How to use 32bit and 64bit Oracle instant client in parallel [duplicate] - excel

I have 64-bit Oracle Database Server ( installed on Windows 2008 R2, and naturally, it automatically installs the 64-bit client. I have to install an application onto this server that is 32-bit and requires the 32-bit Oracle client. (Don't Ask - I can't install the 64-bit version of this app, it won't work with the 64-bit client, and I can't install it on another server.)
Now i have tried installing the 32-bit Client into a different physical folder and selected a different value for the Oracle Base and Software Location when installing and it installed just fine. And it put the BIN folder of the 32-bit Client installation at the head of the PATH statemtn.
However, when i tried to run "SQLplus system/system" with the 32-bit version it gives me the "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error". When I go into the folder with the 64-bit sqlplus.exe and ran it (directly and not through PATH), the "system/system" credentials worked fine.
I copied the TNSNames folder from the Oracle Server's NETWORK/admin folder to the Oracle Client's NETWORK/admin folder, and rebooted the server. Same results.
This is the extent of my troubleshooting knowledge for Oracle.
How can i get the 32-bit Client to run on the same server as the 64-bit Oracle Server?
I know in linux/Unix, you simply put in the lib32 folder into the the 64-bit client folder and set a couple of environment variables, but i'm pretty sure it's not that simple in Windows.
If there is a way to do this, please be descriptive in you answer as I will need step-by-step instructions.
Thanks in advance.

Here is an instruction how to install 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Client on one machine. Follow the instruction, then it should work.
Assumptions: Oracle Home is called OraClient11g_home1, Client Version is 11gR2
Download and install Oracle x86 Client, for example into C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x86
Download and install Oracle x64 Client into different folder, for example to C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x64
Open command line tool, go to folder %WINDIR%\System32, typically C:\Windows\System32 and create a symbolic link ora112 to folder C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x64 (see commands section below)
Change to folder %WINDIR%\SysWOW64, typically C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and create a symbolic link ora112 to folder C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x86, (see below)
Modify the PATH environment variable, replace all entries like C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x86 and C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x64 by C:\Windows\System32\ora112, respective their \bin subfolder. Note: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ora112 must not be in PATH environment.
If needed set your ORACLE_HOME environment variable to C:\Windows\System32\ora112
Open your Registry Editor. Set Registry value HKLM\Software\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1\ORACLE_HOME to C:\Windows\System32\ora112. Using C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x64 should also work.
Set Registry value HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1\ORACLE_HOME to C:\Windows\System32\ora112 (not C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ora112). Using C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x86 should also work.
You are done! Now you can use x86 and x64 Oracle client seamless together, i.e. an x86 application will load the x86 libraries, an x64 application loads the x64 libraries without any further modification on your system.
Probably it is a smart idea to set your TNS_ADMIN environment variable (resp. TNS_ADMIN entries in Registry) to a common location, for example TNS_ADMIN=C:\Oracle\Common\network\admin
Commands to create symbolic links:
cd C:\Windows\System32
mklink /d ora112 C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x64
cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64
mklink /d ora112 C:\Oracle\11.2\Client_x86
Both symbolic links must have the same name, e.g. ora112.
Despite of their names folder C:\Windows\System32 contains the x64 libraries, whereas C:\Windows\SysWOW64 contains the x86 (32-bit) libraries. Don't get confused.
Background information, why this works: Registry Redirector and File System Redirector

I had the same issue. Both 32 and 64 bit ORA clients installed on same Windows 10 machine (separate folders) and 32 bit apps stopped working. All I had to do was edit the System Environment variables and DELETE the ORACLE_HOME entry, then re-boot. Windows/Oracle do the rest based on the registry entries. Just need to copy the tnsnames.ora to both installations.


shell script for oracle installation in linux

I want to install oracle 12.2 in centos 7 and there is 10 machine in my environment.
is there any shell script for oracle installation in centos 7?
path is /home with default permission.
Thanks you!
You can install the first one manually using the standard installer. Once that is done, the install also supports a "clone existing" function either on the same machine or a different one. This ensure that the various inventory metadata details are captured, which is needed as well as the binaries in the ORACLE_BASE folder.
Examples on cloning and the steps needed are at:

Why is the debian installer an exe file

I recently downloaded the debian installer iso to use with virtualbox. For security reasons, I mounted it to ensure it was legit. I noticed a file labeled setup.exe. Why would a linux installer be a windows file, and how would the computer be able to run it?
I then decided to look throught the microsoft windows installer. It too used an exe file. How could it run the exe to install windows without windows instlled?
The Debian project has an installer for Microsoft Windows that provides a UI for installing GNU/Linux beginning on a MS Windows platform.
The Windows kernel can be loaded from disk and once it is loaded, like on install, it can start running a .exe file. For similar reasons Linux is an elf format binary. This is how a "Live" disk works, it loads the kernel and then loads up the entire OS including window manager from disk.
To your first question :
I bet you are running VirtualBox on a Windows client right? So there is nothing wrong with using a windows file :)

How can I install IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2 using InstallShield

I want to activate IIS on Windows Server 2012 via InstallShield setup. I tried the following DISM command:
DISM.EXE /enable-feature /online /featureName:IIS-WebServerRole /featureName:IIS-WebServer
Described here: Installing IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
When I execute my Setup, an error occurs:
The Process Monitor says, that DISM will be executed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DISM.EXE and results in Exit Status 11. As File Location I used [SystemFolder]. When I define File Location C:\Windows\System32 it also uses C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DISM.EXE.
What is a tough way to activate IIS?
Per this post, error code 11 indicates that the 32-bit version of DISM is being used on a 64-bit system. This corresponds with installing a 32-bit MSI on a 64-bit system and using it to locate and launch DISM. Windows Installer does not allow you to refer to 64-bit locations from a 32-bit MSI. Heath Stewart's article Different Packages are Required for Different Processor Architectures touches on this, but mostly from the angle of installing to 32- or 64-bit locations. As it turns out, finding files there is just as hard.
In order to launch a 64-bit DISM from a 64-bit location, you will need some other code. It may be possible to locate the 64-bit system folder from 32-bit code, but I know some 64-bit locations can only be correctly queried by 64-bit code. As such I would suggest you write a 64-bit helper exe to find and launch the 64-bit DISM. Then you will need two variants of your custom action so that you only try to use the 64-bit wrapper on a 64-bit system (when VersionNT64 is defined) and use a 32-bit wrapper or direct call on a 32-bit system.
Alternately, if upgrading and using an exe is an option, InstallShield 2013 and later include support for installing Windows Features as part of the Suite project type, which will thus handle this work for you. (Disclaimer: I am paid to work on InstallShield.)

Is there a manual install of node.js for Windows 7?

I have easily installed Node.js before on Macs and other PCs, but the PC I have now at work restricts the running of .msi files.
Is there a way to manually install and configure node.js and npm on Windows 7? I have access to Powershell.
Installing nodejs (and npm) on a Windows 7 machine does not require any "magic" if you have Admin access on the target machine and do not care about setting up the expected "uninstall", various Windows performance counters, event tracing or Start menu entries.
To manually install from an existing installation on one machine to another machine, simply
Copy the entire contents of your "\Program Files\nodejs" and "\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm" directories as well as the "\Users\USERNAME\.npmrc" file to the same directories on target machine. (Replace USERNAME with your own Windows login name.)
Edit the "\Users\USERNAME\.npmrc" file to replace the source username with the username on the target machine.
Add "C:\Program Files\nodejs" and "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm" to your PATH.
If you'd like to manually install direct from the MSI (without an existing installation to work from), get Scott Willeke's excellent lessmsi program, which allows you to extract all the files from any msi archive and discover all the actions taken by the Windows Installer, such as required edits to the Register, etc. (Though for nodejs, you'll only need to edit the Registry to add the proper keys to uninstall it automagically.)

InstallShield installs to SysWOW64 and not in System32

I'm creating a InstallShield 2012 Spring project, and I need to copy some jpg into System32 subfolder.
In Application Data/Files and Folders, I put that into [WindowsFolder]/System32/akrmf and when install, it copies to SysWOW64/akrmf on Windows 7
The installation project doesn't include any exe or dll, only text files and images.
I tried using [SystemFolder] and copies into SysWOW64 too.
Is there any way to force installation into System32/akrmf folder ?
To target the true (64-bit) system folder with Windows Installer, your MSI needs to be a 64-bit package (see Targeting 64-bit Operating Systems). Unfortunately this prevents it from installing on 32-bit systems.
To do this with InstallScript, there are related approaches that do not require creating two separate packages, but you may find it easiest to create two different components where only one is selected for installation.
