideosUrl = `${uploadedVideosPlaylistId}&maxResults=50&key=${apiKey}`
.then(res => res.json())
.then(uploadedVideosPart => {
let {nextPageToken, items} = uploadedVideosPart
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
// idea is to do api calls until pageToken is non existent, and add the video id's to the existing array.
.then(() => {
// can't seem to get here synchronously - code in this block will happen before all the fetchWithToken's are complete - need to figure this out
Thanks to anyone who takes the time out to read this.
After some trial and error, this seemed to work - it is a complete mess. The way I understand it is that this function now recursively creates promises that resolve to true only when there is no page token from the api response allowing me to return this function from a .then() and move on to a new .then() synchronously. I am still interested in better solutions, or just suggestions to make this code more readable as I don't think it's very good at all.
const fetchWithToken = (playlistId, nextPageToken) => {
let uploadedVideosUrlWithToken = `${playlistId}&pageToken=${nextPageToken}&maxResults=50&key=${apiKey}`
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve( new Promise((res) => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(uploadedVideosTokenPart => {
let {items} = uploadedVideosTokenPart
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
pageToken = (uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken) ? uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken : ''
// tried to return a promise so I can chain .then() to it?
if (pageToken) {
res(fetchWithToken(playlistId, pageToken))
} else {
res(new Promise(r => r(true)))
You would be much better off using async/await which are basically a wrapper for promises. Promise chaining, which is what you are doing with the nested thens, can get messy and confusing...
I converted your code to use async/await so hopefully this will help you see how to solve your problem. Good luck!
Your initial code:
let { body } = req
let resData = {}
let { channelId } = body
let videoData = []
let pageToken = ''
const fetchWithToken = async (nextPageToken) => {
const someData = (
await fetch(
let { items } = someData
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
pageToken = someData.nextPageToken ? someData.nextPageToken : ''
if (pageToken) {
await fetchWithToken(pageToken)
} else {
// You would need to work out
const MainMethod = async () => {
const channelData = (
await fetch(
let { snippet, contentDetails, statistics } = channelData.items[0]
resData.snippet = snippet
resData.statistics = statistics
resData.uploadedVideos = contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads
const uploadedVideosPlaylistId = resData.uploadedVideos
const uploadedVideosPart = (
await fetch(
let { nextPageToken, items } = uploadedVideosPart
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
await fetchWithToken(nextPageToken)
Your Edit:
const fetchWithToken = (playlistId, nextPageToken) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
new Promise(async (res) => {
const uploadedVideosTokenPart = (
await fetch(
let { items } = uploadedVideosTokenPart
videoData.push( => v.contentDetails.videoId))
pageToken = uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken
? uploadedVideosTokenPart.nextPageToken
: ''
if (pageToken) {
res(fetchWithToken(playlistId, pageToken))
} else {
res(new Promise((r) => r(true)))

List request not working (Mongoose in Node.js with Typescript)

I am using mongoose in Nodejs with typescript. In a list request, I have the following code:
async list(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction)
try {
let list: ListInterface[] = []
await RequestModel.find().then(requests =>
{ request =>
const client = await Client.findById(request.cliente)
const seller = await Seller.findById(request.vendedor)
const company = await Company.findById(request.representada)
const tmp =
id: request._id,
cliente: String(client?.nome_fantasia),
vendedor: String(seller?.nome),
representada: String(company?.nome_fantasia),
tipo: request.tipo,
status: request.status
return res.json(list)
} catch (error) {
When I make the request in Insomnia, I receive an empty array (both in the terminal -- because of console.log(list) -- and on Insomnia's preview): []. In the terminal, as a result of the console.log(tmp) command, I receive the proper data.
I have already tried to declare the list as something like const list =, but it gives me [Promise<Pending>, Promise<Pending>] in the terminal and [{}, {}] in Insomnia. I could not repeat exactly the same code of this test, but I remember those results.
I'm not even sure about which technology I'm misusing. Could someone please help me with this problem?
.map function returns a list of promises, so have to wait for them before sending back the response.
async list(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction)
try {
let list: ListInterface[] = []
const requests = await RequestModel.find()
// collect all promises from the loop
const promises = request =>
const client = await Client.findById(request.cliente)
const seller = await Seller.findById(request.vendedor)
const company = await Company.findById(request.representada)
const tmp =
id: request._id,
cliente: String(client?.nome_fantasia),
vendedor: String(seller?.nome),
representada: String(company?.nome_fantasia),
tipo: request.tipo,
status: request.status
// wait for all promises to complete
await Promise.all(promises)
return res.json(list)
} catch (error) {

Do node js worker never times out?

I have an iteration that can take up to hours to complete.
//this is an api action
let response = await fetch_some_data;
// other database action
await perform_operation();
next =;
I am assuming that the operation doesn't times out. But I don't know it exactly.
Any kind of explanation of nodejs satisfying this condition is highly appreciated. Thanks.
The actual development code is as under:
const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');
const shopServices = require('../../../../services/shop_services/shop');
const { create } = require('../../../../controllers/products/Products');
exports.initiate = async (redis_client) => {
redis_client.lpop(['sync'], async function (err, reply) {
if (reply === null) {
console.log("Queue Empty");
return true;
let data = JSON.parse(reply),
shopservices = new shopServices(data),
shop_data = await shopservices.get()
.catch(error => {
const shopify = new Shopify({
accessToken: shop_data.access_token,
apiVersion: '2020-04',
autoLimit: false,
timeout: 60 * 1000
let params = { limit: 250 };
do {
try {
let response = await shopify.product.list(params);
if (await create(response, shop_data)) {
data.current += data.offset;
params = response.nextPageParameters;
} catch (error) {
params = false;
} while (params);
Everything is working fine till now. I am just making sure that the execution will ever happen in node or not. This function is call by a cron every minute, and data for processing is provided by queue data.

How to make Mongoose update work with await?

I'm creating a NodeJS backend where a process reads in data from a source, checks for changes compared to the current data, makes those updates to MongoDB and reports the changes made. Everything works, except I can't get the changes reported, because I can't get the Mongoose update action to await.
The returned array from this function is then displayed by a Koa server. It shows an empty array, and in the server logs, the correct values appear after the server has returned the empty response.
I've digged through Mongoose docs and Stack Overflow questions – quite a few questions about the topic – but with no success. None of the solutions provided seem to help. I've isolated the issue to this part: if I remove the Mongoose part, everything works as expected.
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const changes = []
const games = await Game.find({})
const gameObjects = => {
return new GameObject(,, game)
let jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).forEach(async item => {
const game = jsonObj.items.item[item]
const gameID = game["#_objectid"]
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"]
if (rating === "N/A") return
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(
game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID)
if (gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating)) {
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true }
`${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`
} catch (error) {
return changes
Everything works – the changes are found and the database is updated, but the reported changes are returned too late, because the execution doesn't wait for Mongoose.
I've also tried this instead of findOneAndUpdate():
const updated = await Game.findOne()
updated.rating = rating
The same results here: everything else works, but the async doesn't.
As #Puneet Sharma mentioned, you'll have to map instead of forEach to get an array of promises, then await on the promises (using Promise.all for convenience) before returning changes that will then have been populated:
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const changes = []
const games = await Game.find({})
const gameObjects = => {
return new GameObject(,, game)
const jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
const promises = Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).map(async item => {
const game = jsonObj.items.item[item]
const gameID = game["#_objectid"]
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"]
if (rating === "N/A") return
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(
game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID)
if (gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating)) {
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true }
`${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`
} catch (error) {
await Promise.all(promises)
return changes
(The diff, for convenience:
< let jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
< Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).forEach(async item => {
> const jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
> const promises = Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).map(async item => {
> await Promise.all(promises)
EDIT: a further refactoring would be to use that array of promises for the change descriptions themselves. Basically changePromises is an array of Promises that resolve to a string or null (if there was no change), so a .filter with the identity function will filter out the falsy values.
This method also has the advantage that changes will be in the same order as the keys were iterated over; with the original code, there's no guarantee of order. That may or may not matter for your use case.
I also flipped the if/elses within the map function to reduce nesting; it's a matter of taste really.
Ps. That await Game.find({}) will be a problem when you have a large collection of games.
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const games = await Game.find({});
const gameObjects = => new GameObject(,, game));
const jsonGames = require("../sample.json").items.item;
const changePromises = Object.keys(jsonGames).map(async item => {
const game = jsonGames[item];
const gameID = game["#_objectid"];
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"];
if (rating === "N/A") {
// Rating from data is N/A, we don't need to update anything.
return null;
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID));
if (!(gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating))) {
// Game not found or its rating is already correct; no change.
return null;
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true },
return `${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`;
} catch (error) {
// Await for the change promises to resolve, then filter out the `null`s.
return (await Promise.all(changePromises)).filter(c => c);

Is this the proper way to write a multi-statement transaction with Neo4j?

I am having a hard time interpretting the documentation from Neo4j about transactions. Their documentation seems to indicate preference to doing it this way rather than explicitly declaring tx.commit() and tx.rollback().
Does this look best practice with respect to multi-statement transactions and neo4j-driver?
const register = async (container, user) => {
const session = driver.session()
const timestamp =
const saltRounds = 10
const pwd = await utils.bcrypt.hash(user.password, saltRounds)
try {
//Start registration transaction
const registerUser = session.writeTransaction(async (transaction) => {
const initialCommit = await transaction
CREATE (p:Person {
email: '${}',
tel: '${}',
pwd: '${pwd}',
created: '${timestamp}'
RETURN p AS Person
const initialResult = initialCommit.records
.map((x) => {
return {
id: x.get('Person').identity.low,
created: x.get('Person').properties.created
//Generate serial
const data = `${}${initialResult.created}`
const serial = crypto.sha256(data)
const finalCommit = await transaction
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE = '${}'
SET p.serialNumber = '${serial}'
RETURN p AS Person
const finalResult = finalCommit.records
.map((x) => {
return {
serialNumber: x.get('Person').properties.serialNumber,
email: x.get('Person'),
tel: x.get('Person')
//Merge both results for complete person data
return Object.assign({}, initialResult, finalResult)
//Commit or rollback transaction
return registerUser
.then((commit) => {
return commit
.catch((rollback) => {
console.log(`Transaction problem: ${JSON.stringify(rollback, null, 2)}`)
throw [`reg1`]
} catch (error) {
throw error
Here is the reduced version of the logic:
const register = (user) => {
const session = driver.session()
const performTransaction = session.writeTransaction(async (tx) => {
const statementOne = await
const resultOne = => x.get('node')).slice()
// Do some work that uses data from statementOne
const statementTwo = await
const resultTwo = => x.get('node')).slice()
// Do final processing
return finalResult
return performTransaction.then((commit) => {
return commit
}).catch((rollback) => {
throw rollback
Neo4j experts, is the above code the correct use of neo4j-driver ?
I would rather do this because its more linear and synchronous:
const register = (user) => {
const session = driver.session()
const tx = session.beginTransaction()
const statementOne = await
const resultOne = => x.get('node')).slice()
// Do some work that uses data from statementOne
const statementTwo = await
const resultTwo = => x.get('node')).slice()
// Do final processing
const finalResult = { obj1, ...obj2 }
let success = true
if (success) {
return finalResult
} else {
return false
I'm sorry for the long post, but I cannot find any references anywhere, so the community needs this data.
After much more work, this is the syntax we have settled on for multi-statement transactions:
Start session
Start transaction
Use try/catch block after (to enable proper scope in catch block)
Perform queries in the try block
Rollback in the catch block
const someQuery = async () => {
const session = Neo4J.session()
const tx = session.beginTransaction()
try {
const props = {
one: 'Bob',
two: 'Alice'
const tx1 = await tx
MATCH (n:Node)-[r:REL]-(o:Other)
AND n.two = $props.two
RETURN n AS One, o AS Two
`, { props })
.then((result) => {
return {
data: '...'
.catch((err) => {
throw 'Problem in first query. ' + e
// Do some work using tx1
const updatedProps = {
_id: 3,
four: 'excellent'
const tx2 = await tx
MATCH (n:Node)
WHERE id(n) = toInteger($updatedProps._id)
SET n.four = $updatedProps.four
RETURN n AS One, o AS Two
`, { updatedProps })
.then((result) => {
return {
data: '...'
.catch((err) => {
throw 'Problem in second query. ' + e
// Do some work using tx2
if (problem) throw 'Rollback ASAP.'
await tx.commit
return Object.assign({}, tx1, { tx2 })
} catch (e) {
throw 'someQuery# ' + e
I will just note that if you are passing numbers into Neo4j, you should wrap them inside the Cypher Query with toInteger() so that they are parsed correctly.
I included examples of query parameters also and how to use them. I found it cleans up the code a little.
Besides that, you basically can chain as many queries inside the transaction as you want, but keep in mind 2 things:
Neo4j write-locks all involved nodes during a transaction, so if you have several processes all performing operations on the same node, you will see that only one process can complete a transaction at a time. We made our own business logic to handle write issues and opted to not even use transactions. It is working very well so far, writing 100,000 nodes and creating 100,000 relationships in about 30 seconds spread over 10 processes. It took 10 times longer to do in a transaction. We experience no deadlocking or race conditions using UNWIND.
You have to await the tx.commit() or it won't commit before it nukes the session.
My opinion is that this type of transaction works great if you are using Polyglot (multiple databases) and need to create a node, and then write a document to MongoDB and then set the Mongo ID on the node.
It's very easy to reason about, and extend as needed.
