Write >1 files (limited by size) from a spark partition - apache-spark

I am fetching an RDBMS table using JDBC with some 10-20 partitions using ROW_NUM. Then from each of these partitions I want to process/format the data, and write one or more files out to file storage based on the file size Each file must be less 500MB. How do I write multiple files out from a single partition? This spark config property 'spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile' wont work for me because each row can be of different size as there is blob data in the row. The size of this blob may vary anywhere from a few hundred bytes to 50MB. So I cannot really limit the write by maxRecordsPerFile.
How do I further split each DB partition, into smaller partitions and then write out the files?
If I do a repartition, it does shuffle across all executors. I am trying to keep all data within the same executor to avoid shuffle. Is it possible to repartition within the same executor core (repartition the current partition), and then write a single file from each?
I tried this to atleats calculate the total size of my payload and then repartition. but this fails with "Local variable numOfPartitions defined in an enclosing scope must be final or effectively final". what am I doing wrong. How can I fix this code?
int numOfPartitions = 1;
JavaRDD<String> tgg = xmlDataSet.toJavaRDD().mapPartitions ( xmlRows -> {
long totalSize = 0;
List<String> strLst = new ArrayList<String>();
while (xmlRows.hasNext()) {
String xmlString = xmlString = blobToString(xmlRows.next());
totalSize = totalSize + xmlString.getBytes().length;
if (totalSize > 10000) {
return strLst.iterator();


Number of Task in Apache spark while writing into HDFS

I am trying to read csv file and then adding some columns . After that trying to save in orc format.
I could not understand how spark decided number of tasks for different stages.
Why number of task for CSV stage is 1 and for ORC stage it is 39?
val c1c8 = spark.read.option("header",true).csv("/user/DEEPAK_TEST/C1C6_NEW/")
val c1c8new = { c1c8.withColumnRenamed("c1c6_F","c1c8").withColumnRenamed("Network_Out","c1c8_network").withColumnRenamed("Access NE Out","c1c8_access_ne")
.withColumn("c1c8_signalling",when (col("signalling_Out") === "SIP Cl4" , "SIP CL4").when (col("signalling_Out") === "SIP cl4" , "SIP CL4").when (col("signalling_Out") === "Other" , "other").otherwise(col("signalling_Out")))
.withColumnRenamed("access type Out","c1c8_access_type").withColumnRenamed("Type_of_traffic_C","c1c8_typeoftraffic")
.withColumnRenamed("BOS traffic type Out","c1c8_bos_trafc_typ").withColumnRenamed("Scope_Out","c1c8_scope")
.withColumnRenamed("Join with UP-DWN SIP cl5 T1T7 Out","c1c8_join_indicator")
.select("c1c8","c1c8_network", "c1c8_access_ne", "c1c8_signalling", "c1c8_access_type", "c1c8_typeoftraffic",
"c1c8_bos_trafc_typ", "c1c8_scope","c1c8_join_indicator")
Below is my understanding from looking at Spark 2.x source code.
Stage 0 is a file scan that creates FileScanRDD which is an RDD that scans a list of file partitions. This stage can have more than one task when you are reading from multiple partitioned directories, such as a partitioned Hive table.
The number of tasks in Stage 1 will be equals to the number of RDD partitions. In your case c1c8new.rdd.getNumPartitions will be 39. This number is calculated using:
config value spark.files.maxPartitionBytes (128MB by default)
sparkContext.defaultParallelism returned by task scheduler (equal to number of cores when running in local mode)
val defaultMaxSplitBytes =
val openCostInBytes = fsRelation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
val defaultParallelism = fsRelation.sparkSession.sparkContext.defaultParallelism
val totalBytes = selectedPartitions.flatMap(_.files.map(_.getLen + openCostInBytes)).sum
val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism
val maxSplitBytes = Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))
logInfo(s"Planning scan with bin packing, max size: $maxSplitBytes bytes, " +
s"open cost is considered as scanning $openCostInBytes bytes.")
You can see actual calculated values in the above log message if you set the log level to INFO - spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("INFO")
In your case, I think the split size is 128 and so, number of tasks/partitions is roughly 4.6G/128MB
As a side note, you can change the number of partitions (and hence the number of tasks in the subsequent stage) by using repartition() or coalesce() on the dataframe. More importantly, the number of partitions after a shuffle is determined by spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (200 by default). If you have a shuffle, it is better to use this configuration to control the number of tasks because inserting repartition() or coalesce() between stages adds extra overhead.
For large spark SQL workloads, setting optimum values for spark.sql.shuffle.partitions in each stage was always a pain point. Spark 3.x has better support for this if Adaptive Query Execution is enabled, but I haven't tried it for any production workloads.

How partitions are created in Spark

I'm looking for detailed description on how partitions are created in Spark. I assume its created based on the number of available cores in the cluster. But take for example if I have 512 MB file that needs to be processed and this file will be stored in my storage (which can be HDFS or S3 bucket) with block size of either 64 MB or 128 MB. For this case we can assume my cluster cores is 8. But when the file is getting processed by spark program how the partitions will happen on this. Hope 512 MB file will be divided into 8 different partitions and executed in 8 cores. Pls provide suggestions on this.
I find something in source code of FilePartition.scala .
It seems the number of partitions is related to the configuration parameters "maxSplitBytes" and "filesOpenCostInBytes"
def getFilePartitions(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
partitionedFiles: Seq[PartitionedFile],
maxSplitBytes: Long): Seq[FilePartition] = {
val partitions = new ArrayBuffer[FilePartition]
val currentFiles = new ArrayBuffer[PartitionedFile]
var currentSize = 0L
/** Close the current partition and move to the next. */
def closePartition(): Unit = {
if (currentFiles.nonEmpty) {
// Copy to a new Array.
val newPartition = FilePartition(partitions.size, currentFiles.toArray)
partitions += newPartition
currentSize = 0
val openCostInBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
// Assign files to partitions using "Next Fit Decreasing"
partitionedFiles.foreach { file =>
if (currentSize + file.length > maxSplitBytes) {
// Add the given file to the current partition.
currentSize += file.length + openCostInBytes
currentFiles += file

Which is the best way that Apache Spark DStream joins with static data records from the HDFS sequence file?

My goal is to monitor user input using SparkStreaming. The user's input is DStream and is just a key to data record (short string). The program needs filter and read the static data set (very big RDD, bigRDD) from HDFS Sequence File (a single record 30MB, the entire data set is about 10,000 records) by the user-entered key value. Then the program calculates the bigRDD and return the result records (30MB each) to the user. I hope that the calculation of bigRDD will be distributed locally as much as possible, avoid data transmission on the network, and use persist to reduce hard disk IO time. How should the specific steps be designed?
I tried:
JavaStreamingContext jsc = new JavaStreamingContext(...) ;
JavaDStream<String> lines = jsc.socketTextStream(...) ;
seqRDD = jsc.sparkContext().sequenceFile(...);// RDD from sequence file can not cache.
bigRDD = pairRdd.mapToPair(...) ;// bigRDD is used for cache.
bigRDD.cache() ;
inputDStream = lines.mapToPair(...) ; // convert DStream<string> to PairDStream<string,string> for join.
inputDStream.foreachRDD (inputRdd-> {
bigRDD2 = inputRdd.join(bigRDD);
resultRDD = bigRDD2.map( ... do calculation ... );
send_result_to_user(resultRDD) ;
But I don't know if those steps are appropriate?
I will try broadcast the data from DStream.RDD.collection() every batch and use RDD mapPartitions to process the data.

How to optimize Spark Job processing S3 files into Hive Parquet Table

I am new to Spark distributed development. I'm attempting to optimize my existing Spark job which takes up to 1 hour to complete.
EMR [10 instances of r4.8xlarge (32 cores, 244GB)]
Source Data: 1000 .gz files in S3 (~30MB each)
Spark Execution Parameters [Executors: 300, Executor Memory: 6gb, Cores: 1]
In general, the Spark job performs the following:
private def processLines(lines: RDD[String]): DataFrame = {
val updatedLines = lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
spark.createDataFrame(updatedLines, schema)
// Read S3 files and repartition() and cache()
val lines: RDD[String] = spark.sparkContext
.textFile(pathToFiles, numFiles)
.repartition(2 * numFiles) // double the parallelism
val numRawLines = lines.count()
// Custom process each line and cache table
val convertedLines: DataFrame = processLines(lines)
val numRows = spark.sql("select count(*) from temp_tbl").collect().head().getLong(0)
// Select a subset of the data
val myDataFrame = spark.sql("select a, b, c from temp_tbl where field = 'xxx' ")
// Define # of parquet files to write using coalesce
val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000
var lessParts = myDataFrame.rdd.coalesce(numParquetFiles)
var lessPartsDataFrame = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(lessParts, myDataFrame.schema)
// Insert data from view into Hive parquet table
spark.sql("insert overwrite destination_tbl
select * from my_view")
The app reads all S3 files => repartitions to twice the amount of files => caches the RDD => custom processes each line => creates a temp view/cache table => counts the num rows => selects a subset of the data => decrease the amount of partitions => creates a view of the subset of data => inserts to hive destination table using the view => unpersist the RDD.
I am not sure why it takes a long time to execute. Are the spark execution parameters incorrectly set or is there something being incorrectly invoked here?
Before looking at the metrics, I would try the following change to your code.
private def processLines(lines: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
val convertedLinesDf = spark.read.text(pathToFiles)
.filter("field = 'xxx'")
val numLines = convertedLinesDf.count() //dataset get in memory here, it takes time
// Select a subset of the data, but it will be fast if you have enough memory
// Just use Dataframe API
val myDataFrame = convertedLinesDf.transform(processLines).select("a","b","c")
//coalesce here without converting to RDD, experiment what best
Caching is useless if you don't count the number of rows. And it will take some memory and add some GC pressure
Caching table may consume more memory and add more GC pressure
Converting Dataframe to RDD is costly as it implies ser/deser operations
Not sure what you trying to do with : val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000 and repartition(2 * numFiles). With your setup, 1000 files of 30MB each will give you 1000 partitions. It could be fine like this. Calling repartition and coalesce may trigger a shuffling operation which is costly. (Coalesce may not trigger a shuffle)
Tell me if you get any improvements !

Spark RDD do not get processed in multiple nodes

I have a use case where in i create rdd from a hive table. I wrote a business logic that operates on every row in the hive table. My assumption was that when i create rdd and span a map process on it, it then utilises all my spark executors. But, what i see in my log is only one node process the rdd while rest of my 5 nodes sitting idle. Here is my code
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow")
var x = flow.rdd.map { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
Any clue where i go wrong?
As specify here by #jaceklaskowski
By default, a partition is created for each HDFS partition, which by
default is 64MB (from Spark’s Programming Guide).
If your input data is less than 64MB (and you are using HDFS) then by default only one partition will be created.
Spark will use all nodes when using big data
Could there be a possibility that your data is skewed?
To rule out this possibility, do the following and rerun the code.
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow").repartition(200)
var x = flow.rdd.map { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
Further if in your map logic you are dependent on a particular column you can do below
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow").repartition(col("yourColumnName"))
var x = flow.rdd.map { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
A good partition column could be date column
