No data in Dialogflow Analytics - dialogflow-es

I have a Dialogflow app with Google Chat integration that has been used in the past month, but no data is displayed in the Analytics tab of the Dialogflow Console.
Are there other configuration steps necessary to integrate analytics? I've searched online and could not find anything either in Google's documentation or elsewhere. Thanks in advance!


Utterance (customDimensions['Text']) is not reported in app insights in Azure Chatbot

I'm using Azure's Chatbot Service to build the chatbot. For data collection, I'm also using Azure Monitor to track and get the data of the conversation from the chatbot and users. The target is to retain the way we captured utterances in customDimensions ['Text']. However, I can't find the attribute "['Text']" in customDimensions.
Could someone know how I can get around this?
Thank you.
Utterance (customDimensions['Text']) is not reported in app insights
in Azure Chatbot
Please follow below reference it has detail explanation about:
Schema of Bot Analytics Instrumentation
Custom Dimensions SDK Bot Analytics
Enabling telemetry to capture usage data from other services like LUIS and QnA Maker
Analyze the telemetry data from your bot - Bot Service | Microsoft Docs
Enabling telemetry to capture usage data from other services like LUIS and QnA Maker

Can we integrate chatbase with other chatbots?

After chatbase became part of the Dialogflow, can we still integrate other chatbots with chatbase?
I'm looking at how to use the chatbase analytics for other chatbots.
We had a connector built earlier.

How can we record conversation with a web app bot Azure deployed on Teams?

I have deployed a web app bot on Azure for my team on the channel Microsoft teams. I would like to record all conversations of the bot. What are the available options or resources where we can store conversations with users?
The goal is to evaluate the good answers/responses rate from the chatbot.
Moving comments to answer section for better visibility.
I think you would like to store your bot conversations to analyze them later for quality. The available options in this scenario are Azure blobs or cosmos db with minimal configuration changes to your existing bot. If your use case is to provide a Q&A to users then you might want to use Azure QnAMaker instead and create a knowledge base and publish a bot from this service. This allows you to use QnAMaker's inbuilt active learning feature and improve your bot's response by approving or rejecting alternate suggestions.

Logging message data from a dialog to Application Insights in node.js bot based on botframework v4

I am trying to log some user data, namely some feedback from a dialog to application insights.
I want to basically show some statistics regarding the kind of feedback the bot gets on the app insights dashboard.
However, the documentation [] only covers the details for C# users, my bot is coded in node.js
How can I log some data from a dialog in a node.js bot to app insights? My bot is based on the core-bot sample from Microsoft.
For now, I am also saving all the chat transcripts to azure blob storage, but I'm not sure how I can use that.
Please help me out.
This is a great question. I haven't figured out specifically the dialog piece, which is what I know you're asking about, but there are a number of resources I've used to get basically everything but.
Analytics for Bot Service (Channel and activity metrics within Bot Service blade)
Analytics for nodejs Applications (General analytics within the App Insights blade)
Analytics for LUIS
Analytics for QnA Maker Service
I'm assuming that something similar can be built using the generic "Analytics for nodejs Applications", but I don't have enough knowledge on where that dialog information resides to build custom properties. However, if you are looking only for some specific information from the dialogs as opposed to the full suite of analytics as shown in the C# example you linked, you should be able to just create a custom property for that information and send it to App Insights.
Dialogs have TelemetryClient class to offer insights into your bot by showing which features are used the most, detects unwanted behavior and offers visibility into availability, performance, and usage. Telemetry logging enables bot applications to send event data to telemetry services such as Application Insights.
This documentation makes use of the core bot sample and will help you to add telemetry to your bot and enable telemetry in your bot dialogs.
Hope this helps.

Integrating Azure Bot with Azure Speech Services

Is there a possible way to integrate the speech services with bot? So i would like to know what is the process that goes in the integration of Speech Services with Bot?
How is it possible to do the integration with bot through the key that is obtained from the Azure Speech Service created?
And how to check whether the created Speech Services is working?
Is there any common portal for the Speech Services to be tested like the portal for custom speech(
And What are the different ways for integrating?
To test the speech service whether works, you can use the code sample provided by Microsoft without write addition code. Refer to the Next steps section of Text to Speech
Or you can make the REST API using POST man according the documentation.
And to integrate the Speech Service with Bot, you can refer the figure below:
