log4j version on servicemix7.0.1 - log4j

I'm having a problem learning to upgrade to log4j2. Before, I used log4j 1 with apache servicemix 6.1.2, when I upgraded to log4j 2, I got an incompatibility error. I am learning to run the application on apache servicemix 7.0.1 to get the latest version of log4j2 .
I have read the document but do not understand which version of servicemix 7.0.1 uses log4j. Can anyone help me?


How Can i find Docker Elasticserach log4j version

i am using elasticsearch:6.8.1 how Can i find Docker Elasticserach log4j version ? Please help me . thanks
You can go on mvnrepository for elasticsearch
Which will give you the version 2.11.1

how to upgrade log4j in elsaticsearch 7.6 as it use log4j v 2.11

hi I install Elasticsearch v 7.6 and when I know about log4j vulnerability I do scan on log4j files
I found that it use log4j v 2.11 which is vulnerable
this is the files I found
so how could I upgrade it or protect myself from this vulnerability

How to patch log4j on Mac for ActiveMQ?

I have got installed ActiveMQ on Mac using brew but have been identified as having a critical vulnerability related to the log4j security issue, and so it requires a patch.
In this case, how can I do patching log4j?
Since you're using ActiveMQ 5.16.3 you can simply upgrade to 5.16.4 which replaced Log4j 1.2.17 with Reload4j 1.2.19. See AMQ-8472 for more details.

pom file java version spec for Maven

I am a new user to Maven, as I am trying to use it to build apache spark on amazon EC2 VMs. I have mannually installed java version 1.7.0 on the VMs. However as I was running the Maven, the following error occurs:
Failed to execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:testCompile (scala-test-compile-first) on project spark-core_2.10: Execution scala-test-compile-first of goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:testCompile failed. CompileFailed
As I think the java version mismatch is the potential reason, causing the compiling problem. I opened up the pom file of the spark for maven tool, it has declared java related version in two seperate places:
What are the differences between these two versions?
Which one should be edited to solve the jave version mismatch?
It's two different things
is the java version used and
is the AWS SDK for Java version used.
The minumum requirement of AWS SDK 1.9 is Java 1.6+ so there is no compatibility issues.

Upgrading from Groovy 1.7.2 to 1.8.x

My project demands and upgrade from groovy 1.7.2 to 1.8.x stable release, there are several jar's are created using groovy 1.7.2 version, let me know whether these jar's will be compatible with 1.8.x also or not, or do i need to completely re-built it,
As it says on this mailing list entry:
A jar built with 1.7 will not run with a 1.8 runtime because two files were moved and one was removed.
