I made a line chart with svelte and at the bottom of the chart there is a slider where one can change the date. When using the slider, the paths go outside and cross the y axis and then disappear when the paths are outside the svg. However, I want the lines to disappear when the paths cross the y-axis.
I am not sure what I jave to tweak to make it work. I tweaked the margins and tried to put the paths into a div but nothing has worked yet.
Here is the repl
In general, you can define a rect that your graph should live in as a clipPath and reference that in the clip-path of the graph visuals.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 80 80"
<!-- Defines clipping area -->
<rect x="12" y="10" width="55" height="56" />
<!-- Line is from x = 0 to x = 80, but clipped. -->
d="M 0,57 80,23"
clip-path="url(#clip-path)" /> <!-- Clips object -->
d="M 12,12 V 68 H 68"/>
I have a curved svg line like this
<path d="M70,260 C105,260 126,330 160,330"
style="stroke: #ff4444;stroke-width:2; fill:none;"/>
what I want is to add another svg (like https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/play-button_149657) in the middle of my line pointing to the end point.
any ideas?
One way to achieve the result is a degenerate animation:
Define the marker shape (obj1 in the example below)
Position the marker at the beginning of the curve (track1 below; this is the path definition from your example).
Specify an animated motion of the marker shape along the curve with some particular settings:
Explicit positioning along the track using keyTimes, keyPoints attributes, limiting the range of positions to exactly one point: the midpoint of the curve
Infinite duration, infinite repeat
Auto-rotation of the shape according to the orientation of the track curve ( rotate attribute )
Effectively there is no animation at all but the shape is positioned at the center of the curve, properly oriented.
<title>SVG object centered on path</title>
<svg width="200px" height="200px"
viewBox="0 0 500 500"
d="M11.18,0 L-2.5,10 -2.5,-10 Z"
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="green"
d="M70,260 C105,260 126,330 160,330"
stroke="#ff4444" stroke-width="2" fill="none"
<use xlink:href="#track1"/>
<use xlink:href="#obj1">
<mpath xlink:href="#track1"/>
There are a number of ways to do this.
One way is to "cheat" a little and use a <textPath> and an arrow character.
SVG marker-mid on specific point on path
This is a little hacky, and may not work reliably on all browsers, but it may be good enough for your needs.
Another way is split the path in two (using De Casteljau's algorithm), and use a <marker>.
<svg viewBox="0 200 200 200" width="400">
<marker id="Triangle"
viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="0" refY="5"
markerWidth="4" markerHeight="3"
<path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
<path d="M 70,260
C 87.5,260 101.5,277.5 115.375,295
C 129.25,312.5 143,330 160,330"
style="stroke: #ff4444; stroke-width:2; fill:none; marker-mid:url(#Triangle)"/>
There are other ways using Javascript. For example, you could use the SVGPathElement.getPointAtLength() method to find the coordinates of the centre of the path. Then position a triangle at that location.
I have a pin that needs to be shown inside a circle in Svg.
My current code is the following:
<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
<circle cx="50%" cy="1.5" r="1.5" style="fill: green;"></circle>
<svg x="47.5%" y="5%" viewBox="0 0 10000 10000" fill="#fff" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<path d="M250,124.3c-35,0-63.4,28.8-63.4,64.1c0,35.3,28.5,64,63.4,64s63.4-28.8,63.4-64.1C313.4,153,285,124.3,250,124.3z
<path d="M250,50.9c-74.9,0-135.8,61.6-135.8,137.4c0,31.3,22.5,84.4,66.9,157.7c32.9,54.4,66.2,100.3,66.6,100.7l2.4,3.3l2.4-3.3
c0.3-0.5,33.7-46.3,66.6-100.7c44.4-73.3,66.9-126.4,66.9-157.7C385.8,112.5,324.9,50.9,250,50.9z M250,397.6
which works somewhat but seems inelegant, and perhaps also buggy. What I would like is a better way to center the group 'inside' the circle without using JavaScript
It would be nice if I could get rid of the extra SVG element in the middle with its really big viewBox that I'm using to place the pin. So if you can show me how to do it with just a g and make a scaling function that would be good.
If you want to use coordinates that contain percentage values, you need an element that has x and y attributes. <use> is such an element, <g> is not.
Your live will be easier if you draw your pin centered on the origin of the coordinate system: translate(-250 -230).
After that, you can easily scale it to the size you need: scale(0.0025) (remember: multiple transform commands are processed right-to-left.)
Finally, you use the pin template with the same x and y coordinates as your circle.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
viewBox="0 0 20 20" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
<!--center the pin around the origin and scale it to final size-->
<g id="pin" transform="scale(0.0025) translate(-250 -230)">
<path d="M250,124.3c-35,0-63.4,28.8-63.4,64.1c0,35.3,28.5,64,63.4,64s63.4-28.8,63.4-64.1C313.4,153,285,124.3,250,124.3z
M250,222c-18.3,0-33.2-15.1-33.2-33.7s14.9-33.7,33.2-33.7s33.2,15.1,33.2,33.7S268.3,222,250,222z" />
<path d="M250,50.9c-74.9,0-135.8,61.6-135.8,137.4c0,31.3,22.5,84.4,66.9,157.7c32.9,54.4,66.2,100.3,66.6,100.7l2.4,3.3l2.4-3.3
c0.3-0.5,33.7-46.3,66.6-100.7c44.4-73.3,66.9-126.4,66.9-157.7C385.8,112.5,324.9,50.9,250,50.9z M250,397.6
c0,18.4-12.4,51.4-35.9,95.4C295.4,329.3,266.5,373.4,250,397.6z" />
<!--use the same coordinates for the center of the circle and the pin-->
<circle cx="50%" cy="1.5" r="1.5" fill="green" />
<use xlink:href="#pin" x="50%" y="1.5" fill="white" />
I have an SVG file generated by Sketch that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="72px" height="47px" viewBox="0 0 72 47" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 42 (36781) - http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none"
fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="square">
<g id="Group" transform="translate(4.000000, 3.000000)"
stroke="#000000" stroke-width="9">
<path d="M0.5,39.5 L63.5,39.5" id="Line"></path>
<path d="M0.5,20.5 L63.5,20.5" id="Line-Copy"></path>
<path d="M0.5,1.5 L63.5,1.5" id="Line-Copy-2"></path>
I'm trying to edit it in a text editor so that when I import it as an icon button, it can be colored by FileMaker.
I have repeatedly read that adding class="fm_fill" is what's required. I've tried adding this to the outside <g> tag, the inside <g> tag and to each of the <path> tags. I've tried removing superfluous attributes, such as the outside <g> tag's stroke and stroke-width attributes. I've tried consolidating the <g> tags and changing the fill attribute in the outside <g> tag. I've also tried removing the <path> id attributes and using self-closing <path> tags.
My test is a simple button with an icon that I first color. Then I add the edited SVG and see if it retains the color. So far I haven't been able to get it to do so.
Assuming you want the horizontal bars to be colored in FileMaker, you need to convert the stroke to a filled path or a rect.
Something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
x="0px" y="0px" width="72px" height="47px" viewBox="0 0 72 47" overflow="inherit" xml:space="preserve">
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1">
<g id="Group" transform="translate(4.000000, 3.000000)">
<rect x="-4" y="35" width="72" height="9"/>
<rect x="-4" y="16" width="72" height="9"/>
<rect x="-4" y="-3" width="72" height="9"/>
You dont "need" to add the class="fm_fill" per se, but adding a raw SVG does not show the icon in the icon selector, just a blank entry.
If you add the class="fm_fill" and a default fill color, you will see the icon in the icon selector in the default fill color, making it much easier to work with.
Like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
x="0px" y="0px" width="72px" height="47px" viewBox="0 0 72 47" overflow="inherit" xml:space="preserve">
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1">
<g id="Group" class="fm_fill" fill="grey" transform="translate(4.000000, 3.000000)">
<rect x="-4" y="35" width="72" height="9"/>
<rect x="-4" y="16" width="72" height="9"/>
<rect x="-4" y="-3" width="72" height="9"/>
In the following screenshot, you can see both variants. The left blue icon is just your raw converted icon, then colored blue in FileMaker. It is not visible in the icon selector, it is the blank entry next to the selected icon. The selected red button's icon is colored red in FileMaker and has the class and default fill applied and thus is visible in the icon selector.
Hope this helps.
I have created an SVG file to display an icon for an open folder.
It consists of a rectangle for the tab and a rectangle for the backleaf of the folder, with the open leaf represented by a polygon.
Image editors display the intended result, but browsers seem to ignore the polygon.
what am I missing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg id="folder_icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="90" height="60" viewbox="0 0 90 60" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"
<g width="50%" height="80%">
<g id="g3" fill="#ffee77" stroke="#bb7711" stroke-width="2px" opacity="0.7">
<g id="g2">
<rect x="16%" y="1%" rx="6%" ry="6%" width="30%" height="30%" />
<rect x="1%" y="16%" rx="0%" ry="0%" width="84%" height="82%" />
<polygon points="17% 20%, 90% 20%, 75% 59%, 1% 59%" />
The same file converted to a PNG is displayed as intended, but I would prefer to use the scalable graphic.
fiIs it possible to Mask an SVGPattern?
I've made the following SVG, but I can't get the mask to work.
Or should I be using clipPath?
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="160px" height="600px" viewBox="0 0 160 600" version="1.1"
<pattern id="circlePattern" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"
viewBox="0 0 10 10" fill="blue" >
<circle cx='4' cy='4' r='4'/>
<clipPath id="clipPath" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="100" fill="white" />
<!-- Outline the drawing area in blue -->
<g id="box">
<rect fill="url(#circlePattern)" width="160" height="600" clip-path="url(#clipPath)"/>
UPDATE: (I would like to use this complex path)
I can't seem to use this path to create the mask/clipPath
<path style="fill:#FFFFFF;" d="M9.35,37.5c4.1,2.467,8.566,3.7,13.4,3.7
Your mask rect has no fill specified so it will use the default which is black i.e. i.e. rgba(0, 0, 0, 1). So the luminance of the mask is 0 everywhere and you see nothing.
If you change the fill on the mask <rect> to fill="white" you'll see the mask act as a clip which would seem to be what you're looking for. Other colours like "orange" or "blue" as they have a luminance which is neither 0 nor 1 will give you an intermediate effect.
clipPaths clip a shape to a boundary. Masks generally modify colours, you can use them to clip by having a white mask but if all you want is to clip something then a clipPath is faster.
clipPaths and masks can contain any graphics element including a path.