VBA Common Control On Others PC - excel

I need information.
I am work on Microsoft Excel 365 (2016 32 Bit) and I have registered and installed mscomctl.ocx sp6 to get some additional control on my VBA project such as Date Picker, Listview Control, etc.
So far all works just fine on my PC.
My question, if my excel VBA project run on others computer that mscomctl.ocx sp6 not installed and registered, should my excel VBA project work fine too?.
If not, then I will considering to use any common control own by mscomctl.ocx sp6 and use only the excel 365 controls default. Or any others way to make it works fine on others computer as mentioned?.
Thank you.


I get an error 800a9cf1 while adding a listview control to a userform

I have several userforms that use ListView Control, but it doesn't load in some of our pcs with Windows 10 / Office 10.
I found out that the reference Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) was missing and then I learned how to register it using regsvr32.
Now that i have the reference correctly registered, I can see the listview control in the adittional controls list, and was able to activate it, but when I try to add the control to a form, the error in the Picture below shows up...
Does anyone know whats going on?
a) PC's with 32 bit Windows will run into issues with distributed files saved in 64 bit windows as the libraries are registered in different folders (System32 vs SysWOW64).
You could try to goto Excel, delete the library reference on a 32-bit-Office pc manually, re-enter a renewed ListView reference and re-save the project locally.
b) Furthermore the Treeview control represents no native MSForms control and cannot be used at all, if Office is installed as 64 bit version.
There exist professional solutions, such as a MSForms (all VBA) treeview (offering even a free code demo in a simplified version).

VBA EDITOR quits (terminates) Excel 2016 on mac

I am using MAC OS Mojave 10.14 and Excel version 16.19. I am trying to use the VBA editor to create macros. However, whenever I insert a userform and try to change its properties (such as color, font, etc.) or when I click on an object to complete the word by using list constants, Excel terminates itself and gives this error.
Is there any reason for (or a possible solution to) this problem?
The version you provided means you have Office 2019, not Office 2016.
The ability to insert and edit userforms is not yet supported. Microsoft accidentally turned this capability on for a few users, but the feature isn't even ready for testing, yet. It will come along pretty soon, though, as you can see that quite a bit of the interface is built.

Cannot start matlab through spreadsheet link ex 3.2

I recently installed the spreadsheet link ex add-in on my excel 2013, but it doesn't work. When I try to choose the option 'Start MATLAB' from MATLAB field in HOME Ribbon it gives me an error:
'Cannot run the macro 'ribStartMatlab'. The Macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros all disabled.'
The same thing happens with any other MATLAB command chosen from excel.
I chose the option 'Enable all macros' in the Macro Security Settings and also checked the box 'Trust access to the VBA project object model'.
I also checked the SpreadsheetLink2007_2010 reference in the VBA->Tools->References (none other is available).
I found some information that the version of SP for Office might be put to blame but I checked and it seems I have the latest version of SP1 for Office 2013.
The exact name of the add-in is 'Spreadsheet Link EX 3.2 for use with MATLAB and Excel', the Office version is 2013 Proffesional Plus, and the MATLAB version is 2013b. Any help or tips greatly appreciated.
this is more of a guess than anything else. But I'm guessing the ribbon/macros use activeX control. at the end of last year there was an update to excel that disables activeX, which usually results in strange performance or code breaking with very cryptic error messages. It's a bit complicated to get it to work again, but here is a post that might provide some insight http://blogs.technet.com/b/the_microsoft_excel_support_team_blog/archive/2015/03/11/forms-controls-stop-working-after-december-2014-updates-.aspx
again, this is really a guess, I don't know for certain the matlab commands use activeX but it's worth looking into

Is it possible to generate an Excel VBA Listview - on a 64bit machine?

I have been scouring the internet all afternoon trying to see why I can't get an Excel VBA form that works on my 32bit Excel 2003 to work on Excel 2010 which is 64bit.
From what I'm finding, IT CAN'T WORK. Is this really correct?
If so, are there any alternatives to use for listview in Excel 64bit?
Yes, it is correct. See this article at microsoft.com, specifically:
Native 64-bit processes in Office 2010 cannot load 32-bit binaries. This includes the common controls of MSComCtl (TabStrip, Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListViews, ImageList, Slider, ImageComboBox) and the controls of MSComCt2 (Animation, UpDown, MonthView, DateTimePicker, FlatScrollBar).

Runtime error -2147319784 (0x80028018) with Excel 2013 on Windows 8

I have an Excel application, with lots of macros in it. The macros in the workbook are signed. Some of the macros call Windows API functions and they have been ported to support 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel properly. The application works fine on different configurations (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, even some Excel 2013).
The application has been developped on a PC with Windows XP and Excel 2007, using the French Canadian locale.
I have one customer that has the following setup:
Laptop with Mac OS/X
Virtual machine with:
Windows 8 English
Excel 2013 English
When he runs my application, he always gets a Runtime error -2147319784 (0x80028018).
I tried to pin point where the error happens and it seems that as soon as the macros execute something referring to the Excel Object Model (for example: Application.ScreenUpdating = False) I get the error.
I tried to copy the exact line of code that fails in a new Workbook and it works fine without any error.
I have already seen a similar behavior in other versions of Windows and Excel with english versions of the products, and the way to solve the problem was to change de regional settings to US English. I tried it on my customer's machine and it didn't work.
I searched the web and found similar issues with Excel 2002 and I found a post in the Microsoft's Knowledge Base (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;320369). This post applies to .NET VSTO applications, which is obviously not my case here. I can't change the current thread's locale as suggested in the article since this is not available from my VBA macros. I tried to copy the Excel.exe file to a 1033 folder and rename it to xllex.dll as suggested, but it didn't work either.
I even asked my customer to completely uninstall all Office products from his machine and just reinstall Excel 2013. Still doesn't work.
Honestly, I'm running out of options here... Can anyone help me solve this problem?
Thank you for your help!
"Windows API functions" in a Mac. Can't imagine that'll work. Is your error this? "Old Format or Invalid Type Library" I'd say your code is not compatible with Mac somehow.
I don't know why the code would fail on a minor issue like Application.ScreenUpdating = False; but you already concluded that line by itself wasn't the problem anyway.
Sounds like you'll need to rewrite your code for the Mac.
