How to detect when the user sets an active tracks - google-cast

I need my iOS sender app to be aware of any changes made by the user regarding the active tracks but I cannot find any way to do so.
When the app is registered as a GCKMediaController delegate, it is notified via the mediaController(_:didUpdate) method that a change has occurred and the list of active tracks can be retrieved but nothing indicates that the update deals with active tracks change.
Moreover, my app simply provides a UIButton to the GCKMediaController tracksButton and does not instantiate a GCKMediaTracksViewController so I cannot register anything as a GCKMediaTracksViewControllerDelegate.
The last resort would be for my app to implement a custom media tracks selection view controller but I would not want to have to do that.
Thanks for your help.


Can Logic Apps Monitor a large number of calendars effectively?

We want to track changes in user calendars, but are concerned with how often we'd need to check 2000+ user calendars (Outlook).
Would the process of monitoring over 2000 user calendars present a problem for our network?
Trigger (Check for calendar change) -> ACTION (Http: update a DB)
The Trigger below checks a calendar every 2 seconds. Is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription" object where it simply handles a change notification?
For the question about how often to check the calendar events, it depends on your requirement. In my opinion, if you set check event every 2 seconds(it's a little bit more frequent), you'd better check if your logic app set as run in parallel. You can click the ... button of the trigger and click "Settings". Then check if it is same to below screenshot.
For your question about is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription". I'm afraid it doesn't exist a trigger which can implement this requirement in logic app. We can also check if any backend api can implement it, we can see the graph api document.
The example in above screenshot is for mailFolders, but it's same with events. We can see it is necessary to specify a user(like me) or a group before the /events. So I don't think we can monitor the subscription events. You can raise a post on Azure feedback page to suggest developer add this feature.

How to know when the user changes the song with the Spotify API

I need to know when the user changes the song that is "currently playing".
Currently, I'm using to get the information about the song that is "currently playing". But, I need to know when it changes to the next one (not only because the song finished, but also when the user press NEXT SONG button).
My current workaround is to call the endpoint every second, but I'll be out of the rate limit if I do it very often.
You are doing it right. You need to poll the endpoint to detect changes in the playback state.
In some scenarios it can be suitable to use Spotify's web playback SDK, which exposes a player_state_changed event. For this to work the user needs to have a premium account and the playback needs to happen on the device created by the SDK.

Spotify API player update event

Basically I want to display the current track on a website.
I already searched quite a bit for a possibility to get notified when player state (play/pause, track, current position) changes.
My question:
Is it possible to get notified (socket, hook call) or is the only possibility I have to call the Web API like every second and fetch the state?
I fear that I'm running into rate limits when multiple users connect their accounts and display the current track.
Nope, there's still no way to do that. To achieve what you'd like, you need to pool the Spotify API continuously.
You can however use the Spotify SDK that you can pass a function to be executed on playback state change. The SDK is incompatible with a few platforms (see supported browsers), but for those you could catch the SDK initialization error and then switch to continuous polling via the API. You will have a lot fewer requests then.
A second option would be to only update the currently playing song after the last song should have ended. When getting the playback state for the currently playing song, you could use the field duration_ms and progress_ms to calculate the remaining time of the song. Then schedule another API requests for when the song should have ended and you're good. Whether that's a good strategy for your use case or not depends on the type of playback and how often the playback changes in your app.
I hope I could help!
As of now, it seems to be possible to receive player state events with a listener:
I haven't tested the Web version, I'm currently using the analogous Android APIs, and Android's seems to work for play/pause change and track change (but not for position change)

How to grab user track info through spotify api

I recently just got through the beginning tutorial for creating a web app with the spotify api. The tutorial was great for showing how to authenticate a user with oauth and log in a user.
The problem I am having is with the endpoint. I can't seem to figure out how to change the endpoint so that instead of displaying a users profile, I can see a list of a users track, better yet starred or top 10 tracks.
for a 10,000 view perspective of what I want to build is a app that would allow users to easily log in through their spotify account, take their stared or top tracks and push them to a radio that I am building with an raspberry pi.
I am new to working with the spotify api and working with api's in general so whatever advice would be awesome.
At the moment, there is no way to get the "starred"-playlist. (At least it's not documented)
I don't know what you mean with "Top 10 User tracks", since this doesn't exist as far as I know
To get a list of the account's current playlists, change the URL to:{user_id}/playlists
With this URL, you will get a list of simple-playlist-objects wrapped inside a paging-object. Now you can select one of the playlists (or loop through them) and fetch its track this way
If you also want to fetch private playlists, make sure you use the scope playlist_read_private

How can I access other Spotify users' currently playing tracks?

I want to build an app where a user can see what their friends are listening to.
I can get my own currently playing track by using the player model.
I can get another user's toplist by supplying a userName to the toplist model.
But how can I get another user's currently playing track?
You can't, directly.
If you want to do this, you'll need to have your own web service that keeps track of it. When a user uses your app and opts-in to having their currently playing track uploaded to your service for your friends to see. Of course, that means that everyone needs to use your app in order to keep your service populated.
Another approach will be to connect to the Facebook API and get friends' listening history that way.
