Custom format with custom Multiples Excel - excel

I recently wanted to create an excel table to note all my electric components that I have so I can easily find the right component without searching every time for it.
The problem is, especially with capacitors, they come with a wide range of values generally for me between 220uF and 10pF, and I want to create a custom format to display the values properly in excel, for example if I put in a cell 0.00022 it shows 220uF or maybe 0.22mF (but 220uF is better) and not 2.2E-04 or any other format.
I tried the custom tool but I don't know how to add the micros, nanos and picos.

You can add conditions to the formatting, like:
[<0.00001] 0.00%%% "pF";[<0.001] 0.00% "uF";#
This will show 2.20%% uF in the cell (so you can multiply by using the percent sign, more details here).
Drawback: the percent signs are shown, and the Ctrl+J trick described on the link does not really work for me (and I personally find it as an ugly solution).
If I were you I'd add a new column called "Formatted" where I multiply the values with formulas. Like
=IF(A1<0.00001,A1*1000000 & "pF",IF(A1<0.001,A1*10000 & "uF"))
It's easier then to search in both columns (one is by formatted, like all "uF", other is by real Farad value. Also you could use the original column for sorting.


How to find first unique value in a column of SKU?

So I have two columns, A & B, (like below). There's 2 components to the ID, the design (CEN101A) and the size (-6).
I'm trying find the first item of each design. So in this example, I would highlight (CEN106A-6, CEN101B-6, CEN101D-6, etc.). This is so I can use them as a parent for the other sizes.
I've tried many in-built functions but nothing seems to work. Is VBA able to easily find these values?
#BigBen is right, this is fairly easy if you can find what the actual design code is. For good measure I'd use a running count and add the hyphen back including a wildcard into the COUNTIF():
Formula for conditional formatting rule on range A2:A7:
Without TEXTSPLIT(), use a combo of LEFT() and FIND() as per the comment by #P.b:

How to properly format dates in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel

I have a spreadsheet I need to make in Google Sheets. The source of some of the data is exported to an Excel sheet. The data arrives in a dd/mm/yyyy format and I need to display it in a MON d format (Ex Sep 5).
The problem is both excel and sheets look at the date that arrives and think it is mm/dd/yyyy.
For example, 02/08/2022 is believed to be Febuary 8 even though it should be Aug 2. The problem then arises that neither of these platforms end up knowing how to convert this to Aug 2 and I end up having to do this manually.
Does anyone know how to get around this?
I have tried adjusting the format of the date, as well as using DateValue to convert (this fails since it understands the date as mm/dd/yyyy even when it is dd/mm/yyyy).
Any leads would be appreciated!
In Google Sheets, choose File > Settings > Locale and select a locale that uses the dd/mm/yyyy date format, before importing the data. You can then format the date column the way you prefer.
in gs:
=TEXT(REGEXREPLACE(A1&""; "(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)"; "$1/$1/$3"); "mmm d")
Try the following and format the result to your liking
(Do adjust the formula according to your ranges and locale)
Functions used:
Well, for a formulaic solution, if the date is in A1, then the following places the correct date in B1:
The TEXT function makes a string that will be the same form as your imported string out of the date produced during import. DATEVALUE then gives the proper date you desired.
The trick is in the TEXT step in which you reverse month and day in the string for DATEVALUE.
Naturally, instead of a helper column, it could just be wrapped around any reference to a date from column A, though one would have to remember to do so for all the years the spreadsheet is in use.
If you are importing, not just opening a .CSV file via File|Open and going from there, you have an opportunity to solve all your problems. You use the Ribbon menuing system's Data menu, select the very leftmost thing, Get Data and from the (no arguing THIS isn't a menu) menu that drops down, Legacy Wizards, then finally From Text (Legacy) which will open the old Excel Import Wizard. (You may notice this is very like the Data|Text to Columns Ribbon menu choice and that is because that choice is the old wizard minus the steps at the start that go looking to another file for the data because it knows, by law, that it has to already be in the spreadsheet... in other words, it looks the same because it IS the same.)
Then make selections for the first couple dialogs it presents you to get to the dialog in which you tell it to import columns as whatever: general (let Excel decide), text, date, and do not import. Choose Date and make the selection of DMY to import them properly as you desire them to be so you are never presented with the problem at all.
As you might guess, you can use the abbreviated wizard via the "Text to Columns" feature to do the same thing after import when you see they are reversed. Since it is a single column of data, the result will overwrite the original simplifying your work.
Why does this happen at all? Well, the "locale" folks have the idea. When Excel imports numbers that are in a form it recognizes could be a date, it looks to the operating system settings for the selected ways dates are understood. So if your operating system believes a date should be displayed "Month Day, Year" and Excel has a set of data it thinks fits that mold, it will convert them all using it. So you get those Feb 8's rather than Aug 2's.
Interestingly, it does two other things of note:
It looks at 8, count 'em, 8 rows of data to decide the data fits the pattern. Even with 1,000,000 rows to import, it looks at... 8.
Then it does them ALL as if God himself wrote the "8"... and dates like 25/03/2022 get imported as text not a real date, because they (oh, obviously) can't be dates... "25" can't be a month!
It IS possible to change settings (DEEP settings) to make Excel consider X number of rows in a data set before deciding such things. I found them here, on the internet, once upon a time, though I shouldn't like trying to find them again. It will consider up to a million rows in such an import, but... that'd make it pret-ty slow. And that's a million rows for EACH data column. I won't even say that "adds up" - I'll point out it "multiplies up."
Another technique is to add some number of starting rows to force the desired pattern onto the import. I've heard it works in TIME column imports so it ought to in DATE column imports but I've not verified such.
My bet is you will find the use of the "Text to Columns" feature of most use if you can use a hands-on approach - it does require literal action on your part, but is a fast operation. If you will see others using the spreadsheet though... well, you need a formulaic solution or a VBA one (macro with button for them to have some fun clicking as their reward for doing what they were trained to do instead of complaining to the boss you make bad spreadsheets). For a formulaic solution, the above formula is simple.
Last thought though: there's no error-checking and error-overcoming in it. So a date like "25/03/2022" in the data that imported as literal text is a problem. For handling the latter, an up-to-date approach could be:
in which the DATE(etc. portion handles finding text of the "25/03/2022" kind. Lots of less up-to-date ways to split the text Excel would have placed in the column, but since demonstrating what to do if it existed was the point, I took the easy way out. (Tried for a simple version but it wouldn't take INDEX(TEXTSPLIT(A1,"/"),1,{3,2,1}) from me for the input parameters to DATE.) TYPE will give a 1 if Excel imported a datum as a date (number), and a 2 if brought in as text. If empty or strange strings could exist, you'll need to deal with what those present you as well.

Column to rows and highlight difference between values in the same group

I have a huge table with data structured like this:
And I would like to display them in Spotfire Analyst 7.11 as follows:
Basically I need to display the columns that contain "ANTE" below the others in order to make a comparison. Values that have variations for the same ID must be highlighted.
I also have the fields "START_DATE_ANTE" and "END_DATE_ANTE" which have been omitted in the example image.
Amusingly, if you were limited to just what the title asks, this would be a very simple answer.
If you wanted this in a table where the rows are displayed as usual, and the cells are highlighted, you can do this by going to properties, adding a newGrouping where you select VAL_1 and VAL_1_ANTE and add a Rule, Rule type "Boolean expression", where the value is:
[VAL_1] - [VAL_1_ANTE] <> 0
This will highlight the affected cells, which you can place next to each other. You can even throw in a calculated column showing the difference between the two columns, and slap it on right next to it. This gives you the further option to filter down to only showing rows with discrepancies, or sorting by these values.
However, if you actually need it to display the POSTs on different lines from the ANTEs, as formatted above, things get a little tricky.
My personal preference would be to pivot (split/union/etc) the data before pulling it in to Spotfire, with an indicator flag on "is this different", yes/no. However, I know a lot of Spotfire users either aren't using a database or don't have leeway to perform the SQL themselves.
In fact, if you try to do it in Spotfire using custom expressions alone, it becomes so tricky, I'm not sure how to answer it right off. I'm inclined to think you should be able to do it in a cross table, using Subsets, but I haven't figured out a way to identify which subset you're in while inside the custom expressions.
Other options include generating a table using IronPython, if you're up to that.

Excel interpolation with results in situ

Extrapolation in Excel is easy: have a list of numbers (and optionally their paired "X-values"), and it can easily generate further entries in the list with the GROWTH() function.
GROWTH() works for interpolation too: you just need to tell it the intermediate X-values that you want it to calculate for. My problem with it is the appearance of the data in the spreadsheet. Here's an example:
Say I have some inputs, and through some process get some outputs. Only, there were gaps in the experiment so no outputs were generated for some values:
Out of curiosity, I copied the data to the right, and used Excel's "Extend with Growth Trend": I highlighted the first two entries (only), then right-click-dragged-down the little square over the next four cells (overriding the final value there) and chose "Growth Trend" in the context menu. To remind myself that the values were Excel-generated, I gave them a grey background:
Hmm. The generated values (unsurprisingly) aren't a good extrapolation, since they don't factor in the later value. It's out by over 40%! Also note that this Extend feature of Excel is an ease-of-input mechanism, not a calculation tool in its own right - Excel enters the data as raw numbers (to multiple decimal places).
So I formalised the Extend column by using the GROWTH() function - again only factoring in the first two values, but also using their paired X-values and the desired interpolation entry as parameters:
D4: =GROWTH(D$2:D$3,$A$2:$A$3,$A4)
D5: =GROWTH(D$2:D$3,$A$2:$A$3,$A5)
D6: =GROWTH(D$2:D$3,$A$2:$A$3,$A6)
Thankfully, the results mimic those of the previous column (Microsoft use the same mechanism for both features!) I didn't overwrite the last entry, since after all it has the value that I actually want! The fact that the calculated values are the same as before is the problem I'm trying to fix, and that this question is about.
To improve the calculated values, I need to incorporate the last value - but at the same time I want the "natural" sequence of input values to be maintained. In other words, I want the interpolated values to be placed in situ. That implies that the arguments to the GROWTH() function need to be discontiguous ranges, which Excel does by using the (Range,Range,...) syntax. I tried it, and got #REF! errors. I then tried using a named discontiguous range: same result.
After a bit of Googling (and StackOverflowing!) I found references to using INDIRECT() - a particularly problematic 'solution', since it evaluates strings that would need to be manually maintained. Nevertheless:
E4: =GROWTH(INDIRECT({"E2:E3","E7"}),INDIRECT({"A2:A3","A7"}),A4)
E5: =GROWTH(INDIRECT({"E2:E3","E7"}),INDIRECT({"A2:A3","A7"}),A5)
E6: =GROWTH(INDIRECT({"E2:E3","E7"}),INDIRECT({"A2:A3","A7"}),A6)
…and after all that it didn't work anyway! The values remained the same as the previous version, that didn't incorporate the last value. Maybe the last value doesn't make for better interpolation results? So, as an experiment, I ignored the "in situ" requirement and generated an "ex situ" version, with the known values followed by the desired values, allowing me to use simple ranges. Success! But to highlight that the data is in the wrong order, I asked Excel to create an X-Y plot of the data too:
B13: =GROWTH(B$10:B$12,$A$10:$A$12,$A13)
B14: =GROWTH(B$10:B$12,$A$10:$A$12,$A14)
B15: =GROWTH(B$10:B$12,$A$10:$A$12,$A15)
Of course, the results are exponential not linear, so setting the Y-axis to logarithmic generates a very readable result - and it effectively masks the back-and-forth of the data. But deep down, we both know that the data is wrong - just look at the table!
Maybe, just maybe, if I used Excel's "Sort Data" feature it would break up the range for me, and show me how I should have written the formulae? Sadly, although it looks like it worked, I get a "Circular reference" error for B12 - the range wasn't modified to make it discontiguous, and now B12's result is dependent on the original range which includes itself! I coloured it below to indicate that this isn't a viable solution:
So, my "final" solution is to maintain the previous "ex situ" version, and simply have an "in situ" column as well that does a VLOOKUP() on the ExSitu (named) table - and I needed to tell it to do an exact match with the FALSE parameter, since the list isn't sorted:
F4: =VLOOKUP($A4,ExSitu,2,FALSE)
F5: =VLOOKUP($A5,ExSitu,2,FALSE)
F6: =VLOOKUP($A6,ExSitu,2,FALSE)
Note that I labelled the column with an asterisk since it's a cheat: the values are only in situ by copying from another table.
Phew! After all that, my question:
Is there a way to directly interpolate the "in situ" values, without having to have an "ex situ" lookup table to generate the results? The above example was deliberately straightforward: you can easily imagine a longer list with more gaps to be filled in.
Since you had a good data sense, I'll share my discovery path on this case. I'm more like a visual person. I don't see things 'that' clear via tables. Here is what I do to you data points. :
Input Raw
360 7.16
370 28.9
410 5,380.00
Highlight all and press my favorite button > F11. I choose line chart type. Then with the plus button on the top left of the chart, I add trendline > more options.. From there I choose 'polynomial' and 'exponential' . Plus, a tick on 'display equation on chart' As you can see in the links, both fit seem ok. just take the equation and fit in for other values as needed.
Three things I've noticed :
The polynomial and exponential fit is close enough to what I need. But it doesn't exactly 'map' on the ( 410, 5380.00 ) point.
By having the formula I find it easier to make sense of whether or not the trendline 'proposed' by excel is a close fit to my need. As you play around you can see how far-off the linear & logarithmic trendline can be.
The trendline equation doesn't really map to 360,370,410... point as the x value, it assumes x is 0,1,2,3... (try to test it with the 'equation' of the excel proposed trendline)
IMHO, use excel trend with care. My next best fitting tool -> wolframalpha logarithmic fit.
For the original question :
Is there a way to directly interpolate the "in situ" values, without having to have an "ex situ" lookup table to generate the results?
I think my simple answer will be : Indirectly, Yes. Directly? not sure.
Hope this heals/helps in some ways.. ( :

Display, sort and filter numbers with multiple decimal in excel 2007

I'm using excel 2007.
I've a list of tasks (200-500) that I need to group in different category/section etc (multiple filters). Whole data is in excel table so I can apply Excel's build-in table filters to display exact data that I need.
However it is always difficult to apply multiple filter to display expected data, specially as I need to do it very frequently. To make things simple I'm planning to number each record like
Where a, b, c, d, e, f are simple numbers. List looks like:
& so on.
Problem is, Excel take it as number with single decimal but as soon as I add second decimal, excel treat it as text, which is obvious in general behavior.
However, as special case, I need excel treat both as number or text. Number is preferable as I want to sort them, which might be difficult as a text.
To make the things little more complex, while filtering in table, I require if I can add some formula to filter results like 1.* should display all numbers starts with 1.
Is it possible with excel's default behavior, without VBA?
If no, is it possible with VBA? If yes, any clue is appreciated. I don't need whole program as I can write basic VBA program, just a clue how it can be done?
I sort mine by adding a helper column that adds a letter to the front and sort on that. E.g. 1 becomes f1, 1.1 becomes f1.1 etc. Then all are sorted as text.
You can use the formula ="f" & A1.
My sample:
Then the data sorted:
And the filter:
If I were to try this without VBA, my first step would be to use the sort to columns function on the data tab.
Next make sure all empty spaces in your data are filled with zeros.
Then sort the data by column
as long as you left your original data in the same row as the sorted data (I didn't in the images posted to focus on the process), your items should now be in order.
