How to show .overlay with search results full width - search

var navbody: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
List(searchModel.suggestions ?? [], rowContent: { text in
NavigationLink(destination: MediaSearchResultsView(searchText: text)) {
.overlay(SearchMediaHintsResultsScreen(searchModel: searchModel))
.searchable(text: $searchModel.searchText
/* uncomment for search field to be shown initially and ever.
On iPad running 16.1 search field does show initially.
On iphone running 15.6.1 navigationTitle shows and search field
initially does not
// , placement: .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .always)
.onChange(of: searchModel.searchText) { _ in
.preference(key: ErrorPreferenceKey.self, value: observableError)
.sheet(isPresented: $observableError.showingError) {
ErrorView(error: observableError)
How to show .overlay with search results full width of the window?
currently it has gaps on the left and right

It is hard to see from just the code you have shown.
The List has default styling that includes some padding round the edges. You could try using a ForEach, or change the list style with a listStyle(.plain) modifier.
Does your overlay view also have a frame set to occupy the available space, such as .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)?

It may be due to the List default ListStyle of .insetGrouped. Try using .plain
Or try adding another view to the top layer of the ZStack that is only there when you want to show the overlay, so that it doesn't block List tap gestures, but can use the full View bounds to show the overlay.
ZStack {
List { }
if showOverlay { Overlay }


How to get images from contentful using the natural width (resolution)?

I have images of various sizes in Contentful i.e. widths of 200px, 600px, 800px, 1000px etc.
If I use responsiveresolution per the gatsby.js docs, it will up-res my small images:
allContentfulProduct {
edges {
node {
image {
responsiveResolution(width: 600) {
How can I get the natural resolution for images from Contentful? responsiveresolution in gatsby.js could use better documentation!
You can get the natural resolution by running this query.
allContentfulProduct {
edges {
node {
image {
responsiveResolution is just a helper, and you can totally query the image without it as you would any other entry.

fabricjs IText - Clear Character Specific Styles

I need to be able to set the fontFamily for an entire IText object even if it has character specific styling (code example and jsfiddle below). Note, when changing the fontFamily the character-specific styles don't change. Is there a way for me to access and clear those styles and then apply the style to the entire set of characters?
var iTextSample = new fabric.IText('hello\nworld', {
styles: {
0: {
0: { textDecoration: 'underline', fontSize: 80 },
1: { textBackgroundColor: 'red' }
1: {
0: { textBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0,255,0,0.5)' },
4: { fontSize: 20 }
2020 May Edit
In later revisions of fabricJS, the method removeStyle(props) has been added.
That means you can do:
to clean it up.
You also have:
That will instead remove all the fontaFamily properties that are duplicated of the main object. So that the style object is reduced in complexity if possible.
Original answer
you have to manually iterate the style object and clear the fontFamily property.
function setFont(name, value) {
var object = canvas.item(0);
if (!object) return;
if (object.styles) {
var styles = object.styles;
for (var row in styles) {
for (var char in styles[row]) {
if ('fontFamily' in styles[row][char]) {
delete styles[row][char]['fontFamily'];
object.set(name, value).setCoords();
why this is necessary is another matter.
I would open an issue on the github repository for that.
As fabricjs released 1.6.2 a small bug that was causing the original style object to be changed during rendering, has been fixed. RenderController not working under SequentialLayout?

I have added a common Surface and a Scrollview (actually a FlexScrollView) to a SequentialLayout and then added the layout to my View as the following code shows:
function _createCameraView() {
var layoutViews = [];
this.cameraView = new View({
size: [undefined, this.options.footerSize]
var layout = new SequentialLayout({
size: [undefined, this.options.footerSize],
direction: Utility.Direction.Y
var backgroundSurface = new Surface({
size: [undefined, 120],
content: 'some content',
classes : ['photo-guide-content'],
properties: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
zIndex: 4
// detail list
var detailsList = new FlexScrollView({
layout: ListLayout,
direction: Utility.Direction.X, // set direction to horizontal
paginated: true,
//autoPipeEvents: true,
useContainer: true,
container : {
size: [undefined, 60],
properties : {
'z-index' : 5,
Then I've added a RenderController on another view and I'm using it to display my cameraView like this:
function _selectCamera() {
if (!this.cameraView) {;
I know I don't need to call the hide method from the render on the function above, just the show method and it should swap the views with a smooth opacity transition, which is defined by default. Although when using this Sequential Layout I'm not getting this effect. I know it has to do with this layout because I've tried to switch the layout to a FlexibleLayout and a GridLayout, and it works fine with these two. So, my question is, why doesn't work with the SequentialLayout? I've also noticed it has a method called setOutputFunction(outputFunction), is there a way to use it so the layout uses the opacity returned from the RenderController or how can it be fixed some other way?
Try adding a getSize method to your view.
Something like this:
this.cameraView.getSize = function() {
return [undefined, undefined];

jvectormap how to keep the current color when region is selected?

Here is my problem, i have a scale of colors for different countries. When I select a country, its color change and I don't want to.
I just want to use the stroke attribute (without the fill attribute) to display selected regions.
Problem is that the default color for fill is "yellow". I tried to set the fill attribute for selected region to "none" but it erases my current color when selected.
Have you guys a way to solve this issue?
map: 'world_mill_en',
series: {
regions: [{
scale: ['#C1E712', '#5F7209'],
values: countryHitCounts,
regionStyle: {
selected: {
fill: <= is there a keyword to not change the color when selected??
stroke: 'red',
"stroke-width": 1,
regionsSelectable: true,
selectedRegions: countrySelected,
onRegionSelected: function (event, code, isSelected, selectedRegions) {
//some code...
EDIT: in the minify js code source file, I changed the default style for selected region.
selected:{fill:"yellow"} by selected:{}
It works but if you have a better solution without changing the source file, I take it.
I ran into the same problem as well, what seemed to work for me was to override the selected fill with an invalid hex code. ex:
regionStyle: {
selected: {
fill: '#Z34FF9'
This seemed to register it as an override, but not actually apply it, leaving my original color.
You juste have to prevent the default action of the click :
onRegionClick: function(event, code){
// your "some code" of region selected
Norrec's answer did not work for me, but I can override the class defaults just before creating the map. No source modification needed!
jvm.Map.defaultParams.regionStyle.selected = {};
map = new jvm.Map({
map: 'world_mill',
container: jQuery('#world-map'),
regionStyle: {
initial: {
fill: "#F6F6F6",
selected: {
stroke: '#FF00FF',
"stroke-width": 0.5,

jquery-jable: How to display a field as read-only in the edit form?

I have a table pre-populated with the company LAN IP addresses with fields for associated data, status, etc. The (jquery-)jtable fields collection is configured like this.
fields: {
id: { title: 'ID'},
ip: { title: 'IP address, edit: false }
more: { ... }
This works but the problem is that when the edit dialog pops up the user can't see the ip address of the record being edited as jtable's edit form doesn't show the field.
I've read through the documentation but can't see any way to display a field as read-only in the edit form. Any ideas?
You don't need to hack the jTable library asset, this just leads to pains when you want to update to a later version. All you need to do is create a custom input via the jTable field option "input", see an example field setup to accomplish what you need here:
JobId: {
title: 'JobId',
create: true,
edit: true,
list: true,
input: function (data) {
if (data.value) {
return '<input type="text" readonly class="jtable-input-readonly" name="JobId" value="' + data.value + '"/>';
} else {
//nothing to worry about here for your situation, data.value is undefined so the else is for the create/add new record user interaction, create is false for your usage so this else is not needed but shown just so you know when it would be entered
width: '5%',
visibility: 'hidden'
And simple style class:
I have simple solution:
formCreated: function (event, data)
if(data.formType=='edit') {
$('#Edit-ip').prop('readonly', true);
For dropdown make other options disabled except the current one:
$('#Edit-country option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled', true);
And simple style class:
I had to hack jtable.js. Start around line 2427. Changed lines are marked with '*'.
//Do not create element for non-editable fields
if (field.edit == false) {
//Label hack part 1: Unless 'hidden' we want to show fields even though they can't be edited. Disable the 'continue'.
* //continue;
//Hidden field
if (field.type == 'hidden') {
$editForm.append(self._createInputForHidden(fieldName, fieldValue));
//Create a container div for this input field and add to form
var $fieldContainer = $('<div class="jtable-input-field-container"></div>').appendTo($editForm);
//Create a label for input
//Label hack part 2: Create a label containing the field value.
* if (field.edit == false) {
* $fieldContainer.append(self._myCreateLabelWithText(fieldValue));
* continue; //Label hack: Unless 'hidden' we want to show fields even though they can't be edited.
* }
//Create input element with it's current value
After _createInputLabelForRecordField add in this function (around line 1430):
/* Hack part 3: Creates label containing non-editable field value.
_myCreateLabelWithText: function (txt) {
return $('<div />')
With the Metro theme both the field name and value will be grey colour.
Be careful with your update script that you're passing back to. No value will be passed back for the //edit: false// fields so don't include them in your update query.
A more simple version for dropdowns
No need to disable all the options :)
