While writing shell script after nohup command script is stuck - linux

I am writing a shell script
After the execution of nohup command it is not going to next line
Just getting stuck indefinitely after execution of nohup
I am giving following command in script
nohup ./myscript.sh & sleep 30s && tail -30f nohup.out | grep -i "my desired output"
What I am trying to do is
Running the script using nohup command
Sleep 30s
tail from nohup.out file
Then using the output from nohup.out file to find the string I want
after the execution of this command
It prints the desired string perfectly from the nohup.out file but
Afte the execution of this line it does not move forward
Please suggest a way to execute lines after this command


Bash redirection in a script in parallel

I have a bash script with a loop of processes that I want to run in parallel:
for i in {1..5}
echo Running for simulation $i
python script.py $i > ./outlogs/$i.log 2>&1 &
But when I do this the file redirection doesn't work, so $i.log just stays empty. The redirection only works when I do not use the & at the end, but then the script waits for each process to finish before starting the next one, which I don't want.
I tried a solution using script -c, but this does not update in realtime, only once the process ends. Does anyone have better suggestions, where the file redirection works in this script but it still updates in realtime?
You need simply add -u option so it will look like this:
python -u script.py $i > ./outlogs/$i.log 2>&1 &
Option -u is for unbuffered binary stdout and stderr

Why my named pipe input command line just hangs when it is called?

Why my named pipe input command line just hangs when it is called?
Based on the answers:
Writing to stdin of background process
Accessing bash command line args $# vs $*
Send command to a background process
Can I redirect output to a log file and background a process at the same time?
I wrote two shell scripts to communicate with my game server. And worked the first time I did it. Since it them they do not work anymore. Every time I do ./send.sh commands the command line hangs until I hit Ctrl+C.
It also hangs and does nothing when I do directly echo commamd > /tmp/srv-input
The scripts
It does start the server and configure it to read/receive my commands while it run in background:
# Go to the game server application folder where the game application `hlds_run` is
cd /home/user/Half-Life
pkill -f hlds
# Set up a pipe named `/tmp/srv-input`
rm /tmp/srv-input
mkfifo /tmp/srv-input
cat > /tmp/srv-input &
echo $! > /tmp/srv-input-cat-pid
# Start the server reading from the pipe named `/tmp/srv-input`
# And also output all its console to the file `/home/user/Half-Life/my_logs.txt`
cat /tmp/srv-input | ./hlds_run -console -game czero +port 27015 > my_logs.txt 2>&1 &
# Successful execution
exit 0
This second script it just a wrapper which allow me easily to send commands to the my server:
echo "$#" > /tmp/srv-input
# Successful execution
exit 0
Now every time I want to send a command to my server I just do on the terminal:
./send.sh mp_timelimit 30
I always keep another open terminal open just to listen to my server server console. To do it just use the tail command with the -f flag to follow my server console output:
./tail -f /home/user/Half-Life/my_logs.txt
You would be better off just having hlds_run read directly from the pipe instead of having cat pipe it in.
./hlds_run … > my_logs.txt 2>&1 < /tmp/srv-input &
Instead of
cat /tmp/srv-input | ./hlds_run …

Where will be nohup file created/stored

On executing below given command within a script file:
Command :
nohup /usr/hp/ism/jboss-3.2.8.SP1/bin/run.sh &
Where will the nohup.out file be created, assuming that script is running in root directory ?
Could you check home directory.
also you can redirect as below;
nohup /usr/hp/ism/jboss-3.2.8.SP1/bin/run.sh &> /tmp/nohup.out
man nohup ;
If standard input is a terminal, redirect it from /dev/null. If
standard output is a terminal, append output to 'nohup.out' if
possible, '$HOME/nohup.out' otherwise. If standard error is a
terminal, redirect it to standard
output. To save output to FILE, use 'nohup COMMAND > FILE'.
Running a python code using nohup and & the nohub.out was in the same directory as the command was run from
pwd output:
command run:
nohup python3 /home/dv/project7/test_code_v3.1.py &
ls -l output:
I think a better way is so that your program outputs to your own error log file vs. stdout thgerefore to nohub.out

How can I look into nohup file while the program is still running?

I was using
nohup ./program_name &
to run my program, program_name prints out some values and status of the running process including how much percentage the program has finished, but since I'm running it using nohup so I can't see how close my program to finish is, is there anyway I can still get that information?
We have to Just open nohup.out to see output. Probably you want
tail -f nohup.out
for streaming output
Perhaps adjust your nohup command line to capture all output to a file:
nohup ./program_name > /tmp/programName.log 2>&1 &
Then, you can monitor programName.log using tail:
tail -f /tmp/programName.log
Put the below command in current terminal where the program is running
jobs command used to lists the jobs that you are running in the background and in the foreground
jobs -l
[6]+ 6069 Running nohup perl test1.pl &
[6]+ 6069 Done nohup perl test1.pl

Script command losing alias from shell

When I run the script command it loses all the aliases from the existing shell which is not desired for people using lots of aliases. So, I am trying to see if I can automatically source the .profile again to see if it works without the user have to do it.
Here below is the code:
#!/bin/bash -l
rm aliaspipe
mkfifo aliaspipe
bash -c "sleep 1;echo 'source ~/.bash_profile' > aliaspipe ;echo 'alias' > aliaspipe ;echo 'exec 0<&-' > aliaspipe"&
echo "starting script for recording"
script < aliaspipe
Basically I am creating a named pipe and the making the pipe as stdin to the script program, trying to run the source command and then close the stdin from pipe to the terminal stdin so that I can continue with the script.
But when I execute, the script is exiting after I execute "exec 0<&-",
bash-3.2$ exec 0<&-
bash-3.2$ exit
Script done, output file is typescript
Not sure why the exit is called and script is terminated. If I can make the script move the stdin from pipe to terminal then it should be fine.
You can get script to execute a bash login shell by telling it to do so explicitly.
# Gnu script (most Linux distros)
script -c "bash -l"
# BSD script (also Mac OS X)
script typescript bash -l
That will cause your .bash_profile to be sourced.
By the way, redirections are not stacks. When you write exec 0<&-, you're closing standard input, and when bash's standard input is closed, it exits.
