Website for Minecraft Server Wake Up on Lan - web

a friend of mine has a little server rig. He hosts a Minecraft-Server on it over his router at home. Because he doesn't wanna run it 24/7, I had an idea and I wanna ask if its possible.
My idea was to create a little website (world wide web) to start the server over wake up lan. I would run the website on my Rasperry Pie, which would be online 24/7.
Is that possible? If so, what should I learn to make the website safe, e.g. password?
Im not very familiar with website coding, but Im pretty good with software development with C-Based languages.
Im non-native speaker, so please excuse any grammar mistakes.
Thank you.

Wake on LAN works using broadcast packets, so in the local network only
And by default your router blocks those packets from the outside
You will have a bad time trying to make that works
In your case, the best choice would be to pay a little server online for your server


how to communicate with my apps using IP address and socket remotely

I am to Electron and nodejs
And stuck here, actually i m making a desktop app to control every PC in network. which tells me the ip and mac of computers in the network. But now I need to talk to it and push/get some message. but how ? is likely the easiest way to do what you are trying to do. It'll allow you to communicate between the machines with a relatively low amount of effort.
Sockets generally work on a "server" and "client" basis, so you may want a central server that will coordinate with the clients.
This blog post from node source provides a really good intro to using them.

The most secure server data transfer?

I'm running an Ubuntu Server somewhere, 24/7. It's used to host a webpage, a shoutcast radio, some other stuff. I'm planning to buy a Raspberry Pi 1B to use it as a "backup" server, in the following way :
Whenever the Raspberry Pi is powered up and connected to the internet, it checks if the server is online (by pinging it)
If it is, it copies via internet a precise folder from the server and backs it up on the Raspberry Pi drive. Then the Raspberry Pi powers off / reboots once the transfer is completed.
As you can see the "via internet" part is emphasized, as I don't know which data transfer method to use to make this the most simplest / stable (easy to automatize via shell scripts, not going to crash or fail) and more secure (no one can intercept and read the data which is transferred between the two machines) way. If it's slow, no problem, just want it done via automated script.
So what's the best way to do that ? WGET a HTTPS page of the server from the RPi with some credentials ? Automated SFTP ? Third-server-based transfer ? Anything else ?
Edit : People seem to downvote this post. This is fine, but I'd really appreciate to know why, so don't hesitate to comment if you disapprove to tell me what I did wrong. Thanks.
I would suggest to use rsync for that kind of stuff.
How to use rsync:
It also works with ssh-keys so you do not need a password which makes it great for backups.

How to set up a tcp server on a personal computer

I'm not that experienced with networking - hence why I'm asking this question - so please have patience with my inexperience.
What I want to do is set up a server on my computer that my friend's computer could connect to through the internet and we could play a game (very surprising indeed). A vague idea that I had was I could run a VM to handle it. My questions are:
Is there a way I could establish a connection between our computers without having to pay for a separate server?
Is there a Python 3 library that's good for beginners (in networking - not Python) that can do this task?
Note 1: It is a turn based game so the processing does not have to be really fast.
Note 2: I have a basic understanding of sockets, servers, etc, I'm just not familiar enough with them to find what I'm looking for elsewhere.
Are you familiar with netcat? What do you mean by "(in networking - not Python)". The reason I ask if your familiar with netcat is because if you are sockets should not be too hard to program (I say that respectfully they can be weird at first glance). Your most likely going to have to open a port on your router to do this. Depending in the game will be the complexity of programming this. But basically this is what you want right.
TCP Server (Listening) (Your Friends House)
TCP Client (You)
TCL Client -> TCP Server
If your gonna be using a windows gui just use VNC Viewer: or TeamViewer: or enable RDP.

access to a raspberry pi from all over the world without dyndns

first of all i wanted to clearify, that i'm not asking, how to access a raspberry pi from the internet. I know, that I have to use a DynDNS or the IPv4 if it won't change. But I can't use this.
So I will explain my problem:
A friend of mine and me are working on a project. We are creating a automatic watring system for gardens or plantations and we have a apache on the pi, so you can access the pi from the home-network. But we also want to access the pi from outside, but without using a DynDNS, because we want to make it marketable, so you can't give every pi a DynDNS.
At networks, where the IPv4 won't change it is not a problem, but usually the internet provider change your IPv4 nearly every day. We also thougt of building a own small server with old PC-Components of our parents, but we don't know how to deal with the changing IPv4. Theoretically we could build a own small server if it is a solution.
So I wanted to ask you, how to access a raspberry pi with changing IPv4 without DynDNS.
(Sorry for my bad englisch)
Your bigger problem is that 99% of consumer devices are behind a router. You will need a solution that opens a connection to your service and waits for commands. This concept exits with tools like netcat or ngrok.

How do I host a NodeJS http web server on a raspberry PI/or any linux based PC

I've seen people host Apache servers on raspberry PI's and of course on regular computers. I do not wish to or rent a VPS and thought it would be best to set one up on my Raspberry PI 2 B:
(1gb ram/32gb disk/1ghz on overclock)
What is the proper way of setting up a NodeJS http web server on a computer? Can you link me to a tutorial if one exists(Couldn't find any).
I was also wondering if I would be better of renting a VPS with recurring costs and lack of customization/control , or on a working dedicated PC. Keep in mind that I wish to practice some dev ops work over multiple PI's(ex. Chef).
I need this server to be accessible through the internet through an ip or domain. How do I go about setting that up? (I have domains)
Update: I wrote a blog post on this subject.
The tutorial goes through the full installation process. Click the link below
Yes, You can use raspberry as your VPS or dedicated server. Just assign static IP address(You need to buy) to your Raspberry and then point your domain name to that static IP address.
Few links below that will be helpful for you,
