How can I add a global keydown event listener in Dioxus)? - rust

I'm currently trying out dioxus for rust, and I'm trying to figure out how to handle a global keyboard down event.
I want to use the arrow keys to move images back and forth:
Here's my code so far:
use dioxus::{events::*, prelude::*};
use log::{info, LevelFilter};
* Specify <link data-trunk rel="copy-dir" href="src/assets" />
* in the index.html to copy the files!!
* You'll see them in the dist directory!
fn main() {
dioxus_logger::init(LevelFilter::Info).expect("failed to init logger");
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let mut index = use_state(&cx, || 1);
let change_evt = move |evt: KeyboardEvent| match evt.key.as_str() {
"ArrowRight" => index += 1,
"ArrowLeft" => index -= 1,
_ => {}
let url = format!("/assets/img/wallpaper/1042/0{}.jpg", index);
cx.render(rsx!(img {
src: "{url}",
onkeydown: change_evt,
In JavaScript would've been something like
document.addEventListener('keydown', (evt) => {
// Do magic
I've tried following the calculator example but can't get it to work.
Any ideas?

onkeydown does not seem to work as a callback passed to an image. Wrap it in a div.
I placed an extra button there because, for some reason, the keyboard event callbacks did not register until I interacted with the app somehow (tried it in the browser).
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let mut index = use_state(&cx, || 1);
let change_evt = move |evt: KeyboardEvent| {
log::info!("{index}{}", evt.key);
match evt.key.as_str() {
"ArrowRight" => index += 1,
"ArrowLeft" => index -= 1,
_ => {}
let url = format!("/assets/img/wallpaper/1042/0{}.jpg", index);
img {
src: "{url}",
div {
class: "display",
onkeydown: change_evt,
button {
class: "but",
onclick: move |evt| {
"Press me!"


How can I get the mouse X and Y in Glium + Glutin?

I use Glium to write a game where I have to render an image in a specific position when a click is detected. To do so, I need to get the X and Y position. So how do I get them?
My current code looks like this:
/* ... */ |event, _, control_flow| {
match event {
glutin::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event {
glutin::event::WindowEvent::CloseRequested => {
println!("Received termination signal.");
*control_flow = glutin::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit;
_ => return,
glutin::event::Event::NewEvents(cause) => match cause {
glutin::event::StartCause::ResumeTimeReached { .. } => (),
glutin::event::StartCause::Init => (),
_ => return,
_ => return,
If possible, I wouldn't mind getting OpenGL Coordinates as X and Y (-1, 1), but I think it will be a hassle to pass it to a vertex buffer.
This is the answer I was looking for, it's a WindowEvent:
match event {
glutin::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event {
glutin::event::WindowEvent::CloseRequested => {
println!("Received termination signal.");
*control_flow = glutin::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit;
/* The code to get the mouse position (And print it to the console) */
glutin::event::WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. } => {
println!("Mouse position: {:?}x{:?}", position.x as u16, position.y as u16);
_ => return,
/* Handle the rest of events */

Expanding a recursive macro in rust, similar to serde_json but for HTML elements

macro_rules! reactant {
// Converts (function) {...} into element
( $f:ident $t:tt ) => {
let mut elem = HtmlElement::new($f);
reactant!(#expand elem $t);
// Expands {...} and parses each internal node individually
( #expand $self:ident { $($t:tt),* } ) => {
reactant!(#generate $self $t);
// Takes a (function) {...} node, feeds it back recursively, and pushes it into parent
( #generate $self:ident $t1:tt $t2:tt) => {
$self.push_inner(reactant!($t1 $t2));
// Takes a literal and sets the parent internal to a string
( #generate $self:ident $l:literal) => {
mod tests {
use crate::html::types::*;
use crate::html::HtmlElement;
use crate::reactant;
fn test() {
// Doesn't work, not expecting '{' after second div, although the first one works fine
let x = reactant!(div {
div {
// Works, outputs <div>thing</div>
let y = reactant!(div {
I am working on making an uncreatively named HTML library in Rust, and am also learning macros at the same time (the macro documentation is confusing). Part of the project is making a macro that generates HTML elements recursively to make a document, in a similar appearance to serde_json. The syntax is shown in the test cases. Basically, every HTML element (div, h1, etc.) is mapped to a function that outputs a struct that I have crafted for HTML elements. I managed to get the macro working in one way, but it only allowed for HTML children when I want it to also take literals to fill in, say, an h1 with a string (test case 1). Test case 2 shows where it doesn't work, and I am not understanding why it can't read the {.
Let's try to trace what happens when the macro is being expanded:
reactant!(div { div { "test" } });
This triggers the first rule: $f:ident $t:tt with:
$f set to div
$t set to { div { "test" } }
Which gets expanded to:
reactant!(#expand elem { div { "test" } });
I believe you intended the second step to trigger rule number 2: #expand $self:ident { $($t:tt),* } with:
$self set to elem
$t set to div { "test" }
Which would get expanded to:
reactant!(#generate elem div { "test" });
But div { "test" } is actually two tts and so can't be parsed by this rule (or by any other rule).
If my interpretation of your intentions is correct, you will need to have separate rules to handle each case and process the list iteratively:
// Expands {...} and parses each internal node individually
( #expand $self:ident { $t1:tt $t2:tt, $($tail:tt)* } ) => {
reactant!(#generate $self $t1 $t2);
reactant!(#expand $self { $($tail)* })
( #expand $self:ident { $t:tt, $($tail:tt)* } ) => {
reactant!(#generate $self $t);
reactant!(#expand $self { $($tail)* });
// Duplicate rules to handle the last item if it's not followed by a ","
( #expand $self:ident { $t1:tt $t2:tt } ) => {
reactant!(#generate $self $t1 $t2);
( #expand $self:ident { $t:tt } ) => {
reactant!(#generate $self $t);

custom window manager: Some GTK+ 3 windows receive focus but will not accept mouse clicks

As the title says. I'm writing a custom X11 window manager in Rust, using the xcb library. A specific window -- the "configuration" window for cairo-dock -- will not take button 1 clicks when focused, despite ungrabbing button 1 on that window.
Previously, I thought that said window was not holding focus, but that turns out to not be correct. Instead, the window in question is receiving focus, but not allowing any button 1 clicks through.
Relevant code for setting focus:
fn set_focus(&mut self, window: xproto::Window) {
if window != self.root && window != self.focus {
let prev = self.focus;
// ungrab focus from the previous window
xproto::BUTTON_INDEX_1 as u8,
// make sure we don't accidentally have button 1 grabbed
xproto::BUTTON_INDEX_1 as u8,
// See
if self.needs_take_focus(window)
&& self.doesnt_take_focus(window)
&& window != base::NONE
&& window != self.root {
let client_message =
xproto::send_event(self.conn, false, window, base::NONE as u32, &client_message);
} else {
debug!("{} can be focused normally", window);
xproto::INPUT_FOCUS_PARENT as u8,
debug!("updating _NET_WM_STATE with _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED!");
self.remove_prop(prev, self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE"), self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED"));
self.append_prop(window, self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE"), self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED"));
self.focus = window;
debug!("focused window: {}", self.focus);
} else if window == self.root {
self.remove_prop(self.focus, self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE"), self.atom("_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED"));
debug!("focusing root -> NONE");
self.replace_prop(self.root, self.atom("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"), 32, &[base::NONE]);
xproto::set_input_focus(self.conn, 0, base::NONE, base::CURRENT_TIME);
self.focus = xcb::NONE;
fn append_prop(&self, window: xproto::Window, prop: u32, atom: u32) {
// TODO: Check result
xproto::PROP_MODE_APPEND as u8,
fn remove_prop(&self, window: xproto::Window, prop: u32, atom: u32) {
let cookie = xproto::get_property(self.conn, false, window, prop, xproto::GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 4096);
match cookie.get_reply() {
Ok(res) => {
match res.value::<u32>() {
[] => {},
values => {
let mut new_values: Vec<u32> = Vec::from(values);
new_values.retain(|value| value != &atom);
self.replace_prop(window, prop, 32, &new_values);
Err(err) => error!("couldn't get props to remove from: {:#?}", err),
fn needs_take_focus(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> bool {
let properties_cookie =
match properties_cookie.get_reply() {
Ok(protocols) => {
let mut needs_help = false;
for proto in protocols.value::<u32>().iter() {
match self.atom_by_id_checked(proto) {
Some("WM_TAKE_FOCUS") => {
needs_help = true
_ => (),
Err(_) => false,
fn doesnt_take_focus(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> bool {
match xcb_util::icccm::get_wm_hints(self.conn, window).get_reply() {
Ok(hints) => {
if let Some(input) = hints.input() {
} else {
Err(_) => false,
It turns out my problem was that I wasn't ungrabbing button 1 correctly; focus was actually being passed correctly (see question edit history), I was just forgetting to ungrab correctly because I forgot that the initial grab had a button mask on it. Thank you so much to Uli Schlachter in the comments helping me get it figured out.

Gtk Widgets returning None even when they hold data

I have a filechoosernative and a comboboxtext in my UI. Now I am trying to extract data from those two inside callbacks but they are returning me None even though they clearly have data set by the user. Why is this happening?
Excerpt from
fn get_selected_file(&self) -> Option<std::path::PathBuf> {
let selected_file = self.fcn.get_filename();
Excerpt from
fn get_selected_device(&self) -> Option<udisks::DiskDevice> {
// Combo box text only stores a Gstring (Device ID)
// Search through the list of devices from udisks2 again
// and find the device with matching device ID
let selected_device = match self.lsblk_cbt.get_active_text() {
Some(txt) => {
for disk in crate::aux::backend::get_disks() {
if == txt {
return Some(disk);
dbg!("No matching device found. Must reload.");
None => {
dbg!("lsblk_cbt is returning nothing");
Both return None in
fn set_lsblk_cbt(&mut self) {
let cbt = self.lsblk_cbt.clone();
for ddev in crate::aux::backend::get_disks() {
let (device_chosen, file_chosen) = (
let start = self.start.clone();
cbt.connect_changed(move |_| {
start.set_sensitive(device_chosen && file_chosen);
dbg!("From set_lsblk_cbt", device_chosen, file_chosen);
even after the user has set a file and selected an item from ComboboxText.

Reducing match indentation for deeply nested properties

I need to refer to a value deep within a structure which includes an Option nested in a struct property, nested in a Result.
My current (working) solution is:
let raw = &packet[16..];
match PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
Err(_value) => {
/* ignore */
Ok(value) => {
match value.ip {
Some(Version4(header)) => {
let key = format!("{}.{}.{}.{},{}.{}.{}.{}",
header.source[0], header.source[1], header.source[2], header.source[3],
header.destination[0], header.destination[1], header.destination[2], header.destination[3],
let Count {packets, bytes} = counts.entry(key).or_insert(Count {packets: 0, bytes: 0});
*packets += 1;
*bytes += packet.len();
if p > 1000 { /* exit after 1000 packets */
for (key, value) in counts {
println!("{},{},{}", key, value.packets, value.bytes);
return ();
p += 1;
_ => {
/* ignore */
(The problem with my current code is the excessive nesting and the two matches.)
All I want is PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(ip) >> Ok >> ip >> Some >> Version4.
How can I get this, or ignore a failure nicely (NOT crash/exit) for each captured packet?
Pattern matching nests, and the pattern for struct looks like struct literals with the addition that .. means "and match all the rest, which I don't care about", similar to how the _ pattern means "match anything". Meaning you can do
match PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Version4(header), .. }) => {
/* handle */
_ => {
/* ignore `Err(_)` and other `Ok(_)` */
and if you're going to ignore all but one case, you can use if let:
if let Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Version4(header), .. }) = PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
/* handle */
Code ended up being:
let raw = &packet[16..];
if let Ok(PacketHeaders { ip: Some(Version4(header)), link: _, vlan: _, transport: _, payload: _}) = PacketHeaders::from_ip_slice(raw) {
let key = format!("{}.{}.{}.{},{}.{}.{}.{}",
header.source[0], header.source[1], header.source[2], header.source[3],
header.destination[0], header.destination[1], header.destination[2], header.destination[3],
let Count {packets, bytes} = counts.entry(key).or_insert(Count {packets: 0, bytes: 0});
*packets += 1;
*bytes += packet.len();
