Is there a method to retrieve first empty row in a Google spreadsheet with API? - rust

I'm trying to retrieve the first empty row in a Google spreadsheet.
I'm aware of the SpreadsheetApp class, however I'm using Google sheet's API (Rust). Is it possible to use something similar to getLastRow() with Spreadsheet API?


Scraping SofaScore votes using Xpath and google sheets

I'm trying to scrape the votes from SofaScore with google sheets using the importxml function.
I'm running into an issue because the class name has a random string at the end of it.
Example "class="sc-5b0433e1-5 koUsvm"
Lets use as an example link.
Typically I would just use something similar to the code below.
//div[contains(#class= 'sc-5b0433e1-5')]
Does anyone know how to go about this.
JS elements are not supported by google sheets importxml formula:

Google Sheets API strips out links

I'm fetching some data from Google Sheets via Node, but the API only returns the text value when there's a hyperlink present. I've searched for solutions, and everyone seems to say to add valueRenderOption: 'FORMULA' to your API call, but that still doesn't do anything for me because it doesn't look like these links are applied via the HYPERLINK formula; the user is highlighting text, hitting CMD/CTRL + K, and creating a link that way because when I select the cell, the formula field is empty.
Figured it out. Looks like you can't use spreadsheets.values.get in this case. You have to use spreadsheets.get and pass includeGridData: true.

How to use RenderListDataAsStream with filters like startswith,endswith etc in Sharepoint Rest API

I have been trying to do a SharePoint List Search with a search box containing the search term. I'm currently using RenderListDataAsStream API provided by sharepoint with InplaceSearchQuery as my current working solution. But this searches all the columns but not for a single column. How Do I achieve this functionality ?
This is the API I'm currently using
I would like to search for a particular item a particular column in the test list rather than looking for the item in all the columns

Get google sheet filter view data with api call

There's really very little code I can show here. I'm calling a google sheets spreadsheet using the api with node.js.
Within the spreadsheet, I have created a bunch of filter views. Is there a way to tell the api to call the filtered data instead of just getting all the data in the sheet.
const dataFromGoogleSheets = `${
spreadsheetId: "mySpreadSheetID",
filterViewId: 121321321,
title: "Filters"
You cannot fetch data from Sheets API or Google Apps Script with an active FilterView.
As #Tanaike mentioned in the comments, you can fetch the criteria from the FilterView and reprocess it on top of the data.
You can also file a Feature Request for this on the Public Issue Tracker.

How to add variables (coming from a cell) in web queries in MS Excel 2010?

So, I have the excel sheet pulling data from web API call, which responds in xml format. I can successfully pull it, populate it, and work with it. And since it's a get call with some parameters appended to the query, I want those parameters to come from a cell in a separate sheet (in the same workbook) so that the user can change the cell instead of the query itself.
Is it possible? How do I do it? Will it make a new API call to get the data when the content of that cell is modified or does the user have to click on Refresh?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I have tried to use something like this:[“symbol”, “Enter ticker symbol”] like defined here, but when I click Import, it gives me 404 and I just can't figure out how to do it.
The API call I'm making is to our Redmine machine and I'm using this Redmine API call
