Local storage across subdomains? - browser

I have two applications, app.somedomain.com and beta.subdomain.com and the access token is stored in local storage (the apps are identical). When I open the application in incognito window and log into app.somedomain.com, I am then able to open beta.somedomain.com without logging in.
What is the scope of local storage? Does it mean that local storage has scope of 2nd level domain and is shared between 3rd level domain applications?


Azure storage options to serve content on Azure Web App

I am a total newbie to Azure WebApps and storage, I need some clarification/confirmation. The main thing to take note of, my application (described below) requires a folder hierarchy. Blob is out of the question and file share doesn't allow anonymous access unless I use Shared Access Signature (SAS).
Am I understanding Azure storage correctly, it's either you fit into the Azure storage model or you don't?
Can anyone advise how I can achieve what's required by the CMS application as described below by using Blobs?
The only option I see is to find a way to change the CMS application so that it always has the SAS in the URL to every file it requests from storage in order to serve content on my Web App? If so, is it a problem if I set my SAS to expire sometime in the distant future?
Problem with using Blob
So far my understanding is that Blob storage doesn't allow "sub folders" as it's a container that holds unstructured data, therefore I'm unable to use this based on my application (described below) as it requires folder structure.
The problem with using File Share
File share seemed perfect as it allows for folder hierarchy, naturally that's what I've used.
However, no anonymous access is allowed for files stored in file storage, the access needs to be authorised. One way of authorising the access is to create a SAS on a file/share level with Read permission and then using that SAS URL to access the file.
Cannot access Windows azure file storage document
My application
I've created a Linux Web App running open source CMS application. This application allows creation of multiple websites, for each website's content such as images, docs, multimedia to be stored on a file server. These files are then served to the website via a defined URL.
The CMS application allows for a settings of the location where it should save its files, this would be a folder on the file server. It then creates a new sub folder for every site it hosts in that location.
Example folder hierarchy
Am I understanding Azure storage correctly, it's either you fit into
the Azure storage model or you don't?
You can use Azure Storage Model for your CMS Application. You can use either Blob Storage or File Share
Can anyone advise how I can achieve what's required by the CMS
application as described below by using Blobs?
You can use Data Lake Gen 2 storage account if you want to use Azure Blob Storage.
Data Lake Gen 2 storage enables hierarchical namespace so that you can use subfolders in the Blob Storage as per your requirements
Problem with using Blob
Blob Storage allows subfolders if we use Data Lake Gen 2 storage account. You can enable Blob Public Anonymous access
The problem with using File Share
Azure File Share supports but does not allow public anonymous access. You can use Azure Managed Identity (System-Assigned) for your web app to access the Azure File Share.
Then your application would be able to access the Azure File Share without SAS token
The issue of not having real folders in a blob storage shouldn't be any issue for your use case. Just because it doesn't have your traditional folders doesn't mean it can't serve content on e.g. instance1/site1/file1. That's still possible but the instance1/site1/ will just be part of the name of the blob.
Tools like the Azure Portal or Storage Explorer will actually show folders by using the delimiter / and querying data that appears to be inside a folder by using the path as prefix.

User permissions for upload in azure web app

I have an azure web app (mvc core 2). It uses an occasionally updated data file. It is stored in a folder off wwwroot. I wish to allow users in a specific role to be able to upload a new copy of the data file maybe once per day or two days. The datafile is less than 1MB.The datafile should not be generally viewable
Can I set permissions on the folder to let me do this and if so how?
I believe this is can be done with Azure blob storage. Blob storage is designed for serving images or documents directly to a browser, storing files for distributed access, streaming video and audio and much more. Users or client applications can access objects in Blob storage via HTTP/HTTPS.
As for the permissions on the folder, I believe the SAS token could implement it. With a SAS, you can grant clients access to resources in your storage account, without sharing your account keys. This is the key point of using shared access signatures in your applications--a SAS is a secure way to share your storage resources without compromising your account keys. About the deteails you could refer to this doc: Using shared access signatures (SAS).

Azure shared storage for application

Working in IaaS environment in AZURE and need to create a shared file for applications that will be sharing the same files uploaded by end users. The file share needs to be scene on various servers and appear as a fixed drive letter or mount point. Already created a Storage account and a file share in azure but can not overcome the issue that the mapped drive is associated with a users profile.
Was wondering if any has come up with a solution. ... I'm the system administrator assigned to this task and can do things in powershell or pass code information to developers for their review.
Did not resolve issue, developers are going to use Blog storage.
The trick with this was getting the application to see the drive letter. For us having a local user run as a service with the associated Azure file share mapping might have worked
NOTE to map the azure drive a use would need the Azure Storage account and Key generated for that account to access it.

Windows azure: how to setup front-end and back-end with shared image folder

I'm trying to find the best setup for my website on Windows Azure.
I have a front-end and a back-end website made in ASP.NET MVC4.
Both websites must use a shared same images. Font-end for displaying, back-end for CRUD actions. The image files are stored in a folder in the front-end web application and the url's to those images are stored in a mysql database.
Currenty i have 2 Windows Azure websites, but i can't access the images from the back-end website because there are stored in a folder on the front-end application?
What's the best setup and cheapest for this type of application?
2 websites with shared BLOB storage ?
A cloud service containing 2 webroles (front- and back-end) ?
... ?
First you should not use web application's folder beside temporary operations. Since Azure means multi-computer environment, resource (image) won't be available for requester if you use more than one instance (machine)
I would go on 2 blob container. (not 2 blob storage account)
We do not have IP based restriction on blobs yet so as long as you don't share those addresses you will be fine. If you really need to have restriction you can use Shared Access Policy which you can find more details on Use a Stored Access Policy also you should review this one too Restrict Access to Containers and Blobs
I think that using a shared blob storage account is the right direction.
Using a local folder is not a good idea - on web sites and cloud services these are not persistent and you may lose your files. Either way - this is not a scalable solutions - if you'll add additional instances in the future you will not have access to the files.
Using blob storage will give you a location that is accessible from both locations and indeed from the client's browser directly.
You do not specify whether the images need to be accessed securely from the front end or not, if not that blob storage is particularly useful as they can be served from a public container on azure storage directly.

Isolated storage in Linux

In Windows we can save some information related to a particular application in isolated storage for application.
Can we have this same sort of storage or any other secure storage place to save information for applications in Linux?
The most common is to have a hidden subdirectory in the users home directory, and store data there.
