Will spark keep not needed data in the unbounded table? - apache-spark

I think I understand the concepts but still something is unclear for me:
Lets says we have structured streaming reading the following data from some source:
1, Joe, 34
2, Frank,69
As far I understand Spark reads it from the source , put it in the unbounded table, run some logic on it and write to the result table.
My questions is that if I have a logic something like getting only the name column :
Will the Spark read all columns from the input table then make the selection or drop all the non-name columns from the input table then read everything(which is only the name at this point) from the table?

It depends on the word "some" in your phrase "data from some source".
If it's some column base storage, like Parquet, it should read only the needed columns.
If it's raw files/records at HDFS/S3/Kafka/etc, Spark has to read a whole record, do split it by column, and drop non-necessary columns after that.


Read partioned hive table in pyspark instead of a parquet

I have a partionned parquet. It is partioned by date like:
The size is huge, so I do not want to read it at the time and I need only august part, therefore I use:
It works just fine. However I am forced to move from reading parquet directly to reading from the corresponding hive table. Something like:
However I want to keep the same logic of reading only certain partitions of the data. Is there a way to do so?
Try with filter and like operator.
You can get all the august partition values into a variable then use filter query with in statement.
#get the partition values into variable and filter required
val lst=df.select("dt").distinct.collect().map(x => x(0).toString)
#then use isin function to filter only required partitions
For python sample code:

spark parquet partitioning which remove the partition column

If am using df.write.partitionby(col1).parquet(path) .
the data will remove the partition column on the data.
how to avoid it ?
You can duplicate col1 before writing:
df.withColumn("partition_col", col("col1")).write.partitionBy("partition_col").parquet(path)
Note that this step is not really necessary, because whenever you read a Parquet file in a partitioned directory structure, Spark will automatically add that as a new column to the dataframe.
Actually spark does not remove the column but it uses that column in a way to organize the files so that when you read the files it adds that as a column and display that to you in a table format. If you check the schema of the table or the schema of the dataframe you would still see that as a column in the table.
Also you are partitioning your data so you know how that data from table is queried frequently and based on that information you might have decided to partition the data so that your reads becomes faster and more efficient.

how a table data gets loaded into a dataframe in databricks? row by row or bulk?

I am new to databricks notebooks and dataframes. I have a requirement to load few columns(out of many) in a table of around 14million records into a dataframe. once the table is loaded, I need to create a new column based on values present in two columns.
I want to write the logic for the new column along with the select command while loading the table into dataframe.
df = spark.read.table(tableName)
.withColumn('newColumnName', 'logic')
will it have any performance impact? is it better to first load the table for the few columns into the df and then perform the column manipulation on the loaded df?
does the table data gets loaded all at once or row by row into the df? if row by row, then by including column manipulation logic while reading the table, am I causing any performance degradation?
Thanks in advance!!
This really depends on the underlying format of the table - is it backed by Parquet or Delta, or it's an interface to the actual database, etc. In general, Spark is trying to read only necessary data, and if, for example, Parquet is used (or Delta), then it's easier because it's column-oriented file format, so data for each column is placed together.
Regarding the question on the reading - Spark is lazy by default, so even if you put df = spark.read.table(....) as separate variable, then add .select, and then add .withColumn, it won't do anything until you call some action, for example .count, or write your results. Until that time, Spark will just check that table exists, your operations are correct, etc. You can always call .explain on the resulting dataframe to see how Spark will perform operations.
P.S. I recommend to grab a free copy of the Learning Spark, 2ed that is provided by Databricks - it will provide you a foundation for development of the code for Spark/Databricks

Spark find max of date partitioned column

I have a parquet partitioned in the following way:
Here batch_date which is the partition column is of date type.
I want only read the data from the latest date partition but as a consumer I don't know what is the latest value.
I could use a simple group by something like
While this would work it's a very inefficient way since it involves a groupby.
I want to know if we can query the latest partition in a more efficient way.
Doing the method suggested by #pasha701 would involve loading the entire spark data frame with all the batch_date partitions and then finding max of that. I think the author is asking for a way to directly find the max partition date and load only that.
One way is to use hdfs or s3fs, and load the contents of the s3 path as a list and then finding the max partition and then loading only that. That would be more efficient.
Assuming you are using AWS s3 format, something like this:
import sys
import s3fs
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
Dirs = fs.ls(inpath)
for paths in Dirs:
df=spark.read.parquet("s3://bucket_path/data/batch_date=" + maxpart)
This would do all the work in lists without loading anything into memory until it finds the one you want to load.
Function "max" can be used without "groupBy":
Using Show partitions to get all partition of table
show partitions TABLENAME
Output will be like
we can get data form specific partition using below query
select * from TABLENAME where pt='2012.07.28.10' and is_complete='1' limit 1;
Or additional filter or group by can be applied on it.
This worked for me in Pyspark v2.4.3. First extract partitions (this is for a dataframe with a single partition on a date column, haven't tried it when a table has >1 partitions):
df_partitions = spark.sql("show partitions database.dataframe")
"show partitions" returns dataframe with single column called 'partition' with values like partitioned_col=2022-10-31. Now we create a 'value' column extracting just the date part as string. This is then converted to date and the max is taken:
date_filter = df_partitions.withColumn('value', to_date(split('partition', '=')[1], 'yyyy-MM-dd')).agg({"value":"max"}).first()[0]
date_filter contains the maximum date from the partition and can be used in a where clause pulling from the same table.

Partition column is moved to end of row when saving a file to Parquet

For a given DataFrame just before being save'd to parquet here is the schema: notice that the centroid0 is the first column and is StringType:
However when saving the file using:
df.write.partitionBy(dfHolder.metadata.partitionCols: _*).format("parquet").mode("overwrite").save(fpath)
and with the partitionCols as centroid0:
then there is a (to me) surprising result:
the centroid0 partition column has been moved to the end of the Row
the data type has been changed to Integer
I confirmed the output path via println :
And here is the schema upon reading back from the saved parquet:
Why are those two modifications to the input schema occurring - and how can they be avoided - while still maintaining the centroid0 as a partitioning column?
Update A preferred answer should mention why /when the partitions were added to the end (vs the beginning) of the columns list. We need an understanding of the deterministic ordering.
In addition - is there any way to cause spark to "change it's mind" on the inferred column types? I have had to change the partitions from 0, 1 etc to c0, c1 etc in order to get the inference to map to StringType. Maybe that were required .. but if there were some spark setting to change the behavior that would make for an excellent answer.
When you write.partitionBy(...) Spark saves the partition field(s) as folder(s)
This is can be beneficial for reading data later as (with some file types, parquet included) it can optimize to read data just from partitions that you use (i.e. if you'd read and filter for centroid0==1 spark wouldn't read the other partitions
The effect of this is that the partition fields (centroid0 in your case) are not written into the parquet file only as folder names (centroid0=1, centroid0=2, etc.)
The side effect of these are 1. the type of the partition is inferred at run time (since the schema is not saved in the parquet) and in your case it happened that you only had integer values so it was inferred to integer.
The other side effect is that the partition field is added at the end/beginning of the schema as it reads the schema from the parquet files as one chunk and then it adds to that the partition field(s) as another (again, it is no longer part of the schema that is stored in the parquet)
You can actually pretty easily make use of ordering of the columns of a case class that holds the schema of your partitioned data. You will need to read the data from the path, inside which the partitioning columns are stored underneath to make Spark infer the values of these columns. Then simply apply re-ordering by using the case class schema with a statement like:
val encoder: Encoder[RecordType] = Encoders.product[RecordType]
.option("mergeSchema", "true")
// reorder columns, since reading from partitioned data, the partitioning columns are put to end
.select(encoder.schema.fieldNames.head, encoder.schema.fieldNames.tail: _*)
The reason is in fact pretty simple. When you partition by a column, each partition can only contain one value of the said column. Therefore it is useless to actually write the same value everywhere in the file, and this is why Spark does not. When the file is read, Spark uses the information contained in the names of the files to reconstruct the partitioning column and it is put at the end of the schema. The type of the column is not stored, it is inferred when reading, hence the integer type in your case.
NB: There is no particular reason as to why the column is added at the end. It could have been at the beginning. I guess it is just an arbitrary choice of implementation.
To avoid losing the type and the order of the columns, you could duplicate the partitioning column like this df.withColumn("X", 'YOUR_COLUMN).write.partitionBy("X").parquet("...").
You will waste space though. Also, spark uses the partitioning to optimize filters for instance. Don't forget to use the X column for filters after reading the data and not your column or Spark won't be able to perform any optimizations.
