Ability to onboard custom Ibiza Extensions - azure

Currently based on https://github.com/Azure/portaldocs custom Azure Blades can only be developed internally within Microsoft Product Groups, however they are using React Templates to provide a customized view for custom resources. Ibiza Extensions (Codename for the Portal) would be a great extension on top of custom resource providers.
Is there any capability to onboard resources from organizations, which published their service through the marketplace and/or partners after going through the official onboarding process?
I've checked through the https://github.com/Azure/portaldocs documentation to understand the process and details on how to get engaged. The repository however does not intake any issues to ask there.

Currently we don't have any plans around extension development in our roadmap in the near future. In general, we would prioritize against existing backlog, add in roadmap as appropriate and would announce and/or update the related Azure document once any feature request is addressed.


Developing a web application for Azure market place

I am very new to Azure and Azure market place apps.
I could not find any samples in the Web to create an web application in azure market place. I want to create simple web application then i can publish this in Azure market place. For example, this web application simply retrieves all the users in a SQL table and show the list in a html page.
I tried different solutions in web and also here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/gg607768.aspx. But could not able to succeed.
I am confused on how to start developing the market place apps. I mean which project template i should use to develop an Market place App.
Can any one please help me how to start developing the web application for Azure market place?
You may check the process outlined in this document Publish and manage an offer in the Azure Marketplace - this article is provided to help - create, deploy, and manage solutions listed in the Azure Marketplace.
Refer to the Marketplace Publisher Guide and Azure managed applications in the Marketplace for details.
Publish a Solution Template: Based on your requirement, you could use the solution templates which allows you to combine multiple items already available in the marketplace to create more powerful solutions.
Whereas, the ‘Publish a Developer Service’ provides fully managed developer services (SAAS) for developers to use in custom application development.
Note: Solutions Template has migrated to the new Cloud Partner Portal (requires registration prior to access).
Additionally, check the Marketplace FAQs (here): Who do I contact with publishing or offer management questions? : Please visit the Azure Marketplace Publisher Guide for up-to-date resource and documentations on frequently asked questions. Additionally, you can log a ticket with Microsoft Support in the Cloud Partner Portal.

Web app onboarding to Azure Web Marketplace

We checked this documentation - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2016/08/26/onboarding-to-azure-web-marketplace on how to onboard our web apps in the Azure marketplace and also the GitHub link - https://github.com/SunBuild/web-app-marketplace
We have contacted MSFT on how to host our application which has an API and WCF applications as sub-applications.
MSFT replied that sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
So, we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In the sample applications in the GitHub link - https://github.com/SunBuild/web-app-marketplace, they have a hosting plan JSON file for the web app resource. Can we link the applications using this hosting plan JSON file?
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file - https://github.com/SunBuild/web-app-marketplace/blob/master/WebApp-SQLDatabase/DeploymentTemplates/Website_NewHostingPlan_SQL_NewDB-Default.json
Does anyone tried this before or know how to do this?
sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
From the documentation, we could know if web app need Virtual application setting to be configured for web app, we will not be able to on board the application.
we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In my view, if you on board these application individually, it may not enable us to bundle multi individual applications to make them link with each other. You could contact with Azure marketplace support team.
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file - https://github.com/SunBuild/web-app-marketplace/blob/master/WebApp-SQLDatabase/DeploymentTemplates/Website_NewHostingPlan_SQL_NewDB-Default.json
In the link you posted, we could find that it is an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template that is used to define resources you want to deploy. This article explained about the Azure Resource Manager template, please refer to it.

Visual Studio Online - Live ID vs Work Accounts

We're completely upgrading our production and development environment from co-located boxes to an Azure implementation and we'll be developing using Visual Studio Online. Up until this point our dev has occurred on a Remote Desktop environment where developers were logging into Windows server and developing on that RDP box.
We want to set this up and we have some confusion about the Account types/set up types.
It appears there are two ways to set up our Azure and two ways to set up our developers. We are a MS partner w/ some MSDN licenses and Azure credits.
So for Azure we can use our existing MS accounts and just set up an Azure Pay As You Go (PAYG) subscription. This was suggested to us initially but it seems weird to have the entire companies Azure environment going through an individuals live ID. Then we saw we can sign up as an Organization now and it uses Azure AD. We have not been using Active Directory and we're not sure how much complexity this is going to add to our administration. Is there a discernible difference/benefit to going one way or the other?
Then, when we sign up our developers we can either have everyone sign up with their live ID's (we have MSDN w/ VS Premium credits for all developers) or we can set them up using Active Directory with Work Accounts. Having our credits allotted in work accounts sounds like a good way to control things at first reading, but it also seems a bit more complex. I'm wondering if there is much difference between MSDN accounts signed up w/ live IDs or AD Work Accounts. I can't find a real comparison article or pro/con type of discussion anywhere.
It sounds like you have already figured out the main differences. As an organization, I would suggest signing up for Azure as an organization. You can do that here. This is going to give you the management capabilities for resources typically needed by an organization.
Your developers can continue to use the MSDN subscriptions. As Dylan commented, these are not to be used for production environments. You should consider using these for Dev/Test environments and activating your MSDN benefits. This will save you some money. More on that here.
Visual Studio Online will work with your Work Accounts and again give you more control over managing your online resources. This link describes the sign-up process for both Microsoft Accounts and Work Accounts. And if you scroll down a bit you will find your original question specifically addressed.
Finally, you can also add your Work Account(s) to your existing MSDN subscriptions if you like. This way you (and your developers) can use the same account credentials when accessing Azure Subscriptions. Information on how to do that is available in this link.
Your Work Account subscription should be limited to personnel responsible for managing your "production" environment.
After signing up for Azure as an Organization, you can add users to the directory as described here. You can also add "external" users using their existing Microsoft Accounts. It's just a few dialogs to add a user.

How to do accounting in Azure properly

We started using Azure platform. Especially we are having issues in Web Sites platform. How we give different kinds of access to our development team.
Right now the development team could access the production deployment slots.
We need to be able specify the access to the system according to their roles in the organization.
Have your development team use their own subscription for development. That way, they never have access to your production environment. This is something I personally practice and recommend to customers.
This gives you the added benefit of also separating development and QA costs with your production deployment costs. In development, you may choose to use smaller and fewer instances (to control costs). Yet, in production, you may prefer larger and more instances (to meet demand). Having a separate subscription for each enables these options for you.
This is also an approach demonstrated in the Patterns and Practices Guide. It's a little dated and is in the context of Cloud Services (not Websites). But, the overarching principles still apply.
Microsoft has Role-Based Access Control in the roadmap for the new Azure portal but have not committed to any target dates.
If you're using Azure AD to manage Azure access there are some different roles available there.
Edit: Basic RBAC functionality was added to the new Azure Portal back in September.

Azure site to use as technical repository

Do we have azure based site to share technical knowledge with team. To interact with colleagues. Or Do we have ready made site which we can customize?
I'm going to make a big assumption that I understand what your question is. Assuming you are looking for some type of collaborative website engine that can easily be deployed within Windows Azure, for the purpose of collaboration amongst your peers:
If you create a new Windows Azure Web Site and look at the gallery, you'll see several ready-made options such as Mediawiki, phpBB, DotNetNuke, Joomla, Kentico, Lemoon, mojoPortal, Orchard, Umbraco, and WordPress. I'm guessing at least one of these would help you build a collaborative knowledge site for your team.
Per your comment (which makes me think I assumed correctly): here's starter info on Web Sites, from the Azure portal. Also you should download the Training Kit, also linked from the Azure portal.
