Prevent value from moving after function call - rust

I have a rust program that I am creating that repeatedly runs a function in a thread, which causes a value moved error.
Here's some example code (pretty much the same as mine but simplified to get to the point and with a few names changed around)
use std::{thread}
struct Foo {
bar: bool
impl Foo {
fn new() -> Self {
Foo { bar: false };
fn do_something2(self) {
// do something
// technically could be simplified here to = !some_condition, but someone will
// probably complain about it, not really relevant to the issue anyways
if some_condition { = false;
fn do_something(mut foo: Foo) { = true;
thread::spawn(|| {
while {
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo::new();
do_something(&mut foo);
// other code
I am not sure how I would stop the variable from being moved. In this example, it could technically be avoided by implementing the Copy trait, but my struct has a Vec as one of the values, so I cannot use Copy and need to find a different way.

First you'll want do_something to take a reference rather than an owned value. You can do that like so:
fn do_something(foo: &mut Foo) { ... }
The method Foo::doo_something2 should also be changed to take a mutable reference:
fn do_something2(&mut self) { ... }
Once you do that you'll encounter a new error. thread::spawn has no way to prove that the reference outlives the thread that is being created. Lucky for you there is a new feature in the standard library called "scoped threads" that allows you to prove to the compiler that foo won't be dropped before the child thread terminates.
You can use scoped threads like so:
fn do_something(foo: &mut Foo) { = true;
thread::scope(|scope| {
scope.spawn(|| {
while {


Preventing a type from being put into a Vec

Imagine that you create a type, and for some reason, you don't want its user to be able to put it into a Vec, Rc, etc.
struct ImmovableObject<T>(T);
fn main() {
// Should cause an error, ImmovableObject can't be put in / owned by a Vec.
let mut x = vec![ImmovableObject(42)];
I looked into the various methods of pinning it, but they all require some form of reference. Is there a way to do this without any indirection?
I could only think of a runtime check, but it's ugly to use (basically need to check it everytime something is created). It would also have to be implemented for each type that should be banned from containing ImmovableObject, and it won't work if the ImmovableObject is contained in another object
trait MaybePanic {
fn maybe_panic(&self);
struct ImmovableObject<T>(T);
impl<T> MaybePanic for T {
default fn maybe_panic(&self) { }
impl<T> MaybePanic for Vec<ImmovableObject<T>> {
fn maybe_panic(&self) { panic!("Mustn't store an ImmovableObject in a Vector"); }
fn main() {
let obj = ImmovableObject(42_usize);
obj.maybe_panic(); // ok
let tuple = (ImmovableObject(42_usize), );
let v = vec![tuple];
v.maybe_panic(); // ok
let v = vec![obj];
v.maybe_panic(); // runtime error

How can I add an item to a struct member that is an `Option<Vec<...>>`?

How can I add an item to a struct member that is an Option<Vec<...>>?
In other words, what do I need to to to make add_foo below work?
struct Foo {
value: u32,
struct Bar {
foos: Option<Vec<Foo>>,
impl Bar {
fn add_foo(&mut self, foo: Foo) {
if self.foos.is_none() {
self.foos = Some(vec![]);
// ^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `self.foos` has type `Option<Vec<Foo>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
fn main() {
let mut bar = Bar{foos: None};
The error message suggests adding as_ref() but that doesn't help:
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
I though there might be something as as_mutref() but there is no such thing. Since I already hold a mutable reference to the Bar struct, I would expect to be able to change the foos field in the Bar struct.
Apologies if my terminology is off; still getting used to the whole Rust ownership concept.
Something like the following might be what you're looking for:
fn add_foo(&mut self, foo: Foo) {
if let Some(foos) = self.foos.as_mut() {
// foos has type: &mut Vec<Foo>
} else {
self.foos = Some(vec![foo]);
In general, using an if let or match or some other destructuring syntax is considered more idiomatic than using a is_some() check followed by an unwrap(). At the very least it saves on a comparison, but more importantly is harder to make accidentally panic.

What is the Rust equivalent of C++'s shared_from_this?

I have an object that I know that is inside an Arc because all the instances are always Arced. I would like to be able to pass a cloned Arc of myself in a function call. The thing I am calling will call me back later on other threads.
In C++, there is a standard mixin called enable_shared_from_this. It enables me to do exactly this
class Bus : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Bus>
void SetupDevice(Device device,...)
If this object is not under shared_ptr management (the closest C++ has to Arc) then this will fail at run time.
I cannot find an equivalent.
Here is an example of why its needed. I have a timerqueue library. It allows a client to request an arbitrary closure to be run at some point in the future. The code is run on a dedicated thread. To use it you must pass a closure of the function you want to be executed later.
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use timerqueue::*;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::{Arc,Weak};
use std::ops::{DerefMut};
// inline me keeper cos not on github
pub struct MeKeeper<T> {
them: Mutex<Weak<T>>,
impl<T> MeKeeper<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
them: Mutex::new(Weak::new()),
pub fn save(&self, arc: &Arc<T>) {
*self.them.lock().deref_mut() = Arc::downgrade(arc);
pub fn get(&self) -> Arc<T> {
match self.them.lock().upgrade() {
Some(arc) => return arc,
None => unreachable!(),
// -----------------------------------
struct Test {
me: MeKeeper<Self>,
impl Test {
pub fn new() -> Arc<Test>{
let arc = Arc::new(Self {
me: MeKeeper::new(),
data: "Yo".to_string()
fn task(&self) {
// in real use case the TQ and a ton of other status data is passed in the new call for Test
// to keep things simple here the 'container' passes tq as an arg
pub fn do_stuff(&self, tq: &TimerQueue) {
// stuff includes a async task that must be done in 1 second
let me =;
Box::new(move || me.task()),
Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1000),
fn main() {
// in real case (PDP11 emulator) there is a Bus class owning tons of objects thats
// alive for the whole duration
let tq = Arc::new(TimerQueue::new());
let test = Test::new();
// just to keep everything alive while we wait
let mut input = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
cargo toml
name = "tqclient"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
timerqueue = { git = "" }
parking_lot = "0.11"
There is no way to go from a &self to the Arc that self is stored in. This is because:
Rust references have additional assumptions compared to C++ references that would make such a conversion undefined behavior.
Rust's implementation of Arc does not even expose the information necessary to determine whether self is stored in an Arc or not.
Luckily, there is an alternative approach. Instead of creating a &self to the value inside the Arc, and passing that to the method, pass the Arc directly to the method that needs to access it. You can do that like this:
use std::sync::Arc;
struct Shared {
field: String,
impl Shared {
fn print_field(self: Arc<Self>) {
let clone: Arc<Shared> = self.clone();
println!("{}", clone.field);
Then the print_field function can only be called on an Shared encapsulated in an Arc.
having found that I needed this three times in recent days I decided to stop trying to come up with other designs. Maybe poor data design as far as rust is concerned but I needed it.
Works by changing the new function of the types using it to return an Arc rather than a raw self. All my objects are arced anyway, before they were arced by the caller, now its forced.
mini util library called mekeeper
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::{Arc,Weak};
use std::ops::{DerefMut};
pub struct MeKeeper<T> {
them: Mutex<Weak<T>>,
impl<T> MeKeeper<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
them: Mutex::new(Weak::new()),
pub fn save(&self, arc: &Arc<T>) {
*self.them.lock().deref_mut() = Arc::downgrade(arc);
pub fn get(&self) -> Arc<T> {
match self.them.lock().upgrade() {
Some(arc) => return arc,
None => unreachable!(),
to use it
pub struct Test {
me: MeKeeper<Self>,
impl Test {
pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
let arc = Arc::new(Test {
me: MeKeeper::new(),
now when an instance of Test wants to call a function that requires it to pass in an Arc it does:
fn nargle(){
let me = me.get();
Ooddle::fertang(me,42);// fertang needs an Arc<T>
the weak use is what the shared_from_this does so as to prevent refcount deadlocks, I stole that idea.
The unreachable path is safe because the only place that can call MeKeeper::get is the instance of T (Test here) that owns it and that call can only happen if the T instance is alive. Hence no none return from weak::upgrade

How best to deal with struct field that can change types

I'm working with a library that uses Rust types to keep track of state. As a simplified example, say you have two structs:
struct FirstStruct {}
struct SecondStruct {}
impl FirstStruct {
pub fn new() -> FirstStruct {
FirstStruct {}
pub fn second(self) -> SecondStruct {
SecondStruct {}
// configuration methods defined in this struct
impl SecondStruct {
pub fn print_something(&self) {
pub fn first(self) -> FirstStruct {
FirstStruct {}
And to actually use these structs you usually follow a pattern like so, after printing you may stay in second state or go back to first state depending on how you're using the library:
fn main() {
let first = FirstStruct::new();
let second = first.second(); // consumes first
// go back to default state
let _first = second.first();
I want to create my own struct that handles the state changes internally and simplifies the interface. This also lets me have a single mutable reference around that I can pass to other functions and call the print method. Using it should look something like this:
fn main() {
let mut combined = CombinedStruct::new(FirstStruct::new());
I've come up with the following solution that works, at least in this simplified example:
enum StructState {
struct CombinedStruct {
state: Option<StructState>,
impl CombinedStruct {
pub fn new(first: FirstStruct) -> CombinedStruct {
CombinedStruct {
state: Some(StructState::First(first)),
pub fn print(&mut self) {
let s = match self.state.take() {
Some(s) => match s {
StructState::First(first) => first.second(),
StructState::Second(second) => second,
None => panic!(),
// If I forget to do this, then I lose access to my struct
// and next call will panic
self.state = Some(StructState::First(s.first()));
I'm still pretty new to Rust but this doesn't look right to me. I'm not sure if there's a concept I'm missing that could simplify this or if this solution could lead to ownership problems as my application gets more complicated. Is there a better way to do this?
Playground link
I once had a similar problem and went basically with your solution, but I avoided the Option.
I.e. I basically kept your
enum StructState {
If an operation tries to convert a FirstStruct to a SecondStruct, I introduced a function try_to_second roughly as follows:
impl StructState {
fn try_to_second(self) -> Result<SecondState, StructState> {
/// implementation
In this case, an Err indicates that the StructState has not been converted to SecondStruct and preserves the status quo, while an Ok value indicates successfull conversion.
As an alternative, you could try to define try_to_second on FirstStruct:
impl FirstStruct {
fn try_to_second(self) -> Result<FirstStruct, SecondStruct> {
/// implementation
Again, Err/Ok denote failure/success, but in this case, you have more concrete information encoded in the type.

What is the right smart pointer to have multiple strong references and allow mutability?

I want to have a structure on the heap with two references; one for me and another from a closure. Note that the code is for the single-threaded case:
use std::rc::Rc;
struct Foo {
val: u32,
impl Foo {
fn set_val(&mut self, val: u32) {
self.val = val;
impl Drop for Foo {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("we drop {:?}", self);
fn need_callback(mut cb: Box<FnMut(u32)>) {
fn create() -> Rc<Foo> {
let rc = Rc::new(Foo { val: 5 });
let weak_rc = Rc::downgrade(&rc);
need_callback(Box::new(move |x| {
if let Some(mut rc) = weak_rc.upgrade() {
if let Some(foo) = Rc::get_mut(&mut rc) {
fn main() {
In the real code, need_callback saves the callback to some place, but before that may call cb as need_callback does.
The code shows that std::rc::Rc is not suitable for this task because foo.set_val(x) is never called; I have two strong references and Rc::get_mut gives None in this case.
What smart pointer with reference counting should I use instead of std::rc::Rc to make it possible to call foo.set_val? Maybe it is possible to fix my code and still use std::rc::Rc?
After some thinking, I need something like std::rc::Rc, but weak references should prevent dropping. I can have two weak references and upgrade them to strong when I need mutability.
Because it is a singled-threaded program, I will have only strong reference at a time, so everything will work as expected.
Rc (and its multithreaded counterpart Arc) only concern themselves with ownership. Instead of a single owner, there is now joint ownership, tracked at runtime.
Mutability is a different concept, although closely related to ownership: if you own a value, then you have the ability to mutate it. This is why Rc::get_mut only works when there is a single strong reference - it's the same as saying there is a single owner.
If you need the ability to divide mutability in a way that doesn't match the structure of the program, you can use tools like Cell or RefCell for single-threaded programs:
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn create() -> Rc<RefCell<Foo>> {
let rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Foo { val: 5 }));
let weak_rc = Rc::downgrade(&rc);
need_callback(move |x| {
if let Some(rc) = weak_rc.upgrade() {
Or Mutex, RwLock, or an atomic type in multithreaded contexts:
use std::sync::Mutex;
fn create() -> Rc<Mutex<Foo>> {
let rc = Rc::new(Mutex::new(Foo { val: 5 }));
let weak_rc = Rc::downgrade(&rc);
need_callback(move |x| {
if let Some(rc) = weak_rc.upgrade() {
if let Ok(mut foo) = rc.try_lock() {
These tools all defer the check that there is only a single mutable reference to runtime, instead of compile time.
