Microsoft Graph API - Sharepoint list unable to call create/update SharePoint list items, GET/DELETE works - sharepoint

Unable to use Microsoft Graph API to create or update SharePoint list items with client credentials access token (getting access token with out a user), I get the following error,
I'm able to successfully call GET and DELETE methods with the same access tokens for the same site/list, additionally I'm able to call all methods GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE for the same site/list using the user generated access token.
For my use case I need to able to create/update list items with out user access so, followed this article -, API has required permissions granted in the application
can't seem to find any documentation on what exactly I'm missing, looks like POST/PATCH endpoints are looking for some user info in the token, but client crendentials do not have any user info so not sure what to do next, Here's the documentation I'm following & I've tried using the .net graph client SDK as well and I get the same error message for both POST/PATCH requests.
Any help on how to successfully create/update sharepoint list items via graph api using client credential token would be highly appreciated.
Followed this article in setting up the application in azure ad -, Added app roles are as highlited in this article but no luck.

Hope you are not using delegated permission in your personal account ,
Looks like there is something wrong with your API call ,make sure you are using the correct API call -{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items
You can also Try to create and Update in graph explorer- .
Hope this helps


Getting list of all documents from share point

I am trying to implement functionality where I can get list of documents from share-point.I have tried this demo code from Azure directory implementation and login to account and also got details about sites and user data from graph API.
I am able to get site data from graph API :
But when I am trying to get list then getting error or no value
I have also passed this authorization token to REST API but that too doesn't work.
You can try with scope Sites.ReadWrite.All instead of, as I tested it using Graph Explorer and I got access denied as the scope permission was not consented. After I consent the permission, it worked .
Example 1:
Before Consent:
After Constent:
I have created a test list on the Communication Site.
After that when I query for lists , I successfully get the above one I created.
Example 2 :
I also tested it using a Application registered to Azure AD. It didn't return me any error or any value as well when I queried for lists using that app's credential's from Powershell.
After I add Sites.ReadWrite.All to the App's API permission's .
I can successfully get the Values of the lists.
To summarize it , it could be resolved in 2 ways :
Changing the Scope shown on the screenshot given by you to Sites.ReadWrite.All instead of User.Read.
Adding API permissions to the APP registration in the Azure AD for Microsoft Graph as shown in the example 2 second image.

How to use Power BI REST API's in Azure Data Factory

I am trying to create a list of all the workspaces and the reports contained in each one of them for a documentation project.
I found online that we can use this to get the workspaces, I wanna use it with a "web" activity:
And then I want to use the IDs we get in the output with a foreach and another web activity inside of it and use this to get the reports in each workspace, then copy it somewhere (datalake or DB) :{groupId}/reports
But I don't know how to configure the activity and the authentication.
If there is a better way like connecting directly to Power BI I'm all ears, I tried to do a get data from web source but I don't have any "key" for API and organization authentication doesn't work.
When I run the code here: it works perfectly.
Thanks in advance
'But I don't know how to configure the activity and the authentication.' For this question, I'm not sure if you don't know how to use access token to call an API.
Register an azure ad application with the api permission of ''
so that you can generate an access token by this application with
this scope. Add api permission.
Use ropc flow to generate an access token. This flow contains user information so that your api could know who you are to return correct groups.
Add 'Authorization' in request head with value of 'Bearer accessToken' to call the api.
ropc flow 1.0:

Microsoft graph API access problem when create online meeting or online meeting event

I am trying to use "" or "" to create online meeting programmatically.
I used help from many resources specially this
I have used this API to get token using password grant type
"{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token" but the problem happened when I am calling "" I got 403 Forbidden
and when I am trying to call "" using the same access token I am getting this response
I have added delegate permission from Azure portal
Any Ideas why both are not working with me?
Authorization errors can occur as a result of several different issues, most of which generate a 403 error (with a few exceptions). We could refer to this doc to resolve Microsoft Graph authorization errors.
We cannot create online meeting via personal Microsoft account, if you are using work or school account, we need to ensure the account has the permission: OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite, if you are create online meeting via Application, we need OnlineMeetings.Read.All and OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All* permission, check this Create onlineMeeting and Online meetings permissions for more details.

Retrieving user's calendar events in Microsoft graph using application permissions

I'm trying to build a small application that can retrieve a particular user's calendar events without a signed in user, that is to utilize the application permissions in Graph API and query the events by authenticating with App ID, Tenant ID and Secret values. I was able to follow this documentation and generate JWT tokens to query the graph API. And it worked fine when i tried to retrieve all the users information, or even retrieve a particular users information using the following paths.
/users/{id | userPrincipalName}
Both the above endpoints worked fine and i was able to retrieve details, but when i tried to access the calendar events of a particular user using the following Graph API path
/users/{id | userPrincipalName}/events
I get the following error,
I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here, i have the following Application permissions set up in Azure AD Portal and the permissions are reflected in the JWT token.
I feel like the token generation part is working fine since the first two Graph API endpoints i mentioned above are functional, but I'm not sure where else I'm going wrong and as to why I'm not able to retrieve a particular user's calendar events. Any help would be much appreciated.

Can't use application permissions (roles) to access Microsoft Graph API group calendar

My goal is to list the calendar events of an Office 365 group using the Microsoft Graph API.
The endpoint used is{id}/events based on the documentation. Using the Graph Explorer, I'm able to get the information with my delegated permissions. The problem is when I make the same call using application permissions. I'm positive JWT token contains the required roles to make the call (Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All) but I'm getting the following error:
Access is denied. Check credentials and try again
Curiously enough, I'm able to get the group /v1.0/groups/{id} but whatever is related to it's calendar and events isn't accessible.
Using application permissions to look at group resources/contents is not currently supported. Please see known issues here:
If this is required for your scenarios, please vote for or
Both of which are about app-only access to group conversations (similar to group events).
Otherwise please create a new user voice request.
