My problem is that the basic option to make keybindings in Awesome WM (Window Manager), awful.key(), doesn't work for keybindings like [super+d, e] or [super+d, super+r].
I found a way to do it, but is impractical. Maybe some parameter of "awful.keygrabber" works, but I can't find much information about its behavior.
This is how:
awful.keygrabber {
start_callback = function() --[[do something]] end,
stop_callback = function() --[[do something]] end,
-- You might want to avoid `export_keybindings` if you want
-- a single point of entry. If so, they use a normal `awful.key`
-- to start the keygrabber.
export_keybindings = true,
-- This is the important part, it releases the keygrabber
-- when `Super` is released. If you don't want this and
-- release when an unrelated key is pressed, do it
-- with `keypressed_callback` instead.
stop_event = "release",
stop_key = {"Escape", "Super_L", "Super_R"},
keybindings = {
{{ modkey } , "d" , function()
--[[do something]]
{{ modkey } , "e" , function()
--[[do something]]
Is there any way we can position the borderless window in the file neutralino.config.json?
like : "borderless": { ...args }
or any other ways?
Now it just starts at somewhere random and cannot be moved
You can call Neutralino.window.move(x,y) in your javascript. (0,0) is the (leftmost,top) of the screen. You can find other window functions at
As an extension of your question, and like Klauss A's instinct suggests, you can call Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion('id-of-element') where id-of-element is, as the name suggests, an id of an element in your html. Then, when you click and drag that element, Neutralino will automatically call Neutralino.window.move(x,y). setDraggableRegion() is not in the docs, but you can see it in the tutorial they made on YouTube, and it is still in the code.
The thing is, how Neutralino does this is by posting a message to the server, which adds quite a bit of delay, causing the drag to stutter. Here is the relevant code snippet in a prettified version of the neutralino.js file:
t.move = function(e, t) {
return r.request({
url: "window.move",
type: r.RequestType.POST,
isNativeMethod: !0,
data: {
x: e,
y: t
}, t.setDraggableRegion = function(e) {
return new Promise(((t, i) => {
let r = document.getElementById(e),
o = 0,
u = 0;
function s(e) {
return n(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
yield Neutralino.window.move(e.screenX - o, e.screenY - u)
r || i(`Unable to find dom element: #${e}`), r.addEventListener("mousedown", (e => {
o = e.clientX, u = e.clientY, r.addEventListener("mousemove", s)
})), r.addEventListener("mouseup", (() => {
r.removeEventListener("mousemove", s)
})), t()
I suspected this formulation of adding to the lag, since function* is a generator, and thus is inherently untrustworthy (citation needed). I re-wrote it in plain javascript, and reduced some of the lag. It still stutters, just not as much.
var dragging = false, posX, posY;
var draggableElement = document.getElementById('id-of-element');
draggableElement.onmousedown = function (e) {
posX = e.pageX, posY = e.pageY;
dragging = true;
draggableElement.onmouseup = function (e) {
dragging = false;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (dragging) Neutralino.window.move(e.screenX - posX, e.screenY - posY);
I hope this helps. I was digging around in all this because the caption bar (aka, title bar) of the window is different from my system's color theme. I thought, "maybe I'll create my own title bar in HTML, with CSS styling to match my app." But due to the stuttering issues, I find it is better to have a natively-draggable title bar that doesn't match anything. I'm still digging around in the Neutralino C++ code to see if I could modify it and add a non-client rendering message handler (on Windows), to color the title bar the same as my app and still have nice smooth dragging. That way it would look "borderless" but still be movable.
I am having the same problem. My naive instinct is telling me that probably could be a way to create a custom element bar and use a function upon click& drag to move the window around.
Moving Windows in Neutralino is Quite Simple.
You can use the Neutralino.window API to move the windows.
Neutralino.window.move(x, y);
here x and y are the Coordinates on which our window will move to.
Note the this moves the window from the Top Left Corner of the window.
I have made this Neutralino Template - NeutralinoJS App With Custom Titlebar which might be useful if you are making a custom titlebar for your application.
I'm working on a DSL using groovy, and as i'm new to this language, i'm struggling on something.
i have this code
def from(state1) {
def closure
closure = { sensor ->
[becomes: { signal ->
// someProcess;
[and: closure]
[to: { state2 ->
// someProcess
[when: closure]
what i do is to read this kind of sentances
from "on" to "off" when "button" becomes "high" and "button2" becomes "high"
the and "button2" becomes "high", is optional. So grammatically, everything works as i wanted to.
the problem is that i wanted to add the possibility to treat or also, like this:
from "on" to "off" when "button" becomes "high" or "button2" becomes "high"
but i don't know how to do that. How can i do to add that, and also the possibility to know if it's and or or to have a control statement and a different process for each
it have been two days that i'm on the problem..
Thanks :)
1st of all, I like your question!
Not knowing what your //someProcess is supposed to do and what the whole use-case is all about (IoT-ish?), you can implement the or operator like that:
[to: { state2 ->
[when: closure, whenEither:{ Map conds -> conds.any{ sensor, signal -> 'high' == signal } } ]
then you can write:
from "on" to "off" whenEither button:"high", button2:"high"
I recently switched to using Vim (with VSCode) as my editor.
I'm trying to delete a function with it's definition in JavaScript. I looked on google and here on StackOverflow and found this question. Unfortunately the answers for this question only work for functions without white space.
Here is how my function looks:
const useBattery = () => {
const [battery, setBattery] = useState({ level: 0, charging: false });
const handleChange = ({ target: { level, charging } }) => setBattery({ level, charging });
useEffect(() => {
let battery;
navigator.getBattery().then(bat => {
battery = bat;
battery.addEventListener("levelchange", handleChange);
battery.addEventListener("chargingchange", handleChange);
handleChange({ target: battery });
return () => {
battery.removeEventListener("levelchange", handleChange);
battery.removeEventListener("chargingchange", handleChange);
}, []);
return battery;
I tried several approaches, the best one was da{ when my cursor is within the function. This motion will delete the function body, but not the definition.
Is there any way to delete the function and the definition in one motion using Vim, if there is white space in the function?
From inside the function, as you say da{ deletes only the braces and its content, without the preceding declaration or the following semicolon. However... if we switch to linewise...?
There is a semi-hidden section a bit under :help exclusive-linewise with bold heading but no tag to jump to: "FORCING A MOTION TO BE LINEWISE, CHARACTERWISE OR BLOCKWISE", saying that we can switch to a non-default selection by using v (characterwise), V (linewise) or Ctrl-V (blockwise) immediately after the operator. So...
As mentioned in the post you linked to, d]] when the cursor is placed at the beginning of the function definition will delete the whole function.
This feature is available in Intelij, and works like this:
I have for example some code (| is a cursor in this example):
variable = "foo";
And I'm adding it inside block, for example if:
if (true)
variable = "foo";
Now after type closing bracket, plugin should add tabulation for code inside block:
if (true)
variable = "foo";
I hope I explained how it should work. Is there plugin for this?
In-order to indent a block of code inside {}, you can use =%.
It's just a matter of an insert mode mapping for } to insert }, and run the command =%
It can be done with
:inoremap } }<esc>k :normal =%<cr>
how can I tell "sanitize-html" to actually remove the html tags (keep only the content within)? currently if for example I set it to keep the div sections, in the output it writes also the <div>some content</div> - I want only the inside...('some content')
to make it short - I don't want the tags, attributes etc. - only the content of those elements..
var Crawler = require("js-crawler");
var download = require("url-download");
var sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
new Crawler().configure({depth: 1})
.crawl("", function onSuccess(page) {
var clean = sanitizeHtml(page.body,{
allowedTags: [ 'p', 'em', 'strong','div' ],
fs.writeFile('sanitized.txt', clean, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('It\'s saved! in same location.');
console.log(util.inspect(clean, {showHidden: false, depth: null}));
var str = JSON.stringify(clean.toString());
/*download(page.url, './download')
.on('close', function () {
console.log('One file has been downloaded.');
I'm the author of sanitize-html.
You can set allowedTags to an empty array. sanitize-html does not discard the contents of a disallowed tag, only the tag itself (with the exception of a few tags like "script" and "style" for which this would not make sense). Otherwise it wouldn't be much use for its original intended purpose, which is cleaning up markup copied and pasted from word processors and the like into a rich text editor.
However, if you have markup like:
That will come out as:
To work around that, you can use the textFilter option to ensure the text of a tag is always followed by at least one space:
textFilter: function(text) {
return text + ' ';
However, this will also introduce extra spaces in sentences that contain inline tags like "strong" and "em".
So the more I think about it, the best answer for you is probably a completely different npm module:
It's widely used and much better suited than your use case. sanitize-html is really meant for situations where you want the tags... just not the wrong tags.