Dockerize VueJS app with node/express in single container - node.js

This questions must have been asked many times before but i can't find any solution that can help me solve my problem.
I'm running VueJS application with Express/NodeJS as server and I know the best way is probably to separate them in 2 containers. But how can I make this work in 1 container with multi-stage or any other way.
Any tips would be appreciated! Thank you!

Run multiple services in a container
A container’s main running process is the ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD at the end of the Dockerfile. It is generally recommended that you separate areas of concern by using one service per container. That service may fork into multiple processes (for example, Apache web server starts multiple worker processes). It’s ok to have multiple processes, but to get the most benefit out of Docker, avoid one container being responsible for multiple aspects of your overall application. You can connect multiple containers using user-defined networks and shared volumes.
If you need to run more than one service within a container, you can accomplish this in a few different ways.


Docker containers instead of multiprocessing

One of the main application of Docker containers is load-balancing. For example, in the case of a web application, instead of having only one instance handling all requests, we have many containers doing exactly the same thing, but the requests are split toward all of these instances.
But can it be used to do the same service, but with different "parameters"?
For instance, let's suppose I want to create a platform storing crypto-currency data from different exchange platforms (Bitfinex, Bittrex, etc.).
A lot of these platforms are handling web sockets. So in order to create one socket per platform, I would do something at the "code layer" like (language agnostic):
foreach (platform in platforms)
client = createClient(platform)
socket = client.createSocket()
Now of course, this loop would be stuck on the first iteration, because the websocket is waiting (although I could use asynchrony, anyway). To circumvent that, I could use multiprocessing, something like:
foreach (platform in platforms)
client = createClient(platform)
socket = client.createSocket()
process = new ProcessWhichGetData(socket)
Is there any way to do that at a "Docker layer", I mean to use Docker to make the different containers handling different platforms? I would have one Docker container for Bittrex, one Docker container for Bitfinex, etc.
I know this would imply that either the different containers would communicate between each other (who takes care of Bitfinex? who takes care of Bittrex?), or the container orchestrator (Docker Swarm / Kubernete) would handle itself this "repartition".
Is it something we could do, and, on top of that, is it something we want?
Docker containerization simply adds various layers of isolation around regular user-land processes. It does not by itself introduces coordination among several processes, though it certainly can be exploited in building a multi-process system where each process perform some jobs, no matter if these jobs are redundant or complementary.
If you can design your solution so that one process is launched for each "platform" (for example, passing the specific platform an instance should handle as a command line parameter), then indeed, this can technically be done in Docker.
I should however point out that it is not clear why you would want to run each process in a distinct container. Is isolation pertinent for security reasons? For resource accounting? To have each process dispatched to a distinct host in order to have access to more processing power? Also, is there coordination required among these processes, outside of the having to initially determine which process handle which platform? If so, do they need to have access to a shared storage, or be able to send signals to each others? These questions will help you decide how to approach the dockerization of your solution.
In the most simple case, assuming that all you want is to have the whole process be isolated from the rest of the system, but with no requirement that these processes be isolated from each other, then the most simple strategy would simply to have a single container that contains an entrypoint shell script, which will simply launch one process per platform. (inside your docker image):
platforms=Bitfinex Bittrex
for platform in ${platforms} ; do
./myprogram "${platform}" &
If you really need a distinct container for each platform, then you would use a similar script, but this time, it would be run directly on the host machine (that is, outside of a container), and would encapsulate each process inside a docker container. (directly on the host):
for platform in ${platforms} ; do
docker -name "program_${platform}" my_program_docker \
/usr/local/bin/myprogram "$platform"
Alternatively, you could use docker-compose to define the list of docker containers to be launched, but I will not discuss more this option at present (just ask if this seems pertinent to your you case).
If you need containers to be distributed among several host machines, then that same loop could be used, but this time, processes would be launched using docker-machine. Alternatively, if using docker-compose, the processes could be distributed using Swarm.
Say you restructured this as a long-running program that handled only one platform at a time, and controlled which platform it was via a command-line option or an environment variable. Instead of having your "launch all the platforms" loop in code, you might write a shell script like
for platform in $(cat platforms.txt); do
./run_platform $platform &
This setup is easy to transplant into Docker.
You should not plan on processes launching Docker containers dynamically. This is hard to set up and has significant security implications (by which I mean "a bug in your container launcher could easily root your host").
If the individual processing tasks can all run totally independently (maybe they use a shared database to store data) then you're basically done. You could replace that shell script with something like a Docker Compose YAML file that lists out all of the containers; if you want to run this on multiple hosts you can use tools like Ansible, or Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes to spread the containers out (with varying levels of infrastructure complexity).
You can bunch the different docker containers in a STACK and also configure networking so that the docker containers can remain isolated form the outside world but can communicate with each other.
More info here Docker Stack

Microservices on docker - architecture

I am building a micro-services project using docker.
one of my micro-services is a listener that should get data from various number of sources.
What i'm trying to achieve is the ability to start and stop getting data from sources dynamically.
For example in this drawing, i have 3 sources connected to 3 dockers.
My problem starts because i need to create another docker instance when a new source is available. In this example lets say source #4 is now available and i need to get his data (I know when a new source became available) but i want it to be scaled automatically (with source #4 information for listening)
I came up with two solutions, each has advantages and disadvantages:
1) Create a docker pool of a large number of docker running the listener service and every time a new source is available send a message (using rabbitmq but i think less relevant) to an available docker to start getting data.
in this solution i'm a little bit afraid of the memory consumption of the docker images running for no reason - but it is not a very complex solution.
2) Whenever a new source is becoming available create a new docker (with different environment variables)
With this solution i have a problem creating the docker.
At this moment i have achieved this one, but the service that is starting the dockers (lets call it manager) is just a regular nodejs application that is executing commands on the same server - and i need it to be inside a docker container also.
So the problem here is that i couldn't manage create an ssh connection from the main docker to create my new Docker.
I am not quite sure that both of my solutions are on track and would really appreciate any suggestions for my problem.
Your question is a bit unclear, but if you just want to scale a service horizontally you should look into a container orchestration technology that will allow you that - For example Kubernetes. I recommend reading the introduction.
All you would need to do for adding additional service containers is to update the number of desired replicas in the Deployment configuration. For more information read this.
Using kubernetes (or short k8s) you will benefit from deployment automation, self healing and service discovery as well as load balancing capabilities in addition to the horizontal scalability.
There are other orchestration alternatives, too ( e.g. Docker Swarm), but I would recommend to look into kubernetes first.
Let me know if that solves your issue or if you have additional requirements that weren't so clear in your original question.
Links for your follow up questions:
1 - Run kubectl commands inside container
2 - Kubernetes autoscaling based on custom metrics
3 - Env variables in Pods

How to consist the containers in Docker?

Now I am developing the new content so building the server.
On my server, the base system is the Cent OS(7), I installed the Docker, pulled the cent os, and establish the "WEB SERVER container" Django with uwsgi and nginx.
However I want to up the service, (Database with postgres), what is the best way to do it?
Install postgres on my existing container (with web server)
Build up the new container only for database.
and I want to know each advantage and weak point of those.
It's idiomatic to use two separate containers. Also, this is simpler - if you have two or more processes in a container, you need a parent process to monitor them (typically people use a process manager such as supervisord). With only one process, you won't need to do this.
By monitoring, I mainly mean that you need to make sure that all processes are correctly shutdown if the container receives a SIGSTOP signal. If you don't do this properly, you will end up with zombie processes. You won't need to worry about this if you only have a signal process or use a process manager.
Further, as Greg points out, having separate containers allows you to orchestrate and schedule the containers separately, so you can do update/change/scale/restart each container without affecting the other one.
If you want to keep the data in the database after a restart, the database shouldn't be in a container but on the host. I will assume you want the db in a container as well.
Setting up a second container is a lot more work. You should find a way that the containers know about each other's address. The address changes each time you start the container, so you need to make some scripts on the host. The host must find out the ip-adresses and inform the containers.
The containers might want to update the /etc/hosts file with the address of the other container. When you want to emulate different servers and perform resilience tests this is a nice solution. You will need quite some bash knowledge before you get this running well.
In about all other situations choose for one container. Installing everything in one container is easier for setting up and for developing afterwards. Setting up Docker is just the environment where you want to do your real work. Tooling should help you with your real work, not take all your time and effort.

Why Cluster NodeJS vs Docker, And What About Einhorn?

I have been a fan of the ease with which I can create/compose application functionality using NodeJS. NodeJS, to me, is easy.
When looking at how to take advantage of multi-core machines (and then also considering the additional complexity of port specific apps - like a web app on 80/443), my original solutions looked at NodeJS Cluster (or something like pm2) and maybe a load balancer.
But I'm wondering what would be the downside (or the reason why it wouldn't work) of instead running multiple containers (to address the multi-core situation) and then load balancing across their respective external ports? Past that, would it be better to just use Einhorn or... how does Einhorn fit into this picture?
So, the question is - for NodeJS only (because I'm also thinking about Go) - am I correct in considering "clustering" vs "multiple docker containers with load balancing" as two possible ways to utilize multiple cores?
As a separate question, is Einhorn just an alternative third-party way to achieve the same thing a NodeJS clustering (which could also be used to load balance a Go app, for example)?
Docker is starting to take on more and more of the clustering and load-balancing aspects we used to handle independently, either directly or by idiomatic usage patterns. With NodeJS for example, you can have one nginx or haproxy container load balance between multiple NodeJS containers. I prefer using something like fig, and also setting the restart-policy so that the containers are restarted automatically. This removes the need for other clustering solutions in most cases.

docker and product versions

I am working for a product company and we do make lot of releases of the product. In the current approach to test multiple releases, we create separate VM and install all infrastructure softwares(db, app server etc) on top of it. Later we deploy the application WARs on the respective VM. Recently, I came across docker and it seems to be much helpful. Hence I started exploring it with the examples listed on the site. But, I am not able to find a way as how docker can be applied to build environment suitable to various releases?
Each product version will have db schema changes.
Each application WARs will have enhancements/defects etc.
Consider below example.
Every month, our company is releasing a new version of software and hence in order to support/fix defects we create VMs per release. Given the fact that if the application's overall size is 2 gb and OS takes close to 5 gb (apart from space it will also take up system resources for extra overhead). The VMs are required to restore any release and test any support issues reported against it. But looking at the additional infrastructure requirements, it seems that its very costly affair.
Can docker have everything required to run an application inside a container/image?
Can docker pack an application which consists of multiple WARs/DB schemas and when started allocate appropriate port?
Will there be any space/memory/speed differences compared to VM and docker assuming above scenario?
Do you think docker is still appropriate solution or should we continue using VMs? Can someone share pointers on how I can achieve above requirements with docker?
tl;dr: Yes, docker can run most applications inside a container.
Docker runs a single process inside each container. When using VMs or real servers, this one process is usually the init system which starts all system services. With docker it is usually your app.
This difference will get you faster startup times for your app (not starting the whole operating system). The trade off is that, if you depend on system services (such as cron, sshd…) you will need to start them yourself. There are some base images that provide a more "VM-like" environment… check phusion's baseimage for instance. To start more than a single process, you can also use a process manager such as supervisord.
Going forward, the recommended (although not required) approach is to start one process in each container (one per application server, one per database server, and so on) and not use containers as VMs.
Docker has no problems allocating ports either. It even has an explicit command on the Dockerfile: EXPOSE. Exposed ports can also be published on the docker host with the --publish argument of run so you don't even need to know the IP assigned to the container.
Regarding used space, you will probably see important savings. Docker images are created by stacking filesystem layers… this means that the common layers are only stored once on the server. In your setup, you will likely only have one copy of the base operating system layer (with VMs, you have a copy on each VM).
On memory you will probably see less significant savings (mostly caused by not starting all the operating system services). Speed is still a subject of research… A few things clear so far is that for faster IO you will need to use docker volumes and that for network heavy use cases you should use host networking. Check the IBM research "An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers" for details. Or a summary like InfoQ's.
