Does exists any test management tool that can be integrated with Jira and supports cucumber scenario outline multiple example tables?
I try to use this cucumber feature with xray cloud but it looks that xray does not support this yet. Is there any similar tool that could be integrated with Jira and supports multiple example tables like in below example?
Example cucumber code:
Feature: Log in to the application
As user I want to be able to successfully log in to the application
Scenario Outline: Log in to the application
Given Log in page is opened
When User with <User Role> logs in
Then User should be logged in
And Overview page should be opened
| User Role |
| Administrator |
| Customer |
| Supplier |
| User Role |
| Technical Support |
| Analyst |
My objective is to get a list of all the logins to other organisation systems (our customers) by our staff for auditing purposes. I looked at the MS Docs: Interpret the Azure AD sign-in logs schema in Azure Monitor and see the fields available but not exactly what I was after. Specifically I would like to know the name of the AzureAD tenant our staff member is a guest to. I am very new to AzureAD Log analysis so apologise if this is a newbie issue.
We can see the AppDisplayName but this is likely to be the same for many Apps as it will have the same name across multiple customers being for the same system and will be named to suit them. Are there any otehr options?
Ideally I could see a Company Name, Tenant Name and not just the AppDisplayName
I need the ability to confirm "How many users logged into Company X system this month" and then drill into a count by User and Date
My query so far is okay and I could coalesce on the ResourceTenantId and AppDisplayName fields
Am I able to generate a custom table (correct terminology) of the ResourceTenantId and their name to include in this query?
| where ResourceTenantId != HomeTenantId and ResourceTenantId != AADTenantId and ResourceDisplayName contains "Windows Azure Active Directory"
| distinct UserPrincipalName, ResourceTenantId, ResourceProvider, AppDisplayName, ResultDescription
I am trying to get a list of users logged into azure AD, that can be seen under Users | All Users from the azure portal, using Kusto Resource Graph Query but does anybody know how to call this? i understand i can List all sign-ins via http response
but how do i call this in Resource Graph?
I know i can call resources to Show a List resources sorted by name
| project name, type, location
| order by name asc
and can call
| where identity contains "userAssignedIdentities"
but all im returning is user assigned identities.. and not Users i.e User Type, User Principle Name, Name, Account Enabled, Company etc
that should be specific to All Users and Signin-Logs
any help would be appreciated
many thanks
You can pull the signin logs of users using kusto query -- for that you need to few prerequisite
You should have Secuirity admin or global admin Permission.
Creating a log analytics workspace.
Setting diagnostic settings.
You can follow this Microsoft Document to create log analytics workspace and add in ActiveDirectory->Diagnotics Setting.
You can use the below Kusto Query in AzureActiveDirectory->Log Analytics
| project UserId,UserType,UserDisplayName
Note : There is not option to project AccountEnable,Company
Yep this works bud, also changing my permission to security admin.. many thanks
I would like to send a welcome email to the user when the Azure AD admin assigns the user to the application (enterprise or custom). It would be nice to use a custom template to define an access URL and maybe some additional info (how to use, some rules, etc.). I haven't found anything similar in the Azure portal.
Does Azure AD provide such functionality? Or should I build custom implementation (Graph API, EventGrid + Azure Functions, SCIM protocol, etc.)?
From what I understand, at the very base, you want an email to be sent whenever a user is assigned to an enterprise application (or custom - assuming that also falls under same). I assume you do not need to know much about who actually assigned the permissions. Either way, with the query below you should have enough to get going.
As far as I know there's no native support for this in AD (I couldn't find anything at all that's available but I could be wrong) but a workaround for us was to do it using Log Analytics + Azure Logic App. While our use case is slightly different (we use it to monitor and be alerted for logins to a specific account), the same logic might apply to you - I put together a few lines to query log analytics. but I couldn't get the alert part working - Azure could just be sleepy right now.
EDIT: Alert worked the following day. Just needed some time to warm up I guess.
Give it a try:
Make sure Azure AD has diagnostic settings configured to send logs to a Log Workspace
Query the workspace using the following:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) //Change as required
| where ActivityDisplayName has "Add app role assignment grant to user"
| project Time = TimeGenerated, Activity = ActivityDisplayName, Application=parse_json(TargetResources)[0].displayName, User=parse_json(TargetResources)[1].userPrincipalName
| where Application contains "myapp"
Create an alert from Log Analytics (hopefully you get it working right away - each alert cost USD 1.50/month).
(a) You will need to create an Action Group
(b) Under Action Group, configure your email in the Notifications.
(c) You will need to come back to reconfigure an Action field to the Logic App you will create below.
Create a Logic App and start with an HTTP connector as the trigger to receive the content in JSON format.
Setup a Send an Email (v2) action with all variables and such, or another connector if applicable in your case. Customise the email in HTML
One alternative to using Log Analytics and Alerts could also be to use PowerShell to query AAD logs and then parse the information to Logic App through the HTTP POST Url that shows up when you save the HTTP Connector.
Another alternative to using the HTTP Connector could be to use the O365 connector with trigger When a new email arrives (v3)
Things to consider:
There's at least a 5 minutes delay between the time the event is logged and triggered. This is just the way the alert query works.
You will need to login to Logic App using the mailbox from which you want to send that email. That's something you might want to manage separately - expiring credentials etc.
Hope this gives you some ideas.
I have hooked up a Power App to Azure Application Insights to track useage.
When the events are logged, the user ID is recorded with the Azure Active Directory ID (a Guid).
Whilst I can interrogate AAD for the user ID manually to get the UPN, is there any way in the App Insights Data Explorer to map the user ID to the UPN.
| where timestamp > datetime(2021-02-04 14:30:00)
| project user_AuthenticatedId, '[UPN]'
Unfortunately, short answer is no for default telemetry like page view. Inbuilt telemetry does not capture any PII for data compliance (for example, UPN reveals the user email).
However, you can write custom trace to capture that. Example:
"App Feedback",
UserName: User().FullName,
UserEmail: User().Email
Note: If you are logging any personnel data, you will need to consider any data compliance obligations, such as GDPR, that you might also need to implement.
For details, refer Analyze app telemetry using Application Insights.
Well, it was a bit of a round-a-bout way of doing this, but I created a Power Automate flow using various HTTP REST calls.
Firstly, I pulled the list of User IDs from App Insights using the REST Api with a query and then cycled over the response making HTTP requests to the MS Graph API requesting the user information.
It needed an Azure App Registration with appropriate security access to call into Graph but it was a simple task end the end.
I need background to be run with 2 different roles.
I'm not allowed to do this:
Given I login as existing user with role "<role>"
And I choose to create new Account
| role |
| Standard User |
| Site Admin |
What is the best way to resolve this issue?
You have two separate pieces of behaviour here so do a scenario, or even a feature for each one.
In most applications different rules will apply for users and admins, and in many systems and even different ui's will be used.
A top rule for scenario writing is that its much better to have lots of simple scenarios than a few complex ones.
It's not possible with Background.. you can use Scenario Outline in feature:
For example:
Scenario Outline:
Given I login as existing user with role "<role>"
And I choose to create new Account
| role |
| Standard User |
| Site Admin |