Solution of pure transport first order hyperbolic PDE with delay, using COMSOL Multiphysics - delay

I am working on a project to solve a first order hyperbolic pure transport PDE with time delay using COMSOL multiphysics. Is it possible to do this using COMSOL? if yes, what physics to include? and how to include time delay in the process? the system is close to injecting a dye on the laft side of a pipe and a time delay will happen until the dye is observed at the outlet enter image description here
My goal is to solve the system numerically using COMSOL, what do you think the parameters that should be watched in this system in order to compare this system with the basic one without time delay.


Sleep() Methods and OS - Scheduler (Camunda/Groovy)

I got a question for you guys and its not as specific as usual, which could make it a little annoying to answer.
The tool i'm working with is Camunda in combination with Groovy scripts and the goal is to reduce the maximum cpu load (or peak load). I'm doing this by "stretching" the work load over a certain time frame since the platform seems to be unhappy with huge work load inputs in a short amount of time. The resulting problem is that Camunda wont react smoothly when someone tries to operate it at the UI - Level.
So i wrote a small script which basically just lets each individual process determine his own "time to sleep" before running, if a certain threshold is exceeded. This is based on how many processes are trying to run at the same time as the individual process.
It looks like:
Process wants to start -> Process asks how many other processes are running ->
waitingTime = numberOfProcesses * timeToSleep * iterationOfMeasures
CPU-Usage Curve 1,3 without the Script. Curve 2,4 With the script
Testing it i saw that i could stretch the work load and smoothe out the UI - Levels. But now i need to describe why this is working exactly.
The Questions are:
What does a sleep method do exactly ?
What does the sleep method do on CPU - Level?
How does an OS-Scheduler react to a Sleep Method?
Namely: Does the scheduler reschedule or just simply "wait" for the time given?
How can i recreate and test the question given above?
The main goal is not for you to answer this, but could you give me a hint for finding the right Literature to answer these questions? Maybe you remember a book which helped you understand this kind of things or a Professor recommended something to you. (Mine wont answer, and i cant blame him)
I'm grateful for hints and or recommendations !
i'm sure you could use timer event
it allows to postpone next task trigger for some time defined by expression.
about sleep in java/groovy:
using sleep is blocking current thread in groovy/java/camunda.
so instead of doing something effective it's just blocked.

Time delay in Matlab for a specific function, while letting the rest of the functions run

I am currently working on an image processing object in Matlab. I am acquiring images from a webcam using the snapshot function, which are to be processed in various ways (irrelevant to the question).
I would like these snapshots to be acquired every 5 seconds. However, in these 5 seconds, I do not want my program to pause and wait, I want it to run the image processing functions. I have tried pause, but that obviously pauses the whole program. The way I imagine the processor circuitry from my basic IC knowledge, I am looking to implement an event coming from a clock counter, which would stop the machine instructions dealing with the image processing part, and prioritise the instructions involving the image acquisition.
I have stumbled on this link that talks about multithreading in Matlab using Java. Is there an easier way of implementing what I want to do?
Could you please suggest some functions that achieve what I want to do? If there is no function which does what I want, could you point me towards some articles or books which deal with the subject?
You could use a timer object
rate=5; % call every 5 s
my_timer= timer('TimerFcn',{#my_timer_callback,arguments}, 'Period', rate,'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate'); % specify arguments for additional arguments
start(my_timer) % stop(my_timer) to end processing
and do the processing inside my_timer_callback.
function my_timer_callback(obj,event,arguments)
% do processing here
Better would be to run the callback triggered by the camera, so I would look into whether Matlab allows you to attach callbacks to the camera data acquisition (e.g. in the same way as for daq objects).

Having MATLAB to run multiple independent functions which contains infinite while loop

I am currently working with three matlab functions to make them run near simultaneously in single Matlab session(as I known matlab is single-threaded), these three functions are allocated with individual tasks, it might be difficult for me to explain all the detail of each function here, but try to include as much information as possible.
They are CONTROL/CAMERA/DATA_DISPLAY tasks, The approach I am using is creating Timer objects to have all the function callback continuously with different callback period time.
CONTROL will sending and receiving data through wifi with udp port, it will check the availability of package, and execute callback constantly
CAMERA receiving camera frame continuously through tcp and display it, one timer object T1 for this function to refresh the capture frame
DATA_DISPLAY display all the received data, this will refresh continuously, so another timer T2 for this function to refresh the display
However I noticed that the timer T2 is blocking the timer T1 when it is executed, and slowing down the whole process. I am working on a system using a multi-core CPU and I would expect MATLAB to be able to execute both timer objects in parallel taking advantage of the computational cores.
Through searching the parallel computing toolbox in matlab, it seems not able to deal with infinite loop or continuous callback, since the code will not finish and display nothing when execute, probably I am not so sure how to utilize this toolbox
Or can anyone provide any good idea of re-structuring the code into more efficient structure.
Many thanks
I see a problem using the parallel computing toolbox here. The design implies that the jobs are controlled via your primary matlab instance. Besides this, the primary instance is the only one with a gui, which would require to let your DISPLAY_DATA-Task control everything. I don't know if this is possible, but it would result in a very strange architecture. Besides this, inter process communication is not the best idea when processing large data amounts.
To solve the issue, I would use Java to display your data and realise the 'DISPLAY_DATA'-Part. The connection to java is very fast and simple to use. You will have to write a small java gui which has a appendframe-function that allows your CAMERA-Job to push new data. Obviously updating the gui should be done parallel without blocking.

UPPAAL: What cause clock to stop running

I am currently running my UPPAAL simulator. My simulator stops running the code after a certain point. This point varies depending on the declaration i provide. But i would like to know generally when does the clock stop running? Is there something that triggers this?
I'm not sure if I interpret your question correctly, if I could read your model I may give you some precise advice.
Trying to guess what the problem is, I can say there are times when the Uppaal simulator takes infinitely many discrete steps (transitions) without increasing any of the clock variables.
The feeling is that "the clock is stopped", while the rest of the simulation is going on. In this case, the time is not actually stopped: Uppaal, among all possible paths, it is just exploring the one where clock does not evolve. If the simulator (or the model checker) can take infinitely many transitions without increasing the clock variables, that is an example of "Zeno path".
It is a responsibility of the person who writes the model to avoid the possibility of taking zeno paths.
If you are not sure your model is free of Zeno paths, you can use known methods for verifying that a Timed Automaton has no zeno paths (in Uppaal).
Another possibility is that the simulator stop running at all saying that there is a deadlock. In this case the problem is not that the clock stopped running, but that you arrived at a situation where all possible transitions are disabled (maybe because all possible guards are never enabled, or because all the possible target states of your enabled transitions have some time invariants that are false)

Has anybody some advice on programming realtime audio synthesis?

I'm currently working on a personal project: creating a library for realtime audio synthesis in Flash. In short: tools to connect wavegenarators, filters, mixers, etc with eachother and supply the soundcard with raw (realtime) data. Something like max/msp or Reaktor.
I already have some working stuff, but I'm wondering if the basic setup that I wrote is right. I don't want to run into problems later on that force me to change the core of my app (although that can always happen).
Basically, what I do now is start at the end of the chain, at the place where the (raw) sounddata goes 'out' (to the soundcard). To do that, I need to write chunks of bytes (ByteArrays) to an object, and to get that chunk I ask whatever module is connected to my 'Sound Out' module to give me his chunk. That module does the same request to the module that's connected to his input, and that keeps happening until the start of the chain is reached.
Is this the right approach? I can imagine running into problems if there's a feedbackloop, or if there's another module with no output: if i were to connect a spectrumanalyzer somewhere, that would be a dead end in the chain (a module with no outputs, just an input). In my current setup, such a module wouldnt work because i only start calculating from the sound-output module.
Has anyone experience with programming something like this? I'd be very interested in some thoughts about the right approach. (For clarity: i'm not looking for specific Flash-implementations, and that's why i didnt tag this question under flash or actionscript)
I did a similar thing a while back, and I used the same approach as you do - start at the virtual line out, and trace the signal back to the top. I did this per sample though, not per buffer; if I were to write the same application today, I might choose per-buffer instead though, because I suspect it would perform better.
The spectrometer was designed as an insert module, that is, it would only work if both its input and its output were connected, and it would pass its input to the output unchanged.
To handle feedback, I had a special helper module that introduced a 1-sample delay and would only fetch its input once per cycle.
Also, I think doing all your internal processing with floats, and thus arrays of floats as the buffers, would be a lot easier than byte arrays, and it would save you the extra effort of converting between integers and floats all the time.
In later versions you may have different packet rates in different parts of your network.
One example would be if you extend it to transfer data to or from disk. Another example
would be that low data rate control variables such as one controlling echo-delay may, later, become a part of your network. You probably don't want to process control variables with the same frequency that you process audio packets, but they are still 'real time' and part of the function network. They may for example need smoothing to avoid sudden transitions.
As long as you are calling all your functions at the same rate, and all the functions are essentially taking constant-time, your pull-the-data approach will work fine. There will
be little to choose between pulling data and pushing. Pulling is somewhat more natural for playing audio, pushing is somewhat more natural for recording, but either works and ends up making the same calls to the underlying audio processing functions.
For the spectrometer you've got
the issue of multiple sinks for
data, but it is not a problem.
Introduce a dummy link to it from
the real sink. The dummy link can
cause a request for data that is not
honoured. As long as the dummy link knows
it is a dummy and does not care about
the lack of data, everything will be
OK. This is a standard technique for reducing multiple sinks or sources to a single one.
With this kind of network you do not want to do the same calculation twice in one complete update. For example if you mix a high-passed and low-passed version of a signal you do not want to evaluate the original signal twice. You must do something like record a timer tick value with each buffer, and stop propagation of pulls when you see the current tick value is already present. This same mechanism will also protect you against feedback loops in evaluation.
So, those two issues of concern to you are easily addressed within your current framework.
Rate matching where there are different packet rates in different parts of the network is where the problems with the current approach will start. If you are writing audio to disk then for efficiency you'll want to write large chunks infrequently. You don't want to be blocking your servicing of the more frequent small audio input and output processing packets during those writes. A single rate pulling or pushing strategy on its own won't be enough.
Just accept that at some point you may need a more sophisticated way of updating than a single rate network. When that happens you'll need threads for the different rates that are running, or you'll write your own simple scheduler, possibly as simple as calling less frequently evaluated functions one time in n, to make the rates match. You don't need to plan ahead for this. Your audio functions are almost certainly already delegating responsibility for ensuring their input buffers are ready to other functions, and it will only be those other functions that need to change, not the audio functions themselves.
The one thing I would advise at this stage is to be careful to centralise audio buffer
allocation, noticing that buffers are like fenceposts. They don't belong to an audio
function, they lie between the audio functions. Centralising the buffer allocation will make it easy to retrospectively modify the update strategy for different rates in different parts of the network.
