Update HTML page on mongodb data change - node.js

I want to update the HTML/pug page of multiple users when particular data changes in my MongoDB database. A user(A) follows another user(B) (whose data is stored in a different collection). When user(B) updates something, user(A) should see the change. There can be multiple people following the same user, and all the people following the user should see live updates.
I tried looking into socket.io but it doesn't look like it is the right thing for my purpose.

Your main options are either websockets (socket.io), server side push notifications with http2, or polling with http.
If socket.io seems overkill, server push notifications probably will too.
You can poll instead. Ie, send an http request from the client at regular intervals, like every 10 (or whatever seems suitable) seconds and update the page based on the response data
You’ll need to use JavaScript on the client for this. Pug templates render just once on page load. If you want dynamic updates after the initial render, you need client side JavaScript in all cases.


Node.js: Is there an advantage to populating page data using Socket.io vs res.render(), or vice-versa?

Let's say, hypothetically, I am working on a website which provides live score updates for sporting fixtures.
A script checks an external API for updates every few seconds. If there is a new update, the information is saved to a database, and then pushed out to the user.
When a new user accesses the website, a script queries the database and populates the page with all the information ingested so far.
I am using socket.io to push live updates. However, when someone is accessing the page for the first time, I have a couple of options:
I could use the existing socket.io infrastructure to populate the page
I could request the information when routing the user, pass it into res.render() as an argument and render the data using, for example, Pug.
In this circumstance, my instinct would be to utilise the existing socket.io infrastructure; purely because it would save me writing additional code. However, I am curious to know whether there are any other reasons for, or against, using either approach. For example, would it be more performant to render the data, initially, using one approach or the other?

How to change the content in real time using node js?

Have small app (My first Node js App), where I want add changing real-time content.
For example I have a common url which have list of content link, when user click on particular link it will open its correspondence link.
I have teacher and student role in the app so if teacher open the specific content(From the common url page) then it will automatically open that content for all student who have common url.
Please give me any Idea to implement this functionality and please tell me any plugin who have same functionality for real time content change.
One way, probably the easiest would be to use websockets, an easily manageable choice is socket.io npm package. What makes websockets different from http requests is the direction of the data flow. While http is pull based, meaning that a request has to be made to the server in order to get a response, websockets - once the connection is established - are or at least can be push based, meaning that the server could push out content without having to get a request from the client. In your situation, the teacher and the studens would all have an active websocket connection with the server. When the teacher clicked on a certain view, it would push the view’s data requirements to the students without any interaction from their side and the view would update on their screens according to the pushed data.
Look into how websockets work and try to experiment with a basic socket.io setup.

Update database before leaving a page in Node.js

I want to develop an attendance management page where I want to update my MongoDB database every time when the user leaves the page.
I found unload function in some answers, but cannot realize how to use it in Node.js.
How can I do this using Node.js framework in PhpStorm?
You would have to do it from server side, sending request from client before he leaves the page is a bad approach. There are many ways how client can disconnect without sending any request, like connection lost, killing process etc.
Maybe consider different approach, like sending an ajax request as an indication that user is still on page?
Or you could look around for existing solutions, maybe something like Using node.js to display number of current users
could help.

keep socket open in node + express

I am making a webapplication with multiple pages using nodejs, express & socket.io. One of the features is push notifications. This means socket.io should be running on every page. Connecting to socket.io on every page load takes a lot of time, which slows down the app.
Is there a way to keep the connection to the socket open?
One way would be to use ajax to render different pages inside my root page, but I think this will over complicate the app.
Is there a better way to implement this?
Are you sure you're handling the client side the right way ?
If you have a single page application, the browser should almost never reload completely the page. You should be using some client-side framework to handle SPA mechanisms (routing, templating, etc) like angularjs/backbone/ember/etc...
With a well formated SPA you load your app only once and it is kept alive without page reload as long as the browser tab is opened. So you weboscket would be created also only once. You shouldn't have any problem of this kind, your server side code is OK, it's just that you're doing it wrong client-side.
By the way, if you want to do handle only push data, you should take a look at the Server Sent Events, which is simplier/lighter that a full-duplex implementation like socket.io (which is a bit heavy)

Node.js send variable to client

I have a small Node.js HTTP server that does requests to a mongo database (with the mongoose module).
What I want to do is query the database, store it in a variable (array) and send it to the client.
Because ideally, when the user clicks on one of the buttons on the html page, the JavaScript will pick-up the event and change the appearance of the website by showing calculations based on data that is stored in the database.
The only way I could come with was just "transferring" the database content to the client browser but if anyone can come with another solution that would be fine too !
So basically my question is :
How can I pass a variable from the Node.js server to the client browser when serving a page ?
Thank you in advance !
If you will be doing more than a couple of these types of transfers, I recommend looking into Socket.IO.
It's a layer that provides quick and easy communication between Node.js servers and web front-ends, by abstracting web sockets when available, and falling back to other transports (such as JSON-P or Flash) when it's not available. Basically, you would call io.emit('something', {yourdata: here}), and it is easily received on the other end. All of the serialization is done for you.
Give their demo a shot to see how it works.
