How to install docker, docker-compose on a server with no internet? - linux

I have a server (Linux) with no access to Internet (required) I can SSH to that server to transfer file from my local to that server.
Now I need to install Docker and docker-compose on that server. I wonder is there any install file so I can transfer to that server and run the installation or not.
Moreover, I can not run install docker image on the Docker as well. Is there anyway to load from file instead of downloading the image from the internet.


How do I create a distributable Docker image?

I'd like to build a NodeJS server packaged as an executable, which can then be installed and run on any Linux machine without any pre-requisite dependencies. I was considering packaging it as a Docker image, but that would mean that the user would need Docker to be installed on their system. Is there a way to package a Docker image itself as an executable, so that all the user needs to do is to run an executable file?
With docker NO
The answer for the executable from docker is no.
You can create docker/docker-compose project which you can simply run
if you have docker installed.
Without docker YES
But you can still package it without using docker (with the whole nodejs included in the executable).
Look at this link

I am having issues while deploying react and node application on unix standalone server

I have developed my application on a windows machine and have to deploy this on a standalone UNIX server and while running commands like: npm start, it says that package is not available but I checked and everything is available in the project's npm modules.
Do I need to use docker or how can I achieve that without any container such as docker or kubernete.
Can I try cloning my repo in some other Linux machine and npm install and then use the same folder to deploy on UNIX CentOS running on the server?

Installation of chef-client(Bootstrapping) on docker container in a VM on Azure/AWS

Bootstrapping container to chef server in the same way as we bootstrap azure VM's.
Steps to Reproduce:
Install Chef-client using knife bootstrap
Run some recipe/role to install or configure container
Expected Result:
Installation of software such as java, python, or tools such as Jenkins, tomcat
Actual Result:
Error : SSH connection timeout when knife bootstrap command is run on Local workstation
Platform Details
Centos 7.1 (Azure VM)
Docker Container - Centos 6.4
This is not how either Docker or knife bootstrap works. Containers are not tiny VMs and should not be treated as such. If you want to use Chef code to build Docker image files, Packer can do this. Using chef-client inside containers at runtime for production operations is very very not recommended.

How to run my express app on digital ocean droplet

I have a droplet on Digital Ocean and I spent quite some time setting it up by following their tutorials and all that. Then I SFTP'd my app to my server and it got transferred and everything then I ran sudo npm start and the console says that it's running but when I visit as you can see nothing shows up. I installed all of the modules by running sudo npm install --save [module] then after manually doing all of them just to be sure, I ran sudo npm install.
I also changed the name servers in my domain.
In Digital Ocean,
Initially we buy a droplet. Later we have to choose the operating system to be installed, in your case you have chosen Linux maybe Ubuntu.
First, set your ssh access and configure ssh if needed
Later we have to update the package manager by using sudo apt-get update
Copy the NodeJs app into your droplet.
Set up the NodeJs by installing its dependencies and configuring the database etc.
Configure Nginx for the your NodeJs app and also add SSL certificate if any to the nginx.
Restart Nginx after configuring it.
Run your NodeJs app.
You should be able to access your NodeJs app if the Nginx is configured correctly.
Hope this helps.

Boot a docker container from PXE

I would like to migrate an application server to a docker container. I currently have a PXE environment which i usually use to install new server and all necessary application and content.
Is there a way to get create a docker image that boots from PXE. After the install, them commit and save the image?
If you can install a new server with the necessary application and content then you can certainly also install docker and your image. It would look something like this:
Install docker (client/server)
Use docker load to load your image from a tar file.
You can now do docker run on your image.
To save the image to a tar file use docker save.
