dialog-flow showing empty response - dialogflow-es

As shown in image I'm getting this error by adding custom load in Dialog flow any suggestions!
It must be like this!!!


Customized error message on loading error of PDF in PDFTron

I am working with PDFTron - WebViewer,
Want to know how to handle PDF loading errors and showing customized message, in case of web-viewer
The easiest way to do this right now is to modify the ErrorModal component in the UI and replace the error messages there. You'll need to string match the old message and replace it with your own.
The component is located at ui/src/components/ErrorModal/ErrorModal.js and you'll want to change the onError function.
This link describes more about how to edit and build the UI https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/ui/advanced-customization
WebViewer has methods that let you display a modal Warning message box, which can be dismissed with its Confirm button or a click outside the dialog, or you can display a modal Error box which has no dismiss buttons and requires you to hit [F5] to refresh the page.
Using these is more straightforward than editing the UI code from the pdftron github repo.

Adding "AllowUpload" to the MyCart page in the Acumatica Customer Portal

I'm trying to add the ability to upload order lines into "Mycart" on the customer portal via excel or csv. I customized the screen and set AllowUpload to True. The button shows up on the grid, but throws an error as soon as I choose a file and click the upload button on the little file upload screen. The error I get is "Error during file upload: Error #103: View DocumentDetails $ImportContentBag doesn't exist."
It appears that this form hasn't been set up for File upload. Is it possible to create this capacity. Thanks in advance for help
You need the [PXImport] attribute on the View defnition in your BLC.

Error messages making queryString disapprear in jsf

I have issue from client end with jsf 1.2 as explained below
I am navigating on click on command button to the url below
If any field are missing I am using addErrorMessage('id','string') and returning fail in validation method. The error message is displayed under that component.. I am fine till this..
The problem is the url is displayed as
Here the value queryString is missing..if the user correct the error and click on save it works fine..it is working as per jsf cycle
My client is pressing enter on the browser url tab which has the url test/editProject.jsf. I told him to use F5 button to refresh but he didn't agreed.. any idea how to retrieve the query string back on getting error message.
I have used redirect in my project but I think here its not good idea to use..
Please let me known if you any solution for this..
Thanks for help.

How to show error message every time when validation fails on an icefaces component?

I'm facing some validation/message problem with ICEFaces. I have a page with some input fields, validators, and a message bar with an <ice:messages /> tag. If the user fails to properly complete an input field a validation error occurs, and an error message shown in the message bar. So far, so good.
But if the user types an incorrect value for the second time too, no new error message shown.
I would like to know how to change this behaviour. I need an error message every time the user fails to set a proper value, not just for the first time.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Are you sure you're not receiving an exception after printing the error message?

How do I send a custom error message to the client a Telerik MVC Grid Ajax Insert/Update/Delete?

I am working with Ajax Editing within a Telerik Grid extension. I would like to handle errors/exceptions on Insert/Update/Delete and display a user friendly message in the message box that is displayed back to the client, instead of the default message of "Error! The requested URL returned 500 - Internal Server Error" or the like.
Is there a way to tell the grid to display a custom text message?
Someone customized the alert here: http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-mvc/grid/how-to-return-error-information-to-grid-in-ajax-editing-mode.aspx, but I'm still searching for a way to actually update the grid itself...
There's a little hope in the client-side grid's noRecordsTemplate property, but we still need a way to clear the grid of any records that may have already been there.
Found it: To clear the grid, and set your message, do the following:
var grid = $('#Grid').data('tGrid');
grid.total = 0;
$('#Grid').find('.t-no-data td').text('My Custom Error Message');
Of course, you can figure out on your own how to combine the my example and the example from the link above.
