does not connect to my mysql database, using sequilize - node.js

Hello I'm trying to connect sequileze to my database that I have in mysql I'm following a step by step tutorial but I get this error and I'm entering both the password and the user and does not let me make the connection I tried on another device and it worked, can someone help me?
I wanted to make the connection with sequileze to mysql.


Unable to connect ECONNREFUSED / Unable to connect ENOTFOUND mongo db vsCode

I'm trying to connect my mongodb to my vscode and when I try and connect to it using 'mongodb:// it comes up with a connection error. Can anyone help me with this please? 1
you need to try this flow to solve your issue. might be it helps you.
check mongo service is running or not.
if you mongo service is out side of your current machine than you check your IP has access to access your mongo service
check your mongo connection URL is correct.
try to connect your MongoDB using tools like MongoCompass or Robo 3t.
then try in your code for further task

connect hostinger DB with nodejs in local

I have created a database in Hostinger and make it remote. But, when I try to connect with my local using nodejs I am getting an error: "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR" even after using the right username and password.
This is my code below:
Have I done anything wrong? Please help me
This error usually occurs if the credentials are incorrect or the user can not access the database.
Also, In an express app, it is usually better to re-use the database connection instead of connecting to the database on every request.

Can't connect AdonisJS to SQL Server database

I use AdonisJS and SQL Server. I'm trying to connect my application to SQL Server, but it's not working. It works if I connect with SQL Server Management Studio:
But when I try to make a migration, I get an error. Here is my config/database.js:
My .env :
Does someone have a solution? Thanks!
I have the answer :)
it doesn't work like with mysql, there I have to create the db first and then access it, with mysql it was adonisjs who did it it it seems to me :)
And the "sa" username is just for testing haha, don't worries
Thanks !!

Application unable to connect to mongodb on DigitalOcean droplet

From the terminal, the application launches and connects with MongoDB, but when I attempt to access it at the IP address of the droplet (with the correct port), I am getting an error:
MongoError: not authorized on cmf to execute command (cmf is the dbname).
I followed the install & setup instructions here, creating a user and afterward added the role of root described here. This was for the admin database.
When logged into the Mongo shell, I can access data thru db.status(), and when using admin db I can run show users and see the user.
I am confused whether I lack configuration for the cmf database. When using cmf db, when I run show users, nothing is returned.
For unknown reasons, the application cannot connect with mongodb. I am now thoroughly confused about where to go from here.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
You need to create the database user with password (like in the tutorial included in your question), then upon connecting:
var dbHost = 'mongodb://username:password#localhost:port/cmf';
username is the username of created user,
password is the password,
port is the correct port of running mongodb (defaults to 27017).

I want to connect openshift mongodb database from my local client tools

I have my premium openshift account
I have all types of access in openshift
I have ssh key & user's credentials
I have MongoVUE & Robomongo & others client tools to open mongodb database.
when I try to open any local mongodb database then its working fine
but I want to directly connect my mongodb database of openshift server to mongoVUE or any else
so I can see which data is in my server database.
I have tried so many times to connect locally but it can connect to openshift but can not connect with mongodb database so please provide some good & exact steps so I can connect it.
I use mongovue also. Just do a
'rhc port-forward '
Then run mongovue using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward <app-name>
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
Then run Mongovue. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials like this:
Save, Select your connection, and press connect. It should work.
You should have been given you mongodb credentials when you added the mongodb cartridge. You can also ssh into your app and do a "env" and see your mongodb password and username.
Finally I got perfect tool for it to connect with mongodb with server database in which we can perform all kind of CRUD operations.
we can use Robomongo tool for it which doesn't require paid version to perform CRUD operation.
Robomongo is available here
mongoVUE requires paid version.
I use Robomongo. Just do a 'rhc port-forward '
Then run Robomongo using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
port forward image
Then run Robomongo. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials:
