How to apply conv1d to timeseries data - keras

I have the data of shape (32, 10, 140), where 32 is batch_size, 10 is time window and 140 is feature dimensions. I want to apply conv1d only on features across all time dimensionns. How to do it using keras?


Audio signal processing using LSTM [duplicate]

This seems to be one of the most common questions about LSTMs in PyTorch, but I am still unable to figure out what should be the input shape to PyTorch LSTM.
Even after following several posts (1, 2, 3) and trying out the solutions, it doesn't seem to work.
Background: I have encoded text sequences (variable length) in a batch of size 12 and the sequences are padded and packed using pad_packed_sequence functionality. MAX_LEN for each sequence is 384 and each token (or word) in the sequence has a dimension of 768. Hence my batch tensor could have one of the following shapes: [12, 384, 768] or [384, 12, 768].
The batch will be my input to the PyTorch rnn module (lstm here).
According to the PyTorch documentation for LSTMs, its input dimensions are (seq_len, batch, input_size) which I understand as following.
seq_len - the number of time steps in each input stream (feature vector length).
batch - the size of each batch of input sequences.
input_size - the dimension for each input token or time step.
lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=?, hidden_size=?, batch_first=True)
What should be the exact input_size and hidden_size values here?
You have explained the structure of your input, but you haven't made the connection between your input dimensions and the LSTM's expected input dimensions.
Let's break down your input (assigning names to the dimensions):
batch_size: 12
seq_len: 384
input_size / num_features: 768
That means the input_size of the LSTM needs to be 768.
The hidden_size is not dependent on your input, but rather how many features the LSTM should create, which is then used for the hidden state as well as the output, since that is the last hidden state. You have to decide how many features you want to use for the LSTM.
Finally, for the input shape, setting batch_first=True requires the input to have the shape [batch_size, seq_len, input_size], in your case that would be [12, 384, 768].
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# Size: [batch_size, seq_len, input_size]
input = torch.randn(12, 384, 768)
lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=768, hidden_size=512, batch_first=True)
output, _ = lstm(input)
output.size() # => torch.Size([12, 384, 512])
The image passed to CNN layer and lstm layer,the feature map shape changes like this
the CNN's output shape should has the height 1.
then sqeeze the dim of height.
in rnn ,shape name changes,[batch ,seqlen,input_size],in image,[batch,width,channel],
**BCW->BWC,**this is batch_first tensor for LSTM layer(like pytorch).
BWC is [batch,seqlen,channel].

Unable to add CNN Layer after Embedding Layer Keras

I have 7 categorical Featues
And i am trying to add A CNN Layer after Embedding Layer
My first Layer is input Layer
Second Layer is Embedding Layer
Third Layer I want to add a Conv2D Layer
I've tried input_shape=(7,36,1) in Conv_2D but that didn't work
input2 = Input(shape=(7,))
embedding2 = Embedding(76474, 36)(input2)
# 76474 is the number of datapoints (rows)
# 36 is the output dim of embedding Layer
cnn1 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')(embedding2)
flat2 = Flatten()(cnn1)
But i'm getting this error
Input 0 of layer conv2d is incompatible with the layer: expected
ndim=4, found ndim=3. Full shape received: [None, 7, 36]
The output of an embedding layer is 3D, namely (samples, seq_length, features), where features = 36 is the dimensionality of the embedding space, and seq_length = 7 is the sequence length. A Conv2D layer requires an image, which is usually represented as a 4D tensor (samples, width, height, channels).
Only a Conv1D layer would make sense, as it also takes 3D-shaped data, typically (samples, width, channels), and then you need to decide if you want to do convolution across the sequence length, or across the features dimension. That's something you need to experiment with, which in the end is to decide which is the "spatial dimension" in the output of the embedding

poor performance keras lstm

I want to create a lstm model to classify signals.
Let's say I have 1000 files of signals. Each file contains a matrix of shape (500, 5) that means that in each file, I have 5 features (columns) and 500 rows.
0 1 2 3 4
0 5 5.3 2.3 4.2 2.2
... ... ... ... ... ...
499 2500 1.2 7.4 6.7 8.6
For each file, there is one output which is a boolean (True or False). the shape is (1,)
I created a database, data, with a shape (1000, 5, 500) and the target vector is of shape (1000, 1).
Then I split data (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test).
Is it okay to give the matrix like this to the lstm model? Because I have very poor performance. From what I have seen, people give only a 1D or 2D data and they reshape their data after to give a 3D input to the lstm layer.
The code with the lstm is like this:
input_shape=(X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2]) #(5,500), i.e timesteps and features
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(20, return_sequences=True))
model.compile(loss='mae', optimizer='adam')
I changed the number of cells in a LSTM layer and the number of layers but the score is basically the same (0.19). Is it normal to have such a bad score in my case? Is there a better way to go ?
By transforming your data into (samples, 5, 500) you are giving the LSTM 5 timesteps and 500 features. From your data it seems you would like to process all 500 rows and 5 features of each column to make a prediction. The LSTM input is (samples, timesteps, features). So if your rows represent timesteps in which 5 measurements are taken, then you need to permute the last 2 dimensions and set input_shape=(500, 5) in the first LSTM layer.
Also since your output is Boolean, you get a more stable training by using activation='sigmoid' in your final dense layer and train with loss='binary_crossentropy for binary classification.

How to use Embedding() with 3D tensor in Keras?

I have a list of stock price sequences with 20 timesteps each. That's a 2D array of shape (total_seq, 20). I can reshape it into (total_seq, 20, 1) for concatenation to other features.
I also have news title with 10 words for each timestep. So I have 3D array of shape (total_seq, 20, 10) of the news' tokens from Tokenizer.texts_to_sequences() and sequence.pad_sequences().
I want to concatenate the news embedding to the stock price and make predictions.
My idea is that the news embedding should return tensor of shape
(total_seq, 20, embed_size) so that I can concatenate it with the
stock price of shape (total_seq, 20, 1) then connect it to LSTM layers.
To do that, I should convert news embedding of shape (total_seq, 20, 10) to
(total_seq, 20, 10, embed_size) by using Embedding() function.
But in Keras, the Embedding() function takes a 2D tensor instead of 3D tensor. How do I get around with this problem?
Assume that Embedding() accepts 3D tensor, then after I get 4D tensor as output, I would remove the 3rd dimension by using LSTM to return last word's embedding only, so output of shape (total_seq, 20, 10, embed_size) would be converted to (total_seq, 20, embed_size)
But I would encounter another problem again, LSTM accepts 3D tensor not 4D so
How do I get around with Embedding and LSTM not accepting my inputs?
one workaround is to get all time stamps and news feature together
timesstaps feature = tensor(total_seq, 20)
news_feature = tensor(total_seq, 20, 10)
news_feature_reshaped = reshape(news_feature, (total_seq, 200))
final_features = concat([timestamps_feature, news_fature_reshaped], axis=1)

How to correctly get layer weights from Conv2D in keras?

I have Conv2D layer defines as:
Conv2D(96, kernel_size=(5, 5),
input_shape=(image_rows, image_cols, 1),
This is the first layer in my network.
Input dimensions are 64 by 160, image is 1 channel.
I am trying to visualize weights from this convolutional layer but not sure how to get them.
Here is how I am doing this now:
This returs an array of shape (5, 5, 1, 96). 1 is because images are 1-channel.
2.Take 5 by 5 filters by
Very ugly but I am not sure how to simplify this, any comments are very appreciated.
I am not sure in these 5 by 5 squares. Are they filters actually?
If not could anyone please tell how to correctly grab filters from the model?
I tried to display the weights like so only the first 25. I have the same question that you do is this the filter or something else. It doesn't seem to be the same filters that are derived from deep belief networks or stacked RBM's.
Here is the untrained visualized weights:
and here are the trained weights:
Strangely there is no change after training! If you compare them they are identical.
and then the DBN RBM filters layer 1 on top and layer 2 on bottom:
If i set kernel_intialization="ones" then I get filters that look good but the net loss never decreases though with many trial and error changes:
Here is the code to display the 2D Conv Weights / Filters.
ann = Sequential()
x = Conv2D(filters=64,kernel_size=(5,5),input_shape=(32,32,3))
x1w = x.get_weights()[0][:,:,0,:]
for i in range(1,26):
plt.imshow(x1w[:,:,i],interpolation="nearest",cmap="gray"), ytrain_indicator, epochs=5, batch_size=32)
x1w = x.get_weights()[0][:,:,0,:]
for i in range(1,26):
So I tried it again with a learning rate of 0.01 instead of 1e-6 and used the images normalized between 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 255 by dividing the images by 255.0. Now the convolution filters are changing and the output of the first convolutional filter looks like so:
The trained filter you'll notice is changed (not by much) with a reasonable learning rate:
Here is image seven of the CIFAR-10 test set:
And here is the output of the first convolution layer:
And if I take the last convolution layer (no dense layers in between) and feed it to a classifier untrained it is similar to classifying raw images in terms of accuracy but if I train the convolution layers the last convolution layer output increases the accuracy of the classifier (random forest).
So I would conclude the convolution layers are indeed filters as well as weights.
In layer.get_weights()[0][:,:,:,:], the dimensions in [:,:,:,:] are x position of the weight, y position of the weight, the n th input to the corresponding conv layer (coming from the previous layer, note that if you try to obtain the weights of first conv layer then this number is 1 because only one input is driven to the first conv layer) and k th filter or kernel in the corresponding layer, respectively. So, the array shape returned by layer.get_weights()[0] can be interpreted as only one input is driven to the layer and 96 filters with 5x5 size are generated. If you want to reach one of the filters, you can type, lets say the 6th filter
However, if you need the filters of the 2nd conv layer (see model image link attached below), then notice for each of 32 input images or matrices you will have 64 filters. If you want to get the weights of any of them for example weights of the 4th filter generated for the 8th input image, then you should type
enter image description here
