Azure IOT-Edge - Logs to Azure Monitor - azure

Is there a supported/standard way to send container logs (info, errors etc.) to Azure Monitor, as there is for metrics with the Metrics collector module in Azure IoT Edge?
I know about this solution, but is there a supported/standard way to solve this?

There is IoT ELMS, which is mentioned in the docs. It leverages an OpenTelemetry module that uploads logs to Log Analytics. It also describes a second way of doing it, which utilizes a timed Azure Function to send Direct Methods to the device, asking for the logs and then uploading them to Log Analytics.
But the repository you linked is by Venkat Yalla; his team is responsible for the Metrics collector, so I'd say that module is as close to standard as it'll get.


Azure how to get events shown in CLI from IoT to a database

I am having some issues actually retrieving and using the data I send to the IoT Hub in Azure. When I run 'az IoT hub monitor-events --hub-name ' in CLI I can see my events, and I can also send messages to my devices in the IoT hub.
I have then tried to create a stream, to forward the messages to my SQL database, but without any luck. Do you have any suggestions on how to retrieve this data?
There are multiple ways about this. The two most common scenarios are probably using an Azure Function, or using a Stream Analytics job. I don't know what you've tried up until this point, but a Stream Analytics job is probably the easiest way to go.
Stream Analytics
This answer on SO could be what you're looking for, it also links to this tutorial that you could follow from "Create a new Azure SQL Database" onwards. It covers creating an IoT Hub input and Azure SQL output on your Stream Analytics job and using a simple query to link the two together. There is more info in the Microsoft docs here
Azure Function
While looking this one up I found this answer, which is mine, awkward. But it describes how you can go about creating an Azure Function that accepts IoT Hub messages and shoots them to your database. This option is a lot more cost-efficient (or even free, if you use the consumption plan for a Function) for a few devices.

Azure IoT Hub - Where can I see why the hub disconnects the devices?

I'm using an Azure IoT Hub. I'm still in the development phase. It used to work fine, but now the hub is disconnecting the devices almost immedially after they connect. Where can I see some logs or info about why the hub is disconnecting? And if I have to activate some services, which ones?
You may need to turn on diagnostics for IoT Hub for logging the device connection events and errors. Once the logs and alerts are ON for connected devices, you will get alerts, error logs when errors occur. The troubleshooting link to begin with can be which captures details about how to enable diagnostics, alerts and other possible troubleshooting methods. This section 'Resolve connectivity errors' has description on how to look for common issues when you receive an alert and this seems to have dependency on Azure monitor logs to be enabled. It also furnishes information in terms of problem resolution guides for the most common errors.
There are couple of services integrated with IoT Hub like Azure Monitor and Azure Resource Health that help to provide you with the data required for keeping your IoT solution running in healthy state. Azure Resource Health helps to monitor whether your IoT hub is up and running. Here is a related link on iot hub health monitor and diagnose problems that can be a additional reference for you.
Azure Monitor stores log data in a Log Analytics workspace, which is an Azure resource and a container where data is collected, aggregated, and serves as an administrative boundary as conveyed in Azure monitor logs. Data in Azure Monitor Logs is retrieved using a log query written with the Kusto query language, which allows you to quickly retrieve, consolidate, and analyze collected data.

Best Practice to store Azure WebJob Logs incl. Data in Azure

I have several Azure WebJobs (.Net Framework, Not .Net Core) running which interact with an Azure Service Bus. Now I want to have a convenient way to store and analyze their Log-Messages (incl. the related Message from the Service Bus). We are talking about a lot of Log Messages per Day.
My Idea is to send the Logs to an Azure Event Hub and store them in an Azure SQL Database. Later I can have for example a WebApp that enables Users to conveniently browse and analyze the Logs and view the Messages.
Is this a bad Idea? Should I instead use Application Insights?
Application insight charges are more than your implementation. So i would say this is good idea. Just one change i would send each logs to logic apps and do some processing like sorting error logs, info logs etc differently. Also why are you thinking about SQL when this can be stored in non SQL Azure tables and fetch them from there.

Getting Azure VM event logs into Eventhubs

We are currently investigating methods in getting our Security log data out of our Azure VM's and into our SIEM for analysis.
Currently I have been able to get the logs from the VM to log analytics work-space but I'm no sure how to get them from the log analytics workspace to the eventhub to then pull down the events.
Has anyone faced a similar challenge before / how did you overcome this challenge?
I'm currently pull the data into a Log analytics workspace
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
Azure diagnostic logs can be streamed in near real time to any application using the built-in “Export to Event Hubs” option in the Portal, or by enabling the Event Hub Authorization Rule ID in a diagnostic setting via the Azure PowerShell Cmdlets or Azure CLI.
What you can do with diagnostics logs and Event Hubs:
Here are just a few ways you might use the streaming capability for Diagnostic Logs:
Stream logs to 3rd party logging and telemetry systems – You can stream all of your diagnostic logs to a single event hub to pipe log data to a third-party SIEM or log analytics tool.
View service health by streaming “hot path” data to Power BI – Using Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, and Power BI, you can easily transform your diagnostics data in to near real-time insights on your Azure services.
Build a custom telemetry and logging platform – If you already have a custom-built telemetry platform or are just thinking about building one, the highly scalable publish-subscribe nature of Event Hubs allows you to flexibly ingest diagnostic logs.
After data is displayed in the event hub, you can access and read the data in two ways:
Configure a supported SIEM tool. To read data from the event hub, most tools require the event hub connection string and certain permissions to your Azure subscription. Third-party tools with Azure Monitor integration included.
For more details, refer "Stream Azure Diagnostic Logs to an event hub" and "How to integrate Azure Monitor with SIEM tools".
Hope this helps.
You can’t pull the VM data from log analytics to an event hub, you can use windows/Linux diagnostic extensions to route data to an event hub.
Stream Azure monitoring data to an event hub for consumption by an external tool

How to do logging in azure functions and api management

I want to create logging for API and azure functions.
As thinking to use, "service bus" to create logging.
Logging needs for each request, response and error.
Would it be correct approach to do logging for api management and azure functions through service Bus. and appreciate if any example to create service bus and call from azure or api management to log the requests/responses.
Note: Regarding Application Insights, as found its hit the performance and its more for performance monitoring then logging.
I would still use Application Insight for that. You want to track requests and errors which Applicatin Insight will offer out of the box and also provides you a query language to query your logs or to build dashboards. Regarding your performance concern, you should just test the impact on your system - it most likely isn't that relevant.
