Sagemaker Studio -Land cover segmentation - unable to upload geojson - geospatial

I went to and selected a rectangle over a random area on the map. I then downloaded the geojson and uploaded it to Sagemaker's Studio's spatial - Land cover segmentation portal. I then received the following error:
"Invalid GeoJson format
Uploaded file cannot be a Feature or Feature Collection GeoJson. Please upload a GeoJson with a 'type' of 'Polygon'"
How else can I pick a piece of land from anywhere on the globe and feed it to sagemaker studio, if not with thanks


Can't use custom 3D model for visualization

I'm using the Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.FixedShape to render custom 3D models. I tried using .dxf and .stl in ASCII format but none works.
For .dxf I get no error but the model doesn't show up.
For .stl I get an error saying there is no plugin for that file type.
Please see the highlighted portions in the above image. OpenModelica supports adding an external shape using the format shapeType=modelica://<Modelica-name>/<relative-path-file-name>. Preferably create a Resources folder in the same level under the library folder and add dxf files in them. The following animation shows the same. Hope this helps!

Openslide: Remove “label” image for Philips TIFF files

I'm using openslide-python to read whole slide images in the Philips format. I am trying to anonymize the data by removing the label associated image by deleting/replacing this:
However it raises:
TypeError: '_AssociatedImageMap' object does not support item assignment
I know this is because Openslide is a reading not writing library, however I can't find a solution to remove the labels for Philips format.

The pictures (JPEG file) in BIM model are not shown in Forge Viewer

I create BIM model and place the pictures (JPEG file) on the model's wall using 'place decal' function and change the graphic display option to 'realistic'. The result is as picture 1.
After that, I upload model to Forge viewer. However the pictures are not shown.
My questions are:
1) Why are the pictures in my revit model not shown in Forge viewer? How can I fix this?
2) If I can fix and the pictures are shown, can I change or replace the pictures in Forge Viewer later?
Please help, thank you.
Re 1: it's possible that decals in Revit models are currently not supported by the Forge Model Derivative service. I will talk to the engineering team and update this answer when I hear back from them. In the meantime, double check whether the decal image is embedded in the Revit file or referenced externally. If the image is referenced, you would have to include it with the *.rvt file in a zip archive when uploading & translating it in Forge.
Re 2: modifying textures of existing objects in Forge Viewer is possible but more involved. It would be easier to create new geometry (for example, using SceneBuilder), and overlay the existing decals.

Object detection API xml file

I have tried and follow some tutorial about object detection API. I can see that most of us using LabelImg to create XML files for label the data. But I have a question that if inside the image we don't have the object so we not label and therefore missing an XML file?.
So we should remove that image which not contained any object or we still keep that image? And if keep how we can use this if no xml file? Because I think this image may provided negative info for model and help model not miss-detect the non-object.

How to get satellite image of a location with latitude and longitude in Python

For my GeoSpatial project, I want to obtain a satellite image of an area.I have the latitude and longitude of that area,I want to get the satellite image (preferably in jpg or png format) in Python.
You can use sat-search library to find satellite images using lat/long coordinates. It'll give you the S3 link to download the image and you can download it using boto3 or awscli. (e.g. aws s3 cp s3://remote_url local_image.tif) After that, you can use rasterio to open the image and crop the area you want, if the original image is too big for your use case. The typical image format for geospatial imagery is GeoTiff (*.tif), which is similar to jpg or png with geocoordinate information. Good luck!
