How Innfinite scroll with pagination works? - pagination
Trying to figure out how this is done.
Anyone have an idea?
Been searching on google and in different places now for a week :(


Could not find builder-4.0.1.jar (

enter image description here
I have a problem with building my project and I searched for 3 days straight and I tried everything but nothing worked. And right now I'm desperate.
Does anybody know how should I fix this?
On app\build.gradle add this
implementation ''
and sync

Creating a multi-select in Jade/Pug

thanks in advance for any help / thoughts you can provide.
How can I create a multi-select dropdown in Jade/Pug?
Here's what I've tried:
span Skills
select.chosen-select(data-placeholder='Choose tags ...' name='tags[]' multiple='')
each skill in Skills
This allows me to create a menu of items, but none can be clicked or selected.
I've been using this code as my guide, as this is exactly what I want to create. It uses chosen, which I've tried downloading and linking to in the script, but also cannot seem to get working.
Any help is very much appreciated - even if it's a much simpler way to accomplish this same goal, without using chosen.

Searching for Old YouTube Videos

I'm trying to find all of the YouTube videos created by IGN's channel during the month of February 2014. IGN currently has 118,000+ videos uploaded, so going back through all of them is not possible. I previously used the following Google search string and a custom date range to find them: ignentertainment
This doesn't work anymore for some reason. I'd be much obliged if anyone has any ideas of how to do this. I have no idea what an API is, but if there's a VERY simple way of using that to do what I want that can be explained briefly, I'm willing to go that route.
You can use google to limit the period that it fetches search hits from.
Start by searching using " ignentertainment" or simply "ignentertainment" and then click on the tools button, you now got a new bar between your search bar and the results that can limit time among other things.
Open the time related options and choose to input a specified period and your all done.
Edit: oh and the command ignentertainment sure worked for me.

Prestashop : Showing back-office custom tab content in product.tpl in front-office

I went through the following tutorial : and I found myself unable to add the content of the fields into my front-office product.tpl page.
I assume I have all the tools to get the result I want, but I am getting lost in this code and I am not comfortable with hooks yet. Could someone please give a moment to help me, and tell me how to display a custom .tpl file containing my data at a specific hook/location in the front-office page? I've spent time browsing several tutorials and documentations but I still struggle.
I would really appreciate help, regards.

Fadein and Fadeout for blockquotes

I need some assistance with creating a fadin and fadout for several blockquotes. I reviewed a bunch of jquery codes, but can't seem to find one.
Have you tried the following?
