Connect virtual assistant with phone - dialogflow-es

We want to connect virtual assistant to telephone so that human can interact with virtual agent for his particular query (like - book an appointment etc.) instead of IVR.
We have tried services like twilio but the problem is that these services are not providing phone numbers for India.
Here are my questions -
Is there any service which give numbers for India and can be integrated with virtual agents like alexa or dialogflow
How can we make services like twilio to connect virtual assistant with telephone.


Is it necessary for a microsoft teams bot to be accessible publicly?

In "Get started on the Microsoft Teams platform with C#/.NET and App Studio" its stated that
Remember that apps in Microsoft Teams are web applications exposing
one or more capabilities. For the Teams platform to load your app,
your app must be reachable from the internet.
Is it enough to have the application available for the user who is working with teams (like in the local network) or does the internet mean the internet here?
When user types in command in chat textbox in Microsoft Teams, this is routed to backend chat service which then calls your bot endpoint specified in Bot setting. That's the reason having user and code on the same network won't help. Your bot has to be publicly accessible over internet. Here is simple bot flow:
In this case, the internet means the internet.
To expand upon this a bit, your bot can be deployed locally or on your own servers, but it must have a publicly accessible endpoint as the communication is routed through Microsoft Chat Services, and does not hit your bot directly.

How do you write a Google Action that posts to an API on the local network

I'm just starting out writing Google Actions for some home automation projects. I can't seem to find information on how to write an action that will POST to an API on the local network. I don't want to go outside the firewall to automate devices and services located on the local LAN. I have provided an image of what I'm looking to do.
You can't do this. The Google Home device doesn't (generally) have access to the local network and aside from basic voice processing, your Actions run in the cloud rather than the local device itself.
Most devices that appear to act locally all contact a cloud-based service to do what they want. This allows your Assistant to act on them, even when the Assistant device (such as your phone) isn't on the LAN.
Your options are pretty narrow:
See if IFTTT supports what you're trying to do and either use an API with IFTTT or use IFTTT directly from the Home.
Setup a tunnel between an endpoint on the public Internet and your LAN.
Setup a cloud-based service your local device checks for state changes (there are a variety of approaches you can take here).
A variant on that last one (inspired by #Nick's comment) is to have a single local hub that listens for changes in some cloud service and dispatches those changes locally. (Again, a variety of approaches.)
If you use Google Smart Home actions you can use:
Local Execution
I do not know if they plan to extend this to Dialog Flow type actions.

Hosting Microsoft BOT on Enterprise Cloud?

We are trying to host the BOT on the Enterprise server IIS server which is an internet server visible to Microsoft and other outside public domains.
So, after hosting the BOT on the enterprise cloud server we would get an endpoint ex:
Can I use the above endpoint to register the bot in the microsoft's
Please help, as we are planning for a large scale implementation of the BOT.
As long as the server has a SSL Certificate it should work assuming you deploy the bot correctly. Test it out first by using the Bot Emulator to see if you can send a receive messages from a computer in your system's network. Next try registering the bot on Microsoft's Bot Framework and seeing whether Microsoft's Bot Connector service can connect to the bot successfully.
Your system/intranet may block outside messages from Microsoft in which case you will have to change some settings, etc. with your firewall. This GitHub Issue follows an issue with white-listing Microsoft's Bot Connector service.

how to know from which device you are logged in

I just want to know from which device logged in our website and where from (Location)
I'm currently working on azure mobile service API
Per my understanding, Azure mobile service APIs provided functions to approach resources on Azure but collect devices information.
If you want to detect device on website, I think How to detect mobile device and get user agent info send and save that information to database on server, only once maybe the similar thread on SO.
And to get the location of mobile devices on Web apps, I think How web apps ask location of mobile device will be the similar thread.
If you are creating a mobile application, and a Azure Mobile Apps with node.js as a backend for your application. We can create a custom API, and hit the API to send device information and location when your user login the app. For different platform, there are built-in functions in their SDKs to collect devices information and location.

J2ME Bluetooth - discover a service with unknown details

Lets say I have a device which my cell phone can connect to via bluetooth (it can be any device on the market...)
For being able to connect this device using a J2ME application on my cell phone, I need to discover the device first, and then discover the service which the device lets cell phones connect to.
My problem is that I don't know how to discover that service.... the device is being discovered with no problems by the J2ME application, but for discovering the service of this device, I need service's UUID and Attributes (J2ME API requirements), which I have no idea where and how to get.
Does anyone know how can I still connect the device's service using a J2ME application, without knowing service's UUID and Attributes ?
As far as I know, there is nothing in the API to directly do "remote service discovery", but I found this, which I think is about that:
Service discovery allows you to find
nearby services, regardless of what
devices are offering them.
DiscoveryAgent provides methods to
discover services on a Bluetooth
server device and to initiate
service-discovery transactions. Before
a service can be discovered, it must
first be registered or advertised on a
Bluetooth server device. The server is
responsible for a number of things,
including creating a service record
that describes the service offered,
accepting connections from clients,
and adding a service record to the
server's Service Discovery Database
(SDDB). In general, it works like Web
