create space/room and send message via google-api in node.js - node.js

Case: Google Chat support in node.js using the googleapis library.
I studied the documentation, created a service account and implemented authentication. In first step I used the chat.spaces.list() method and it worked (no error returned).
I want to send a message via chat, so I wanted to create a new space, I found the chat.spaces.create method ( Unfortunately, this method is not present in "googleapis" for node.js In general, I see that the list of methods in "googleapis" is different than the one in the documentation. Only spaces in the documentation, but spaces and rooms in the library... I'm lost. How to do it? Any tips?

I see that the list of methods in "googleapis" is different than the one in the documentation
I think you are seeing wrong documentation. Your reference link is REST API documentation. The nodejs googleapis client documentation you can see on$Spaces.html.
And also based on the REST API documentation, the API that you looking for(create space) is not general available.
† Supports user authentication in Developer Preview. App authentication isn't available.
You need to join Google Workspace Developer Preview Program to access that feature.

Related question: how can a user that posted something delete/edit his post

Following documentation, I implemented an example react native app.
Is there a way to delete or update posts? From the StatusUpdateForm component or from the platform dashboard.
Updating posts (activities) are only supported server side so it can't be done by a client directly.
Deleting posts is supported by client side auth. However, support in the library isn't there though. Created a ticket for it.

Getting Users API access in nodejs AppEngine environment with Identity Aware Proxy

I have a nodejs app deployed on AppEngine with IAP enabled, so right now access to its endpoints is protected against users outside of the project's IAM and I get the "x-goog-authenticated-user-id", "x-goog-authenticated-user-email" and another jwt assertion x-goog signed header, just like it should be (as detailed here
In certain AppEngine environments (so far Python, Java, Go) it seems you are able to use some already provided libraries to get more information about the user with Users API, however the nodejs page is disabled (here, there seems to be no indication of what should be done there. Any ideas?
If there is no straight forward way around it would I be able to have an app engine environment that also exposes for example the Python libraries for Users API so that I can wrap around them and use them in my nodejs app?
The Users API isn't supported for Node.js. Instead, you can get the identity from the x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion header.
We don't currently have a code sample for Node.js, though this looks like one reasonable approach. (Disclaimer: I'm not a Node user, and don't know enough about Node JWT libraries to endorse any of them in particular.)
Update for the current state:
There is currently a
Identity-Aware Proxy Documentation for Node JS.

Dialogflow v2 NodeJS API ContextsClient

Pretty simple one here, I'm looking for documentation for the various clients offered by the Dialogflow v2 nodejs library.
Following their implementations on Github I see various uses of
"new dialogflow.ContextsClient();" (and other clients) but can't seem to find documentation for what I can do with that ContextsClient.
You can check out the RPC reference here and the samples in the Github repo
Here is an example of how you can create a context with the ContextsClient:

Slack API to retrieve last few messages posted in a channel using NodeJs

Can someone point me to documentation or code that uses no third-party nodejs libraries. basically, i want to print last few messages from a channel to console (events api - so my application can print each time a new message is posted as well.).
I am new to slack and the tutorials I have encountered are all using some 3rd party library. I want to perform this task just using the official slack nodejs sdk - no additional wrappers from third party.
I suggest looking at the examples using nodejs in slack's documentation.

Difference between logging in into salesforce sandbox with and without consuming wsdl?

I am very new to Salesforce and it's API.
I am having a sandbox org and with it I have url, username, password, security token and last but not the least partner.wsdl
My aim was to connect and retrieve/create data.
Technologies at hand was nodejs
So here is how I started.
I searched over the internet and came to know that I need to create a client, SOAP client in order to login, create the connection and use that connection to create and access the Leads data.So I followed this sample where the wsdl was being consumed.
So I was able to connect
I was very happy on this success and then suddenly I wasn't able to identify/find a way where I can get the sObject.I looked hard for this but no luck. So posted a question on SO
Meanwhile I also looked for other node module and found jsforce
I used jsforce starting guide and created a client that was connecting to salesforce however without using the wsdl file.
Again I was happy, even more happy because I was having the sObject with me.
Now, what is the fundamental difference if I login using the local wsdl file and without wsdl file in the language of salesforce. Which one is the correct way of logging in?
Sorry if this question is not according to SO rules or if there is a typo.
I'm the author of jsforce you mentioned.
In that lib we use REST API mostly and SOAP APIs are only used in some specific calls like login or metadata. Even in such calls we don't use WSDLs because there's no good lib to generate client modules from WSDL in JavaScript/Node.js area. Instead we wrote modules for each APIs which generate SOAP XML strings and parse the response XML.
It is enough because these API message schema are static and fiesible in the specific version, unlike SOAP API Enterprise WSDL differs in organizations. So we can hard code the client module directly w/o generate it from WSDL.
