how DNS resolve automatic again - dns

I have a server. Coming request all here and changed my server. All Users still requesting old server. beacuse they using old dns record. I want to remove dns record all users automatic. I have a idea. But I dont know it will work.
if My old server return response status code 404 or 400, I think all users try to dns resolve

It is possible that the clients are still using the old DNS record because of the local client-side DNS cache.
The cache entries should have a TTL and the issue should resolve itself when the cached DNS entries expire and DNS is resolved to the new address.


How can I point my domain from Godaddy to another web server without using # and losing email services?

I have access to a Godaddy account where the company has all their domains. One of those I need to point to another web server running Apache. The person that used to work here before me solved this pointing to the new server IP using the record:
A # the.ip.addr.ess 1 hour
and in the webserver end I get it with Apache and as far as the webserver goes, it runs flawlessly. I even have some subdomains using the same A record structure. I have two issues. First, I lost email reception. I can send via smtp and webmail but anything sent to my domain gets bounced back after 24 hours, even if sent to an alias or forwarder.
The second issue is that I need to verify the domain with Firebase and even thou I created the TXT record, it cannot be found by Google. I'm sure it's because of the same reason.
What can I do? I understand a little about DNS and records, but not enough for this. I just want all html traffic to reach my webserver as it is now and keep the emails and other domain services working as they were.
As contacting Godaddy support, they said it is not their purview as it is external. I think they just don't know. Go figure.
Are you using GoDaddys NameServers? If not and these are pointing elsewhere no matter what DNS records you set in GoDaddy won't be picked up during DNS lookips. This may explain why the TXT record verification is failing. However if this was true changing the A record wouldn'd disrupt DNS.
# just means the root domain so no subdomain/prefix,
www is a common subdomain used so you could have an A record which like:
A www the.ip.addr.ess 1 hour
so would resolve to the.ip.addr.ess
MX records are used to direct emails to your mail server. Make sure this is pointing to the mail server. If it's pointing at your A record then updating the A record will disrupt this.
Set the MX record to point to the.ip.addr.ess rather then, or an A/CNAME record other then your root domain (which you are updating)
Other considerations may need to be taken, if you have an SPF record (TXT record) this may also need updating, depending on it's current value.
I finally found what I had to do. I needed an A record named 'mail' pointing to the original Godaddy server IP address.
A mail my.ip.add.ress. 1 hour
ThankĀ“s for all the help.

Cloudflare / Chrome DNS Cache and TTL

We have a website that we recently revamped.
The domain it lived on use to have a CNAME record for # and www pointing to a different domain while the site was being developed.
We have now deployed the site (48+ hours ago) and chrome users who have previously visited the site are still being redirected to the domain the old CNAME pointed to.
The new DNS configuration is an # record pointing to the server and the a CNAME for www that also points to the same server (but a proxy).
We cannot figure out how to get existing users on chrome to pick up these DNS changes, if a user is to clear their browser cache, the site will work just fine. That said we cannot tell thousands of users to clear their cache.
Does anyone know how we can get users to pick up the new records?
The original TTL on the site was set to AUTO on cloudflare through the cloudflare proxy. I'm told this makes the TTL around 5 mins however its been over 48 hours and users are still having this issue. We have also purge the cache on cloudflare multiple times.
The answer was the TTL on each record, you just have to wait it out

Clarification needed on DNS propagation

When changing the nameservers for a domain, will there ever be a time in which it points to neither the old nameservers nor the new nameservers? If so, why does this occur?
For a little context, the reason I ask is because I just did this, the A-record and nameservers are coming up correctly when I get the DNS info, I verified the site on the new server AND the old server was running by adding them to my local machine's hosts file, but I got a "site not found" error in Chrome for about an hour before it came up correctly. (meaning, SOMETHING changed, but why didn't it just change immediately to the new nameservers?)

Subdomain created using DirectAdmin not resolving

I am trying to create a subdomain using DirectAdmin. The subdomain will be
I appear to have successfully created the subdomain in that there are A records for finance and showing under 'DNS management', and when I carry out an online DNS propagation check for the A records, all reports come back as successful.
And yet when I try to visit I get a server not found error. works OK.
Is there another step I need to take to get this working?
It takes some time before new/changed dns records are fetched by your local dns cache (depending on the TTL values of the old records). Manually clear the dns cache to force an update.

DNS servers pointing to site saying "owner knows site is down"?

When my site goes down, I want to change my registrar DNS settings to
point to (for example):
where these nameservers would return a fixed IP with a low TTL for all
queries (or even a CNAME), and a webpage on that IP address would read
something like:
The owner of this website knows it is down and is working to fix
it. Once the site is fixed, you will no longer see this message.
To use this service, set your DNS servers to ... [as above]
Does such a service exist?
I realize this system wouldn't be perfect, but it would be useful.
DNS and "site is offline" messages
discusses creating your own 2nd nameserver to do this, but I'm looking
to do this with an existing service/server.
It doesn't exist for A records or CNAME records (the closest you can get here is using a round robin, but that doesn't solve your issue).
Your looking for a priority tag, which exists in MX only records.
I'm afraid your best option is just on the servers send out a 503 error with a HTML page as the ErrorDocument.
