how to extend a command without changing the usage - linux

I have a global npm package that provided by a third party to generate a report and send it to server.
in_report generate -date 20221211
And I want to let a group of user to have the ability to check whether the report is generated or not, in order to prevent duplication. Therefore, I want to run a sh script before executing the in_report command.
sh && in_report generate -date 20221211
But the problem is I don't want to change the command how they generate the report. I can do a patch on their PC (able to change the env path or etc).
Is it possible to run sh && in_report generate -date 20221211 by running in_report generate -date 20221211?

If this "in_report" is only used for this exact purpose, you can create an alias by putting the following line at the end of the ".bashrc" or ".bash_aliases" file that is used by the people who will need to run in_report :
alias in_report='sh && in_report'
See for details.
If in_report is to be used in other ways too, this is not the solution. In that case, you may want to call it directly inside if a certain set of conditions on the parameters are matched. To do that :
alias in_report='sh'
The content of :
if [[ $# -eq 3 && "$1" == "generate" && "$2" == "-date" && "$3" == "20"* ]] # Assuming that all you dates must be in the 21st century
if [[ some test to check that the report has not been generated yet ]]
/full/path/to/the/actual/in_report "$#" # WARNING : be sure that nobody will move the actual in_report to another path
echo "This report already exists"
/full/path/to/the/actual/in_report "$#"
This sure is not ideal but it should work. But by far the easiest and most reliable solution if applicable would be to ignore the aliasing thing and tell those who will use in_report to run your instead (with the same parameters as they would put to run in_report), and then you can directly call in_report instead of the /full/path/to/the/actual/in_report.
Sorry if this was not very clear. In that case, feel free to ask.

On most modern Linux distros the easiest would be to place a shell script that defines a function in /etc/profile.d, e.g. /etc/profile.d/my_report with a content of
function in_report() { sh && /path/to/in_report $*; }
That way it gets automatically placed in peoples environment when they log in.
The /path/to is important so the function doesn't call itself recursively.
A cursory glance through doco for the Mac suggests that you may want to edit /etc/bashrc or /etc/zshrc respectively.


unit test bash script function which deletes files older than certain number of days

I don't have much experience with bash/shell scripting and just recently started writing some bash scripts with unit tests using Bats framework or libraries. Currently writing a script which needs to delete the files older than certain number of days. Below is the function.
function deleteFilesOlderThan() {
echo "Deleting files older than $1 days"
eval "find ./test-files -mtime +$1 -exec rm {} \;"
Is it possible to unit test the above function as it has complex command? If it is not possible can we rewrite the above function some other way so that it is unit testable. Please advise.
From my perspective, you are asking three separate questions:
Is my code any good?
How do I write test in general for BASH
How do I test this specific code?
As that sounds more like a request for code review, it might be better suited to but I'll answer here anyway...
The command isn't really that complex. But even if it were, you'd be testing the side-effect of the code, not the code itself. So complexity in the code doesn't even really matter...
Anyway, a test would look something like this:
#test "deleteFilesOlderThan deletes files" {
# Arrange
touch -t 123412312345 ./test-files/test.txt
# Act
deleteFilesOlderThan 1000
# Assert
[ ! -f ./test-files/test.txt ]
You could add more tests, for instance checking the output using assert_output, and checking that newer files do not get deleted.
The code can be tested without being rewritten but there are some potential problems in the code:
As state in the comments, the eval is not really needed. The find command can run fine as-is, without being wrapped in an eval.
There are no checks. None. At all. You might want to at least check that $1 is actually provided. You could also check whether it is an integer or not.
You could check that test-files actually exists
The test-files directory is hard-coded. I would make that a parameter of the function. That way it can be provided with a different path for the test than that used for real.
These changes could look something like this:
function deleteFilesOlderThan() {
local days="${1:?Two parameters required: <days> <path>}"
local path="${2:?Two parameters required: <days> <path>}"
if [[ -n ${days} && ${days} = *[!0123456789]* ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Given days '${days}' is not an integer" >&2
elif [[ ! -d "${path}" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Given path '${path}' is not a directory" >&2
echo "Deleting files older than ${1} days in ${path}"
find "${path}" -mtime "+${1}" -exec rm {} \;
Of course, now that there is more code, there should also be more tests. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
If you are not already familiar with it, you might want to check out shellcheck. It will warn you if you write any code that might cause problems.
You might also want to look at shfmt (from the package) to formats shell script.

How to use one environment variable when calling a bash script repeatedly

I have a task to monitor the system with a quota, if the monitored result is over the quota, send a warning email. But this monitor program should be called once in half an hour, after one warning email is sent out, the next time if the monitored state is still the same as last time, there is no need to send the same warning email again.
In order to do this, I would like to make use of environment variable to store the state of the last monitored result, so that the next time it can be checked and duplicate email would not be sent. One of my solution is to add or update the export syntax in .bashrc, but in order to activate the updated export syntax, I have to run bash, which might be unnecessary.
So I would like ask is there any way to update the environment variable so that every time when the monitor program Bash script is called, it gets the fresh updated value?
This is a self contained solution using a heredoc. At first glance it may seem an elaborate and inperfect solution, it does have its uses in that it's resilient and it works well when deploying across more than one machine, requires no special monitoring or permissions of external files, and most importantly, there are no unwanted surprises with environment.
This example uses bash, but it will work with sh if the $thisfile variable is set manually, or another way.
This example assumes that 20 is already in the script file as mymonitorvalue, and uses argument $1 as a proof of concept. You would obviously change newval="$1" to whatever calculates the quota:
Example usage:
#bash $>./script 10
Value from previous run was 20
Value from this test was 10
Updating value ...
#bash $>./script 10
not doing anything ... result is the same as last time
#bash $>
thisfile="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" ; thisfile="${DIR}${0}"
read -d '' currentvalue <<'EOF'
eval "$currentvalue"
function changeval () {
sed -E -i "s/(^mymonitorval\=)(.*)/mymonitorval\="$1"/g" "$thisfile"
if [[ "$newvalue" != "$mymonitorval" ]]; then
echo "Value from previous run was $mymonitorval"
echo "Value from this test was "$1""
echo "Updating value ..."
changeval "$newvalue"
echo "not doing anything ... result is the same as last time"
thisfile= can be set manually for script location. This example uses the automated solution from here:
read -d...EOF is the heredoc which is saved into variable $currentvalue
eval "$currentvalue" in this case is the equivalent of typing mymonitorval=10 into a terminal
function changeval...} updates the contents of the heredoc in place (it changes the physical .sh script file)
newvalue="$1" is for the purpose of testing. $newvalue would be determined by whatever your script is that is calculating quota
if.... block is to perform two alternate sets of actions depending on whether $newvalue is the same as it was last time or not.
Store environment variable in different .file and then source <.file>

How do I rerun a bash script skipping over lines which have previously run sucesfully?

I have a bash script which acts as a wrapper for an analysis pipeline. If the script errors out I want to be able to run the script from the point at which the errors occurred by simply re-running the original command. I have set two different traps; one which will remove the last file being generated on a non-zero exit from my script, the other will remove all the temporary files on exit signal = 0 and essentially cleans up the file system at the end of the run. I turned on noclobber in the bash environment which allows my script to skip over lines of the script where files have already been written but this will only do this if I do not set the non-zero exit trap. As soon as I set this trap then it will exit at the first line where noclobber IDs a file it will not overwrite. Is there a way for me to skip over lines of code that have successfully run previously rather than having to re-run my code from the start? I know I could use conditional statements for each line but I thought there might be a neater way of doing this.
set -o noclobber
# Function to clean up temporary folders when script exits at the end
rmfile() { rm -r $1 }
# Function to remove the file being currently generated
# Function executed if script errors out
rmlast() {
if [ ! -z "$CURRENTFILE" ]
rm -r $1
exit 1
fi }
# Trap to remove the currently generated file
#Make temporary directory if it has not been created in a previous run
TEMPDIR=$(find . -name "tmp*")
if [ -z "$TEMPDIR" ]
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /test/tmpXXX)
# Set CURRENTFILE variable
# Set CURRENTFILE variable
complexanalysis_tool input_file > $CURRENTFILE
# Set CURRENTFILE variable
complexanalysis_tool2 input_file2 > $CURRENTFILE
complexanalysis_tool3 input_file3 > $CURRENTFILE
# Move files to final destination folder
mv -nv $TEMPDIR/*.vcf /test/newdest/
# Trap to remove temporary folders when script finishes running
trap 'rmfile "$TEMPDIR"' 0
I have been offered answers suggesting the use of the make utility. I want to make use of its inbuilt utility to check if a dependency has been fulfilled.
In my hands the makefile suggested by VK Kashyap does not seem to skip execution for previously accomplished tasks. So for example I ran the script above and interrupted the script when it was running filtered.vcf with ctrl c. When I rerun the script again it runs from the beginning again i.e. starts again at varaints.vcf. Am I missing something in order to get the makefile to show sources as being fullfilled?
Answer to update:
OK this is a rookie mistake but since I am not familiar with generating makefiles I will post this explanation of my error. The reason my makefile was not rerunning from the exit point was that I had named the targets a different name to the output files being generated. So as VK Kashyap quite correctly answered if you name the targets eg.
the same as the output files being generated then the script will skip previously accomplished tasks.
make utility might be an answer for the thing you want to achive.
it has inbuilt dependecy checking (the stuff which you are trying to achive with tmp files)
#run all target when all of the files are available
all: variants.vcf filtered.vcf filtered2.vcf
mv -nv $(TEMPDIR)/*.vcf /test/newdest/
complexanalysis_tool input_file > variants.vcf
complexanalysis_tool2 input_file2 > filtered.vcf
complexanalysis_tool3 input_file3 > filtered2.vcf
you may use bash script to invoke this make file as:
export TEMPDIR=xyz
make -C $TEMPDIR all
make utility will check itself for already accomplished task and skip execution for done stuffs. it will continue where you had the error finishing the task.
you can find more details on internet about exact syntax for makefile.
there is no built-in way to do that.
however, you could brew something like that by keeping track of the last successful line and building your own goto statement, as described here and in Is there a "goto" statement in bash? (just replace the 'labels' with actual line-numbers).
however, the question is whether this is really a smart idea.
a better way is to only run the commands needed, not the commands not-yet-executed.
this could be done either by explicit conditionals in your bash-script:
produce_if_missing() {
# check if first argument is existing
# if not run the rest of the arguments and pipe it into the first one
local curfile=$1
if [ ! -e "${curfile}" ]; then
$# > "${curfile}"
produce_if_missing Variants.vcf complexanalysis_tool input_file
produce_if_missing Filtered.vcf complexanalysis_tool2 input_file2
or using tools that are made for such things (see VK Kahyap's answer using make, though i prefer using variables in the make-rules to minimize typos):
Variants.vcf: input_file
complexanalysis_tool $^ > $#
Filtered.vcf: input_file
complexanalysis_tool2 $^ > $#

One liner to append a file into another file but only if it hasn't already been added

I have an automated process that has a number of lines like the following pattern:
sudo cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
I'd like to transform that into a one liner that will only append to /some/other/file if /some/path/to/a/file has not already been added.
It's clear I need some examples here.
example 1: Updating a .bashrc script for a specific login
example 2: Creating a .screenrc for different logins
example 3: Appending to the end of a /etc/ config file
Some other caveats. The text is going to be added in a block (>>). Consequently, it should be relatively straight forward to see if the entire code block is added or not near the end of a file. I am trying to come up with a simple method for determining whether or not the file has already been appended to the original.
Example python script...
def check_for_appended(new_file, original_file):
""" Checks original_file to see if it has the contents of new_file """
new_lines = reversed(new_file.split("\n"))
original_lines = reversed(original_file.split("\n"))
appended = None
for new_line, orig_line in zip(new_lines, original_lines):
if new_line != orig_line:
appended = False
appended = True
return appended
Maybe this will get you started - this GNU awk script:
gawk -v RS='^$' 'NR==FNR{f1=$0;next} {print (index($0,f1) ? "present" : "absent")}' file1 file2
will tell you if the contents of "file1" are present in "file2". It cannot tell you why, e.g. because you previously concatenated file1 onto the end of file2.
Is that all you need? If not update your question to clarify/explain.
Here's a technique to see if a file contains another file
contains_file_in_file() {
local small=$1
local big=$2
awk -v RS="" '{small=$0; getline; exit !index($0, small)}' "$small" "$big"
if ! contains_file_in_file /some/path/to/a/file /some/other/file; then
sudo cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
EDIT: Op just told me in the comments that the files he wants to concatenate are bash scripts -- this brings us back to the good ole C preprocessor include guard tactics:
prepend every file with
if [ -z "$__<filename>__" ]; then __<filename>__=1; else
(of course replacing <filename> with the name of the file) and at the end
this way, you surround the script in each file with a test for something that's only true once.
Does this work for you?
sudo (set -o noclobber; date > /tmp/testfile)
noclobber prevents overwriting an existing file.
I think it doesn't, since you wrote you want to append something but this technique might help.
When the appending all occurs in one script, then use a flag:
if [ -z "${appended_the_file}" ]; then
cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file
appended_the_file="Yes I have done it except for permission/right issues"
I would continue into writing a function appendOnce { .. }, with the content above. If you really want an ugly oneliner (ugly: pain for the eye and colleague):
test -z "${ugly}" && cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file && ugly="dirt"
Combining this with sudo:
test -z "${ugly}" && sudo "cat /some/path/to/a/file >> /some/other/file" && ugly="dirt"
It appears that what you want is a collection of script segments which can be run as a unit. Your approach -- making them into a single file -- is hard to maintain and subject to a variety of race conditions, making its implementation tricky.
A far simpler approach, similar to that used by most modern Linux distributions, is to create a directory of scripts, say ~/.bashrc.d and keep each chunk as an individual file in that directory.
The driver (which replaces the concatenation of all those files) just runs the scripts in the directory one at a time:
if [[ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]]; then
for f in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then
source "$f"
To add a file from a skeleton directory, just make a new symlink.
add_fragment() {
if [[ -f "$FRAGMENT_SKELETON/$1" ]]; then
# The following will silently fail if the symlink already
# exists. If you wanted to report that, you could add || echo...
ln -s "$FRAGMENT_SKELETON/$1" "~/.bashrc.d/$1" 2>>/dev/null
echo "Not a valid fragment name: '$1'"
exit 1
Of course, it is possible to effectively index the files by contents rather than by name. But in most cases, indexing by name will work better, because it is robust against editing the script fragment. If you used content checks (md5sum, for example), you would run the risk of having an old and a new version of the same fragment, both active, and without an obvious way to remove the old one.
But it should be straight-forward to adapt the above structure to whatever requirements and constraints you might have.
For example, if symlinks are not possible (because the skeleton and the instance do not share a filesystem, for example), then you can copy the files instead. You might want to avoid the copy if the file is already present and has the same content, but that's just for efficiency and it might not be very important if the script fragments are small. Alternatively, you could use rsync to keep the skeleton and the instance(s) in sync with each other; that would be a very reliable and low-maintenance solution.

Bash config file or command line parameters

If I am writing a bash script, and I choose to use a config file for parameters. Can I still pass in parameters for it via the command line? I guess I'm asking can I do both on the same command?
The watered down code:
source builder.conf
function xmitBuildFile {
for IP in "{SERVER_LIST[#]}"
echo $1#$IP
$bash> ./ myname
My expected output should be myname# and myname#, but when I do an $ echo $#, I am getting 0, even when I passed in 'myname' on the command line.
Assuming the "config file" is just a piece of shell sourced into the main script (usually containing definitions of some variables), like this:
. /etc/script.conf
of course you can use the positional parameters anywhere (before or after ". /etc/..."):
echo "$#"
test -n "$1" && ...
you can even define them in the script or in the very same config file:
test $# = 0 && set -- a b c
Yes, you can. Furthemore, it depends on your architecture of script. You can overwrite parametrs with values from config and vice versa.
By the way shflags may be pretty useful in writing such script.
