How can I prevent Pivot_Wide from adding new rows in my data? - pivot

This is a dput()sample of my data:
structure(list(ID = c("101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101"), IDA = c("1000",
"1279", "1392", "534", "835", "910", "748", "589", "675", "500",
"1243", "635", "1181", "791", "755", "1069", "640", "1229", "1856",
"116", "767", "1126", "863", "1141", "1858", "899", "5", "225",
"175", "1764", "1017", "497", "771", "41", "816", "1046", "439",
"930", "1350", "641", "1057", "1021", "503", "553", "1738", "1379",
"774", "442", "1113", "1503"), DATE = structure(c(1497315600,
1552352400, 1552957200, 1390438800, 1439427600, 1479776400, 1455757200,
1402534800, 1409187600, 1383008400, 1536022800, 1414630800, 1545094800,
1551142800, 1461805200, 1483405200, 1420506000, 1534813200, 1493600400,
1348448400, 1458176400, 1521075600, 1464656400, 1527555600, 1504573200,
1478134800, 1278378000, 1320886800, 1309395600, 1598576400, 1500512400,
1385600400, 1436403600, 1284426000, 1430960400, 1485824400, 1381971600,
1477962000, 1510023600, 1420509600, 1508806800, 1499302800, 1386205200,
1379466000, 1555290000, 1565226000, 1435798800, 1494896400, 1516064400,
1593478800), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")),
NR = c("CH-1000", " CH-1279", "CH-1392",
"CH-0534", "CH-0835", " CH-0910", "CH-0748",
"CH-0589", "CH-0675", "CH-0500", "CH-1243",
"CH-0635", "CH-1181", "CH-0791", "CH-0755",
"CH-1069", "CH-0640", "CH-1229", "CH-1856",
"CH-0116", "CH-0767", "CH-1126", "CH-0863",
"CH-1141", "CH-1858", "CH-0899", "CH-0005",
"CH-0225", "CH-0175", "CH-1764", "CH-1017",
"CH-0497", "CH-0771", "CH-0041", "CH-0816",
"CH-1046", "CH-0439", "CH-0930", "CH-1350",
"CH-0641", "CH-1057", "CH-1021", "CH-0503",
"CH-0553", "CH-1738", "CH-1379", "CH-0774",
"CH-0442", "CH-1113", "CH-1503"), PAT = c("101-1000",
"101-1279", "101-1392", "101-534", "101-835", "101-910",
"101-748", "101-589", "101-675", "101-500", "101-1243", "101-635",
"101-1181", "101-791", "101-755", "101-1069", "101-640",
"101-1229", "101-1856", "101-116", "101-767", "101-1126",
"101-863", "101-1141", "101-1858", "101-899", "101-5", "101-225",
"101-175", "101-1764", "101-1017", "101-497", "101-771",
"101-41", "101-816", "101-1046", "101-439", "101-930", "101-1350",
"101-641", "101-1057", "101-1021", "101-503", "101-553",
"101-1738", "101-1379", "101-774", "101-442", "101-1113",
"101-1503"), INT1 = c(NA, NA, NA, 280035, 280040, NA,
280040, 280040, 285030, 245040, NA, 280035, NA, NA, 280040,
NA, 220035, NA, NA, 280040, 280040, NA, 245005, NA, NA, 275005,
240070, 220035, 280040, NA, NA, 280040, 280040, 240005, 280040,
NA, 280040, 240005, 245040, 240030, NA, NA, 260010, NA, NA,
NA, 280040, NA, NA, NA), INT2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, 280040, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 240030, NA, 260005, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA), INT3 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INT4 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), INTX1 = c(NA, 280005, 220035, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, 280050, NA, 240080, 280050, NA, 240085, NA,
280050, 270010, NA, NA, 280050, NA, 280005, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, 275045, 280050, NA, NA, NA, NA, 245005, NA, NA, 245040,
NA, NA, 280050, NA, NA, 220035, 280050, NA, 255005, 280050,
220005), INTX2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, 240085, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 280050,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), INTX3 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), INTX4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), KAT = c(1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), row.names = c(NA, -50L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
What I needed to do first was
first, to recode some values from INT1:INT4 and INTX1:INTX4 and put them in new columns. To this aim, I used long_pivot as below:
longDATA <- DATA %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c('INT1':'INTX4'),
names_to = "INT", values_to = "Code")
Then I used the long list to mutate new variables as below:
longDATA1 <- longDATA %>% mutate(palm = case_when(Code == 210025 ~ 1))
longDATA2 <- longDATA1 %>% mutate(bio = case_when(Code == 210015 ~ '12.06.25',Code == 210020 ~ '12.07.25',Code == 275015 ~ '12.06.25',Code == 275020 ~ '12.07.25'))
longDATA3 <- longDATA2 %>% mutate(EPX = case_when(Code == 280005 ~ 1, Code == 280010 ~ 1))
Then I need to return it to wide format. I used the code below:
WideDATA <- longDATA3 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = INT, values_from = Code)
Below you can see the output but it does not show the problem as I have a huge dataset. I realized the number of rows has changed from 2480 (my initial data before doing longer-pivot)to 2633 (the Wide data).I realized that the added rows are created when in one of the EPX, bio or palm columns a value has been recoded. for example if there is a row where INT1 and INT2 are filled with values other than NA (e.g., 280010 and 280040), EPX is assigned value 1, based on the mutation that we did earlier. However, EPX=1 and INT1=280010 appear in one row and 280040 appears in another row. like the photo below.
I have spent a week to figure this out but no luck. I would highly appreciate your advice.
structure(list(ID = c("101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101",
"101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101"), IDA = c("1000",
"1279", "1392", "534", "835", "910", "748", "589", "675", "500",
"1243", "635", "1181", "791", "755", "1069", "640", "1229", "1856",
"116", "767", "1126", "863", "1141", "1858", "899", "5", "225",
"175", "1764", "1017", "497", "771", "41", "816", "1046", "439",
"930", "1350", "641", "1057", "1021", "503", "553", "1738", "1379",
"774", "442", "1113", "1503"), DATE = structure(c(1497315600,
1552352400, 1552957200, 1390438800, 1439427600, 1479776400, 1455757200,
1402534800, 1409187600, 1383008400, 1536022800, 1414630800, 1545094800,
1551142800, 1461805200, 1483405200, 1420506000, 1534813200, 1493600400,
1348448400, 1458176400, 1521075600, 1464656400, 1527555600, 1504573200,
1478134800, 1278378000, 1320886800, 1309395600, 1598576400, 1500512400,
1385600400, 1436403600, 1284426000, 1430960400, 1485824400, 1381971600,
1477962000, 1510023600, 1420509600, 1508806800, 1499302800, 1386205200,
1379466000, 1555290000, 1565226000, 1435798800, 1494896400, 1516064400,
1593478800), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")),
NR = c("CH-1000", " CH-1279", "CH-1392",
"CH-0534", "CH-0835", " CH-0910", "CH-0748",
"CH-0589", "CH-0675", "CH-0500", "CH-1243",
"CH-0635", "CH-1181", "CH-0791", "CH-0755",
"CH-1069", "CH-0640", "CH-1229", "CH-1856",
"CH-0116", "CH-0767", "CH-1126", "CH-0863",
"CH-1141", "CH-1858", "CH-0899", "CH-0005",
"CH-0225", "CH-0175", "CH-1764", "CH-1017",
"CH-0497", "CH-0771", "CH-0041", "CH-0816",
"CH-1046", "CH-0439", "CH-0930", "CH-1350",
"CH-0641", "CH-1057", "CH-1021", "CH-0503",
"CH-0553", "CH-1738", "CH-1379", "CH-0774",
"CH-0442", "CH-1113", "CH-1503"), PAT = c("101-1000",
"101-1279", "101-1392", "101-534", "101-835", "101-910",
"101-748", "101-589", "101-675", "101-500", "101-1243", "101-635",
"101-1181", "101-791", "101-755", "101-1069", "101-640",
"101-1229", "101-1856", "101-116", "101-767", "101-1126",
"101-863", "101-1141", "101-1858", "101-899", "101-5", "101-225",
"101-175", "101-1764", "101-1017", "101-497", "101-771",
"101-41", "101-816", "101-1046", "101-439", "101-930", "101-1350",
"101-641", "101-1057", "101-1021", "101-503", "101-553",
"101-1738", "101-1379", "101-774", "101-442", "101-1113",
"101-1503"), palm = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), bio= c(NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_), EPx = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, 1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA), INT1 = c(NA, NA, NA, 280035, 280040, NA,
280040, 280040, 285030, 245040, NA, 280035, NA, NA, 280040,
NA, 220035, NA, NA, 280040, 280040, NA, 245005, NA, NA, 275005,
240070, 220035, 280040, NA, NA, 280040, 280040, 240005, 280040,
NA, 280040, 240005, 245040, 240030, NA, NA, 260010, NA, NA,
NA, 280040, NA, NA, NA), INT2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, 280040, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 240030, NA, 260005, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA), INT3 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INT4 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), INTX1 = c(NA, 280005, 220035, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, 280050, NA, 240080, 280050, NA, 240085, NA,
280050, 270010, NA, NA, 280050, NA, 280005, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, 275045, 280050, NA, NA, NA, NA, 245005, NA, NA, 245040,
NA, NA, 280050, NA, NA, 220035, 280050, NA, 255005, 280050,
220005), INTX2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, 240085, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 280050,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), INTX3 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), INTX4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), KAT = c(1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), row.names = c(NA, -50L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

I copied pasted your code and both the DATA and WideDATA objects have the same number of rows (10), just with the desired variables added in WideDATA. Its possible there is something in your full data set that is creating the additional rows. I see some NAs in the sample you shared, and its worth noting that case_when doesn't treat those specially. If you need them handled as NA explicitly, you need to include in a conditional statement. If sharing the full data set isn't possible, maybe randomly sampling would help.
e.g. dput(sample_n(DATA, 50))
I'm adding this as an answer though I realize it may need further editing as I couldn't usefully share the following in a comment.
In the code below I mostly kept your examples intact, but put everything into a single piped chunk of code. It might be simpler to stick with if_else in cases where there's only a single condition, but there's no harm using case_when throughout if you prefer the syntax.
You'll note I include TRUE ~ ... in each. Without a way to evaluate general cases, you get NA whenever the explicit statements aren't true.
Hopefully this lets you spot what is happening in your full data set, and if not please continue to update the question.
DATA <- structure(list(ID = c("101", "101", "101", "101", "101", "101","101", "101", "101", "101"), IDA = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "4","5", "5", "1859", "1860", "1861"), DATE = structure(c(1300928400,1277946000, 1277946000, 1278550800, 1278550800, 1453770000, 1329958800,1506474000, 1485133200, 1485133200), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct","POSIXt")), NR = c("CH-0001", "CH-0001","CH-0002", "CH-0003", "CH-0004", "CH-0005","CH-0005", "CH-1859", "CH-1860", "CH-1861"), PAT = c("101-1", "101-1", "101-2", "101-3", "101-4", "101-5","101-5", "101-1859", "101-1860", "101-1861"), INT1 = c(245005,280040, 280040, 280040, 280040, 240040, 240040, NA, NA, NA),INT2 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INT3 = c(NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INT4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_), INTX1 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_), INTX2 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INTX173 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), INTX4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), KAT = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)), row.names = c(NA,-10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
longDATA <- DATA %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c('INT1':'INTX4'),
names_to = "INT", values_to = "Code") %>%
palm = case_when(
Code == 210025 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0),
bio = case_when(
Code == 210015 ~ '12.06.25',
Code == 210020 ~ '12.07.25',
Code == 275015 ~ '12.06.25',
Code == 275020 ~ '12.07.25',
TRUE ~ ''
EPX = case_when(
Code == 280005 ~ 1,
Code == 280010 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = INT,
values_from = Code)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 17
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 101 1 2011-03-24 01:00:00 CH-0001 101-1 0 0 "" 0 245005
#> 2 101 1 2010-07-01 01:00:00 CH-0001 101-1 0 0 "" 0 280040
#> 3 101 2 2010-07-01 01:00:00 CH-0002 101-2 0 0 "" 0 280040
#> 4 101 3 2010-07-08 01:00:00 CH-0003 101-3 0 0 "" 0 280040
#> 5 101 4 2010-07-08 01:00:00 CH-0004 101-4 0 0 "" 0 280040
#> 6 101 5 2016-01-26 01:00:00 CH-0005 101-5 0 0 "" 0 240040
#> 7 101 5 2012-02-23 01:00:00 CH-0005 101-5 0 0 "" 0 240040
#> 8 101 1859 2017-09-27 01:00:00 CH-1859 101-1… 1 0 "" 0 NA
#> 9 101 1860 2017-01-23 01:00:00 CH-1860 101-1… 1 0 "" 0 NA
#> 10 101 1861 2017-01-23 01:00:00 CH-1861 101-1… 1 0 "" 0 NA
#> # … with 7 more variables: INT2 <dbl>, INT3 <dbl>, INT4 <dbl>, INTX1 <dbl>,
#> # INTX2 <dbl>, INTX173 <dbl>, INTX4 <dbl>
Created on 2022-12-12 with reprex v2.0.2

Try this, check where I noted #fix
longDATA <- DATA %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c('INT1':'INTX4'),
names_to = "INT", values_to = "Code")
longDATA1 <- longDATA %>% mutate(palm = case_when(Code == 210025 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ NA_real_)) #fix
longDATA2 <- longDATA1 %>% mutate(bio = case_when(Code == 210015 ~ '12.06.25',
Code == 210020 ~ '12.07.25',
Code == 275015 ~ '12.06.25',
Code == 275020 ~ '12.07.25',
TRUE ~ NA_character_))#fix
longDATA3 <- longDATA2 %>% mutate(EPX = case_when(Code == 280005 ~ 1,
Code == 280010 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ NA_real_))#fix
WideDATA <- longDATA3 %>% pivot_wider(id_cols = ID:KAT, #fix
names_from = INT, values_from = Code)
# Check #
#> [1] 50
#> [1] 50


Difficulties with subsetting clustered family data

I am trying to subset the following dataset so that both sons and fathers with resting heart rate values are included in a new data frame. When I use the function, since fathers and sons are on their own individual rows, fathers without a value for sons' resting heart rate are deleted and vice versa.
I have tried the following code but I am not having any luck:
for (i in 1:nrow(datadiss)){
if (datadiss$Fatheridorsonid == "sonid" & isFALSE($sonrhr))){
}else if (datadiss$Fatheridorsonid == "Fatherid" & isFALSE($dadrhr))){
An example of my dataset can be found here:
structure(list(fid = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6,
6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9), sonid = c(15576123, NA, 3100866, NA, NA,
13206733, NA, 3098080, 3938697, 7089160, NA, 10580951, 13465844,
NA, 10801693, NA, 10797768, NA, NA, 9670190), sonrhr = c(75,
NA, 89, NA, NA, 100, NA, 65, 62, 56, NA, 78, 85, NA, 67, NA,
66, NA, NA, 87), sonbmi = c(19.66, NA, 19.59, NA, NA, 21.54,
NA, 22.84, 22.88, 29.09, NA, 21.53, 22.03, NA, 23.41, NA, 22.02,
NA, NA, 22.44), sonphysenerg = c(329, NA, 234, NA, NA, NA, NA,
295, 344, 299, NA, 313, 351, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), violent = c(0,
NA, 0, NA, NA, 0, NA, 0, 0, 1, NA, 1, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, NA,
0), nonviolent = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), Fatherid = c(NA, 15576243, NA, 3100889, 123456, NA,
3938697, NA, NA, NA, 10580442, NA, NA, 10804692, NA, 10797798,
NA, 12797798, 9670176, NA), dadrhr = c(NA, 76, NA, 87, 49, NA,
67, NA, NA, NA, 57, NA, NA, 78, NA, 58, NA, 100, 89, NA), sonorfather = structure(c(1L,
2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L,
2L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("Son", "Father"), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-20L), codepage = 65001L)

Subset Data based on User Login

I have a shiny application with a login interface. I need to subset data based on the user login. Within the data, I have a column which marks the data whether the data belongs to them. The column is called "memberstate" and essentially contains the login username. The code I am tyring to use is borrowed from R Studio and is as follows:
user <- reactive({
### Code to manage row level security
isManager <- reactive({
if (user() == "manager"){
} else{
# Based on the logged in user, pull out only the data this user
# should be able to see.
data <- read.csv("data/DHA&PPTabletsClean.csv")
myData <- reactive({
if (isManager()){
# If a manager, show everything.
} else{
# If a Member State, only show their own data.
return(data[data$memberstate == user(),])
I then try and use MyData for plotting graphs. I am getting the following error message
"Error in Mydata: could not find function "Mydata" " I am a newbie to R Shiny. Kindly assist.
Part of the data is as follows:
structure(list(Brand = c("Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril",
"Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril",
"Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril",
"Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril",
"Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril",
"Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril", "Malaril"
), ActiveIngredient = c("Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate",
"Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate",
"Piperaquine Phosphate", "Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate",
"Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate",
"Piperaquine Phosphate", "Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin", "Dihydroartemisinin",
"Dihydroartemisinin", "Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate",
"Piperaquine Phosphate", "Piperaquine Phosphate"), Assay = c(94.9,
94.9, 94.9, 94.9, 94.9, 94.9, 101.6, 101.6, 101.6, 101.6, 101.6,
101.6, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 100.2, 100.2, 100.2, 100.2, 100.2,
100.2, 96.4, 96.4, 96.4, 96.4, 96.4, 96.4, 100.6, 100.6, 100.6,
100.6), Assayperc = c(0.949, 0.949, 0.949, 0.949, 0.949, 0.949,
1.016, 1.016, 1.016, 1.016, 1.016, 1.016, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95,
0.95, 0.95, 1.002, 1.002, 1.002, 1.002, 1.002, 1.002, 0.965,
0.965, 0.965, 0.965, 0.965, 0.965, 1.006, 1.006, 1.006, 1.006
), AssayLL = c(90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 93L, 93L, 93L, 93L,
93L, 93L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 93L, 93L, 93L, 93L, 93L,
93L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 90L, 93L, 93L, 93L, 93L), AssaypercLL = c(0.9,
0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93,
0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93,
0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 0.93), AssayUL = c(110L,
110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L,
110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L,
107L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 110L, 107L, 107L, 107L, 107L
), AssaypercUL = c(1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.07, 1.07,
1.07, 1.07, 1.07, 1.07, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.07, 1.07,
1.07, 1.07, 1.07, 1.07, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.07, 1.07,
1.07, 1.07), DateManufacture = c("1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017",
"1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017",
"1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/10/2017", "1/6/2018",
"1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018",
"1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/6/2018", "1/8/2018",
"1/8/2018", "1/8/2018", "1/8/2018", "1/8/2018", "1/8/2018", "1/8/2018",
"1/8/2018", "1/8/2018", "1/8/2018"), ExpiryDate = c("1/9/2019",
"1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019",
"1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/9/2019", "1/5/2020",
"1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020",
"1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/5/2020", "1/7/2020",
"1/7/2020", "1/7/2020", "1/7/2020", "1/7/2020", "1/7/2020", "1/7/2020",
"1/7/2020", "1/7/2020", "1/7/2020"), ShelfLifeYrs = c(2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L
), ShelfLifeDysRecpt = c(-547L, -547L, -547L, -547L, -547L, -547L,
-547L, -547L, -547L, -547L, -547L, -547L, -304L, -304L, -304L,
-304L, -304L, -304L, -304L, -304L, -304L, -304L, -304L, -304L,
-243L, -243L, -243L, -243L, -243L, -243L, -243L, -243L, -243L,
-243L), DateReceiptSample = c("1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021", "1/3/2021",
"1/3/2021"), COADateIssue = c("27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021", "27/5/2021",
"27/5/2021"), TestingOutcome = c("Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass",
"Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass",
"Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail",
"Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Fail", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass",
"Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "Pass"), FailureReason = c("",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution",
"Dihydroartemisinin Dissolution", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", ""), Dissolution = c(77L, 81L, 84L, 86L, 82L, 81L, 100L,
96L, 98L, 101L, 97L, 102L, 62L, 59L, 62L, 66L, 65L, 61L, 99L,
95L, 97L, 103L, 99L, 102L, 97L, 80L, 81L, 86L, 80L, 80L, 103L,
101L, 101L, 101L), Dissolutionperc = c(0.77, 0.81, 0.84, 0.86,
0.82, 0.81, 1, 0.96, 0.98, 1.01, 0.97, 1.02, 0.62, 0.59, 0.62,
0.66, 0.65, 0.61, 0.99, 0.95, 0.97, 1.03, 0.99, 1.02, 0.97, 0.8,
0.81, 0.86, 0.8, 0.8, 1.03, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01), DissolLL = c(70L,
70L, 70L, 70L, 70L, 70L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 70L, 70L,
70L, 70L, 70L, 70L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 70L, 70L, 70L,
70L, 70L, 70L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L), DissolutionpercLL = c(0.7,
0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7,
0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7,
0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8), Mass = c(NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), pH = c(NA,
NA), Dosageform = c("Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet",
"Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet",
"Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet",
"Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet",
"Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet", "Tablet",
"Tablet"), Therapeuticclass = c("Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial",
"Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial", "Antimalarial"
), memberstate = c("", "", "", "", "", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo",
"ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo",
"ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo",
"ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "ruvimbo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

How to resolve the error name:_name = "label" if "label" in features[0].keys() else "labels" in Hugging face NER

I am trying to run custom NER on my data using offset values. I tried to replicate using this link << >>
I keep getting the error
variable name:_name = "label" if "label" in features[0].keys() else "labels"
DATA BEFORE tokenize_and_align_labels FUNCTIONS
{'texts': ['WASHINGTON USA WA DRIVER LICENSE BESSETTE Lamma 4d DL 73235766 9 Class AM to Iss 22/03/2021 Ab Exp 07130/2021 DOB 2/28/21 1 BESSETTE 2 GERALD 8 6930 NE Grandview Blvd, keyport, WA 86494 073076 12 Restrictions A 9a End P 16 Hgt 5\'-04" 15 Sex F 18 Eyes BLU 5 DD 73235766900000000000 Gerald Bessette', ] }
tag_names': [
{'start': 281, 'end': 296, 'tag': 'PERSON_NAME', 'text': 'Gerald Bessette'},
{'start': 135, 'end': 141, 'tag': 'FIRST_NAME', 'text': 'GERALD'},
{'start': 124, 'end': 122, 'tag': 'LAST_NAME', 'text': 'BESSETTE'},
{'start': 81, 'end': 81, 'tag': 'ISSUE_DATE', 'text': '22/03/2021'},
{'start': 99, 'end': 109, 'tag': 'EXPIRY_DATE', 'text': '07130/2021'},
{'start': 114, 'end': 121, 'tag': 'DATE_OF_BIRTH', 'text': '2/28/21'},
{'start': 51, 'end': 59, 'tag': 'DRIVER_LICENSE_NUMBER', 'text': '73235766'},
{'start': 144, 'end': 185, 'tag': 'ADDRESS', 'text': '6930 NE Grandview Blvd, keyport, WA 86494'}
DATA AFTER tokenize_and_align_labels FUNCTIONS
[[0, 305, 8684, 2805, 9342, 10994, 26994, 42560, 39951, 163, 12147, 3935, 6433, 6887, 1916, 204, 417, 13925, 6521, 1922, 4390, 4280, 361,
4210, 3326, 7, 19285, 820, 73, 3933, 73, 844, 2146, 2060, 12806, 321, 5339, 541, 73, 844, 2146, 14010, 387, 132, 73, 2517, 73, 2146, 112,
163, 12147, 3935, 6433, 132, 272, 39243, 495, 290, 5913, 541, 12462, 2374, 5877, 12543, 6, 762, 3427, 6, 9342, 290, 4027, 6405, 13470, 541,
5067, 316, 40950, 2485, 83, 361, 102, 4680, 221, 545, 289, 19377, 195, 32269, 3387, 113, 379, 15516, 274, 504, 26945, 12413, 791, 195, 27932,
6521, 1922, 4390, 36400, 45947, 151, 14651, 163, 3361, 3398, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'offset_mapping': [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 10), (11, 14), (15, 17), (18, 20), (20, 24), (25, 28), (28, 32), (33, 34), (34, 37), (37, 39), (39, 41),
(42, 45), (45, 47), (48, 49), (49, 50), (51, 53), (54, 56), (56, 58), (58, 60), (60, 62), (63, 64), (65, 70), (71, 73),
(74, 76), (77, 80), (81, 83), (83, 84), (84, 86), (86, 87), (87, 89), (89, 91), (92, 94), (95, 98), (99, 100), (100, 102),
(102, 104), (104, 105), (105, 107), (107, 109), (110, 112), (112, 113), (114, 115), (115, 116), (116, 118), (118, 119),
(119, 121), (122, 123), (124, 125), (125, 128), (128, 130), (130, 132), (133, 134), (135, 136), (136, 140), (140, 141),
(142, 143), (144, 146), (146, 148), (149, 151), (152, 157), (157, 161), (162, 166), (166, 167), (168, 171), (171, 175),
(175, 176), (177, 179), (180, 181), (181, 183), (183, 185), (186, 188), (188, 190), (190, 192), (193, 195), (196, 204),
(204, 208), (209, 210), (211, 212), (212, 213), (214, 217), (218, 219), (220, 222), (223, 224), (224, 226), (227, 228),
(228, 230), (230, 232), (232, 233), (234, 236), (237, 240), (241, 242), (243, 245), (246, 250), (251, 253), (253, 254),
(255, 256), (257, 259), (260, 262), (262, 264), (264, 266), (266, 269), (269, 277), (277, 280), (281, 287), (288, 289),
(289, 292), (292, 296), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0),
(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]
'labels': [[24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 2, 10, 10, 18, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 3, 11, 11, 11, 11, 19, 24, 24, 1, 9, 9, 9, 17, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 4, 12, 20, 24, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
16, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 7, 15, 15, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24],
My Code:
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from transformers import AutoTokenizer,BertModel,BertTokenizer
from transformers import RobertaModel,RobertaConfig,RobertaForTokenClassification
from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer
# from transformers.trainer import get_tpu_sampler
from transformers.trainer_pt_utils import get_tpu_sampler
from import DataCollator, InputDataClass
from transformers import DataCollatorForTokenClassification
from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification
import torch
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss, MSELoss
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import DataLoader
from import DistributedSampler
from import RandomSampler
from torchcrf import CRF
import dataclasses
import logging
import warnings
import tqdm
import os
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Union, Dict
os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"
import evaluate
metric = evaluate.load("seqeval")
model_checkpoint = "bert-base-cased"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint) #add_prefix_space=True
def isin(a, b):
return a[1] > b[0] and a[0] < b[1]
def tokenize_and_align_labels(examples, label2id, max_length=256):
tokenized_inputs = tokenizer(examples["texts"], truncation=True, padding='max_length', max_length=max_length,return_offsets_mapping=True)
print("tokenization done")
labels = []
for i, label_idx_for_single_input in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(examples["tag_names"])):
# print(i,label_idx_for_single_input)
labels_for_single_input = ['O' for _ in range(max_length)]
# print(labels_for_single_input)
text_offsets = tokenized_inputs['offset_mapping'][i]
# print("text_offsets",text_offsets)
for entity in label_idx_for_single_input:
# print("entity",entity)
tag = entity['tag']
# print("tag",tag)
tag_offset = [entity['start'], entity['end']]
# print("tag_offset",tag_offset)
# text_offsets [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 10), (11, 14), (15, 17), (18, 20), (20, 24), (25, 28), (28, 32), (33, 34), (34, 37), (37, 39), (39, 41), (42, 45), (45, 47), (48, 49), (49, 50), (51, 53), (54, 56), (56, 58), (58, 60), (60, 62), (63, 64), (65, 70), (71, 73), (74, 76), (77, 80), (81, 83), (83, 84), (84, 86), (86, 87), (87, 89), (89, 91), (92, 94), (95, 98), (99, 100), (100, 102), (102, 104), (104, 105), (105, 107), (107, 109), (110, 112), (112, 113), (114, 115), (115, 116), (116, 118), (118, 119), (119, 121), (122, 123), (124, 125), (125, 128), (128, 130), (130, 132), (133, 134), (135, 136), (136, 140), (140, 141), (142, 143), (144, 146), (146, 148), (149, 151), (152, 157), (157, 161), (162, 166), (166, 167), (168, 171), (171, 175), (175, 176), (177, 179), (180, 181), (181, 183), (183, 185), (186, 188), (188, 190), (190, 192), (193, 195), (196, 204), (204, 208), (209, 210), (211, 212), (212, 213), (214, 217), (218, 219), (220, 222), (223, 224), (224, 226), (227, 228), (228, 230), (230, 232), (232, 233), (234, 236), (237, 240), (241, 242), (243, 245), (246, 250), (251, 253), (253, 254), (255, 256), (257, 259), (260, 262), (262, 264), (264, 266), (266, 269), (269, 277), (277, 280), (281, 287), (288, 289), (289, 292), (292, 296), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]
# entity {'start': 281, 'end': 296, 'tag': 'PERSON_NAME', 'text': 'Gerald Bessette'}
# tag_offset [281, 296]
affected_token_ids = [j for j in range(max_length) if isin(tag_offset, text_offsets[j])]
# print("affected_token_ids",affected_token_ids)
if len(affected_token_ids) < 1:
# print('affected_token_ids)<1')
if any(labels_for_single_input[j] != 'O' for j in affected_token_ids):
# print('entity orverlap! skipping')
for j in affected_token_ids:
labels_for_single_input[j] = 'I_' + tag
labels_for_single_input[affected_token_ids[-1]] = 'L_' + tag
labels_for_single_input[affected_token_ids[0]] = 'B_' + tag
label_ids = [label2id[x] for x in labels_for_single_input]
tokenized_inputs["labels"] = labels
# print(tokenized_inputs.keys())
return tokenized_inputs
import json
data = []
with open('data.json', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
l = []
for k, v in data[0].items():
l.append({'text': k, 'spans': v})
train_set = [
[{'start': y["start"], 'end': y["end"], 'tag': y["label"], 'text': y["ngram"]} for y in x['spans']]
] for x in l
## count labels in dataset
from collections import Counter
e = []
for x in train_set:
for y in x[1]:
## get label list
ori_label_list = []
for line in train_set:
ori_label_list += [entity['tag'] for entity in line[1]]
ori_label_list = sorted(list(set(ori_label_list)))
label_list = []
for prefix in 'BIL':
label_list += [prefix + '_' + x for x in ori_label_list]
label_list += ['O']
label_list = sorted(list(set(label_list)))
label2id = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(label_list)}
id2label= {str(i):n for i,n in enumerate(label_list)}
# id2label = {str(i): label for i, label in enumerate(label_names)}
# label2id = {v: k for k, v in id2label.items()}
train_examples ={'texts':[x[0] for x in train_set],'tag_names':[x[1] for x in train_set]}
train_examples = tokenize_and_align_labels(train_examples,label2id)
# train_examples =,batched=True)
# dict_keys(['input_ids', 'token_type_ids', 'attention_mask', 'offset_mapping', 'labels'])
# 775
data_collator = DataCollatorForTokenClassification(tokenizer=tokenizer)
# collator=data_collator(train_examples)
# def compute_metrics(eval_preds):
# logits, labels = eval_preds
# predictions = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1)
# # Remove ignored index (special tokens) and convert to labels
# true_labels = [[label_list[l] for l in label if l != -100] for label in labels]
# true_predictions = [
# [label_list[p] for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != -100]
# for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels)
# ]
# all_metrics = metric.compute(predictions=true_predictions, references=true_labels)
# return {
# "precision": all_metrics["overall_precision"],
# "recall": all_metrics["overall_recall"],
# "f1": all_metrics["overall_f1"],
# "accuracy": all_metrics["overall_accuracy"],
# }
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint,id2label=id2label,label2id=label2id,)
args = TrainingArguments(
# evaluation_strategy="epoch",
# push_to_hub=True,
trainer = Trainer(
# eval_dataset=train_examples,
# compute_metrics=compute_metrics,
_name = "label" if "label" in features[0].keys() else "labels"
AttributeError: 'tokenizers.Encoding' object has no attribute 'keys'
I think the object tokenized_inputs that you create and return in tokenize_and_align_labels is likely to be a tokenizers.Encoding object, not a dict or Dataset object (check this by printing type(myobject) when in doubt), and therefore it won't have keys.
You should apply your Tokenizer to your examples using the map function of Dataset, as in this example from the documentation.

Subset inside lapply for Pearson correlation

I have tried iterate to explore pearson correlation between 2 variables with 7 more variables.
My df
df<-structure(list(d_peso1_v01 = structure(c(-8, -0.5, -13, -0.7,
-10.2, -9, -4.3, -1.6, 1.8, -11.3, -10.3, -4.6, 1.2, -2.8, -9.2
), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 13L), d_cintura1_v01 = structure(c(-6.5,
-3.5, -10, -2, -7, -3, -3, -4, -4.5, -9.5, -15.5, -3, 1, -4,
-12), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 16L), d_huglucagon_v01 = structure(c(-106.06,
NA, -75.38, 27.5, -325.38, -26.12, -104.26, 28.66, NA, -11.12,
-60.05, -76.38, -36.21, NA, -270.02), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 18L),
d_huinsulin_v01 = structure(c(-26.29, NA, -143.44, -410.55,
84.51, -121.56, -52.36, -151.83, NA, -42, -43.69, -82.96,
-51.27, NA, -163.12), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 17L),
d_huvisfatin_v01 = structure(c(-541.93, NA, -750.38, -611.9,
0, 139.61, -343.58, -149.2, NA, -91.54, -212.47, -844.05,
-353.86, NA, -1749.96), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 18L),
d_hupai1_v01 = structure(c(-785.4, NA, 115.96, -867.31, -10.84,
-1634, -331.21, 396.05, NA, -424.5, -143.09, 429.39, 799.11,
NA, -633.44), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 13L),
d_hucpeptide_v01 = structure(c(-189.33, NA, -612.6, -1250.86,
110.03, -614.69, -119.31, -305.55, NA, -104.55, -38.74, -411.38,
-65.48, NA, -143.75), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 18L),
d_huleptin_v01 = structure(c(-3145.34, NA, -5038.03, -2069.79,
-357.79, -1004.4, -1253.38, 365.69, NA, -2102.93, -1454.6,
-3380.95, -760.69, NA, -6078.46), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 16L),
d_hughrelin_v01 = structure(c(-290.46, NA, -898.76, -726.4,
-217.49, 41.13, 93.89, 436.93, NA, 12.85, -221.54, -134,
-200.15, NA, 261.3), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 18L),
d_hba1c_v01 = structure(c(0.02, NA, -0.26, -0.17, -1.05,
-0.41, -0.47, -0.21, NA, -0.14, -0.14, -0.43, 0.61, NA, -1.33
), format.spss = "F8.2", display_width = 13L), grupo_int_v00 = structure(c(2L,
1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("A",
"B"), label = "Grupo de intervención", class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
I have performed all the steps to do it for the whole database, but I want to subset according to grupo_int_v00, which is a factor differentiating 2 treatments (A or B)
my_data <- dat[, c("d_peso1_v01", "d_cintura1_v01", "d_huglucagon_v01", "d_huinsulin_v01", "d_huvisfatin_v01", "d_hupai1_v01", "d_hucpeptide_v01", "d_huleptin_v01", "d_hughrelin_v01", "d_hba1c_v01", "grupo_int_v00")]
peso_pearson_01 <- lapply(my_data, function(x) {cor.test(x, my_data$d_peso1_v01, method = "pearson")})
cintura_pearson_01 <- lapply(my_data, function(x) {cor.test(x, my_data$d_cintura1_v01, method = "pearson")})
cintura_peso_01 <-, list(peso_pearson_01, cintura_pearson_01))
max <- max(sapply(cintura_peso_01, length))
cintura_peso_01 <-, lapply(cintura_peso_01, function(z) c(z, rep(NA, max-length(z)))))
How can I insert grupo_int_v00 in the syntax?
peso_pearson_01 <- lapply(my_data, function(x) {subset(dat$grupo_int_v00 == "A"), cor.test(x, my_data$d_peso1_v01, method = "pearson")})
Error: inesperado ',' in "lapply(my_data, function(x) {subset(dat$grupo_int_v00 == "A"),"
Thank you!

matplotlib.pyplot heatmap with strange range of values

I am plotting a heatmap that have many values set to zero, a few that are very low (0.001 to 0.05) and a few that are high (>0.9 up to 1). Is it possible to set a non-uniform colorbar spacing so the data can be better understood? How can that be done?
data = {(0, 33): 0.002, (0, 34): 0.007, (0, 35): 0.015, (0, 36): 0.014, (0, 37): 0.943, (0, 38): 0.01, (0, 51): 0.007, (1, 33): 0.002, (1, 34): 0.002, (1, 35): 0.005, (1, 36): 0.005, (1, 37): 0.977, (1, 38): 0.006, (1, 51): 0.003, (2, 34): 0.002, (2, 35): 0.003, (2, 36): 0.003, (2, 37): 0.99, (2, 38): 0.002, (3, 33): 0.002, (3, 34): 0.003, (3, 35): 0.005, (3, 36): 0.007, (3, 37): 0.978, (3, 38): 0.005, (3, 51): 0.001, (4, 37): 1.0, (5, 37): 1.0, (12, 33): 0.003, (12, 34): 0.004, (12, 35): 0.018, (12, 36): 0.017, (12, 37): 0.931, (12, 38): 0.013, (12, 49): 0.001, (12, 51): 0.012, (13, 33): 0.003, (13, 34): 0.004, (13, 35): 0.009, (13, 36): 0.013, (13, 37): 0.944, (13, 38): 0.014, (13, 51): 0.012, (14, 34): 0.001, (14, 35): 0.002, (14, 36): 0.003, (14, 37): 0.993, (14, 38): 0.001, (15, 34): 0.001, (15, 35): 0.002, (15, 36): 0.003, (15, 37): 0.992, (15, 38): 0.001, (16, 37): 0.996, (16, 38): 0.004, (17, 37): 1.0, (18, 37): 1.0, (19, 37): 1.0, (20, 37): 1.0, (21, 37): 1.0, (22, 37): 1.0, (23, 37): 1.0, (24, 33): 0.004, (24, 34): 0.007, (24, 35): 0.032, (24, 36): 0.035, (24, 37): 0.903, (24, 38): 0.016, (24, 51): 0.003, (25, 33): 0.004, (25, 34): 0.006, (25, 35): 0.029, (25, 36): 0.034, (25, 37): 0.907, (25, 38): 0.016, (25, 51): 0.003, (26, 35): 0.004, (26, 36): 0.007, (26, 37): 0.972, (26, 38): 0.017, (27, 33): 0.004, (27, 34): 0.005, (27, 35): 0.007, (27, 36): 0.008, (27, 37): 0.961, (27, 38): 0.016, (28, 33): 0.005, (28, 34): 0.006, (28, 35): 0.008, (28, 36): 0.01, (28, 37): 0.961, (28, 38): 0.01, (29, 33): 0.002, (29, 34): 0.003, (29, 35): 0.023, (29, 36): 0.016, (29, 37): 0.943, (29, 38): 0.012, (30, 33): 0.001, (30, 35): 0.01, (30, 36): 0.001, (30, 37): 0.985, (30, 38): 0.004, (35, 37): 1.0, (36, 37): 1.0, (37, 37): 1.0, (38, 38): 1.0, (39, 49): 0.013, (39, 50): 0.012, (39, 51): 0.975, (40, 47): 0.18, (40, 49): 0.02, (40, 50): 0.126, (40, 51): 0.674, (41, 49): 0.012, (41, 50): 0.022, (41, 51): 0.966}
i_set, j_set = set(), set()
for k in data.keys():
i_set = list(i_set)
j_set = list(j_set)
# Make array
array = []
for i in i_set:
row = []
for j in j_set:
row.append( data.get((i,j), 0) )
array = np.array(array)
# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(array)
# We want to show all ticks...
# ... and label them with the respective list entries
# Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment.
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor")
# Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
for i in range(len(i_set)):
for j in range(len(j_set)):
if array[i,j] != 0:
text = ax.text(j, i, array[i, j],
ha="center", va="center", color="w", fontsize='xx-small')
Furthermore, the top and bottom rows are "cut in half" instead of shown in full. How can I fix that?
The last question, of how to fix the cut in half squares was solved. Still, the question on how to make the colorbar vary non-uniformly is open!
