Issues with list comprehensions - python-3.x

My goal was to create a method that would take an array as parameter, and output the sum of the min() value of each of its subarrays. However, I really don’t understand what’s wrong with my list comprehension.
class Solution(object):
def sumSubarrayMins(self, arr):
s = 0
self.subarrays = [arr[i:j] for i in range(j-1,len(arr))for j in range(1,len(arr)+1)]
for subarray in self.subarrays:
s += min(subarray)
return s
sol = Solution()
I often try debugging with python tutor but it is really no help in this case.

Your subarray calculation logic is wrong. You are trying to use j in the first loop, before you define it. Try this:
self.subarrays = [arr[i:j] for i in range(0, len(arr)) for j in range(i+1, len(arr)+1)]


Can we change for loop result into list with index?

I am currently learning python, I just have one little question over here.
I used for loop and getting a result below.
Here is my code:
def psuedo_random(multiplier, modulus, X_0, x_try):
for i in range(x_try):
place_holder = []
count = []
next_x = multiplier * X_0 % modulus
X_0 = next_x
for j in place_holder:
j = j/modulus
Can we somehow change it into something like this?
[0.22021484375, 0.75439453125, 0.54443359375, 0.47705078125]
After you initialized a list, you can use append function in the loop.
initialize a list where you want to list these numbers
mylist = []
use this function in your for loop
for i in .....:
It's simple. Do not initialize your list inside the loop. Just place it outside.

how can i print the right value in the code?

I'm new to python, and I'm having trouble resolving this code. I just have to print the position of the string when j equals r. But it prints nothing.
class List():
def __init__(self, l_red, l_erd, r):
self.l_red = "ABCEFGC"
self.l_erd = "DBFEGAC"
self.r = l_red[0]
def posicao(self):
j = self.l_red[0];
while self.l_erd[j] != self.r:
j = j + 1
This is a bit hard to understand but I will give it a go.
To begin with you really need to consider using a different name for the class; List is already in python.
To instantiate and use this class you would need to use:
a_variable = List() # or whatever you are going to use
l_red is a string which can act like a character list, and l_erd is the same. Lists take an integer number (0, 1, 2, 3 ...) and return what was in that place. So what you need to do is something more like:
def posicao(self):
letter_of_interest = "A"
j = 0
for j in range(0, len(self.l_erd):
if letter_of_interest == self.r:
Now what I have written is just for a single character, and you would use a loop to go through each character of interest, but I will leave that to you.
If you want it to find all the positions where that character exists just remove that break.
There are better methods of doing this, look into just using "ABCDE".index('A') this works.

How to apply multiprocessing in python3.x for the following nested loop

for i in range(1,row):
for j in range(1,col):
if i > j and i != j:
x = Aglo[0][i][0]
y = Aglo[j][0][0]
Aglo[j][i] = offset.myfun(x,y)
Aglo[i][j] = Aglo[j][i]
Aglo[][] is a 2D array, which consists of lists in the first row
offset.myfun() is a function defined elsewhere
This might be a trivial question but i couldn't understand how to use multiprocessing for these nested loops as x,y (used in myfun()) is different for each process(if multiprocessing is used)
Thank you
If I'm reading your code right, you are not overwriting any previously calculated values. If that's true, then you can use multiprocessing. If not, then you can't guarantee that the results from multiprocessing will be in the correct order.
To use something like multiprocessing.Pool, you would need to gather all valid (x, y) pairs to pass to offset.myfun(). Something like this might work (untested):
pairs = [(i, j, Aglo[0][i][0], Aglo[j][0][0]) for i in range(1, row) for j in range(1, col) if i > j and i != j]
# offset.myfun now needs to take a tuple instead of x, y
# it additionally needs to emit i and j in addition to the return value
# e.g. (i, j, result)
p = Pool(4)
results =, pairs)
# fill in Aglo with the results
for pair in pairs:
i, j, value = pair
Aglo[i][j] = value
Aglo[j][i] = value
You will need to pass in i and j to offset.myfun because otherwise there is no way to know which result goes where. offset.myfun should then return i and j along with the result so you can fill in Aglo appropriately. Hope this helps.

How can I use a function call result in a conditional list comprehension?

I would like to turn this code into a list comprehension:
l = list()
for i in range(10):
j = fun(i)
if j:
Meaning that I'd like to add only truthy fun() result values to the list. Without the truthy check of that function call, the list comprehension would be:
l = [fun(i) for i in range(10)]
Adding a if fun(i) to the list comprehension would cause two evaluations of fun() per iteration (actually, not always it seems!), thus causing unintended side effects if fun() is not pure.
Can I capture the result of fun(i) and use it in that same comprehension, essentially adding the if j? (Related question here)
You can make an inner generator in the list comp so you will look over the results of func
l = [j for j in (func(i) for i in range(10)) if j]
Or combining two suggested solutions:
filter(None, (func(i) for i in range(10)))
Much simpler:
[res for res in map(func, range(10)) if res]
Thanks for the hint to falstru.
Old answer
Another option would to use a helper generator function:
def call_iter(func, iterable):
for arg in iterable:
yield func(arg)
[res for res in call_iter(func, range(10)) if res]

Python - Create a recursion function

my question is basically this: Create a recursion function that takes a nested list as a
parameter and returns the sub-list that has minimum difference between its maximum and minimum elements.
For example: Function should return [1,2] for input [[1,199,59],[1,2],[3,8]]
I searched Google and stackoverflow, but i could not find this specific example.
What i would like to get help is with iteration. I want to, using recursion, iterate over each sub-list(can be as many as possible). I have achieved this with a for loop, but i cannot grasp the idea of iteration by using recursion method.
So far, i have this:
def sublist(mylist):
if len(mylist) == 0:
return []
elif len(mylist) == 1:
return mylist
a = (mylist[0][0]) - (mylist[0][-1])
if a < sublist(mylist[1:]):
return mylist[0]
This part, ( sublist(mylist[1:]) ) i know is clearly wrong. I'm trying to compare the value a, with the values from the mylist[1:]. I would appreciate much advice here.
def differences(mylist):
diff = max(mylist) - min(mylist)
return diff
def sublist(nestedlist):
if len(nestedlist) == 1:
return nestedlist[0]
if differences(nestedlist[0]) < differences(sublist(nestedlist[1:])):
return nestedlist[0]
return sublist(nestedlist[1:])
i am assuming that you want to use recursion for the first level of the list. So, without giving you the code 100%, you have to do something like that:
1) create a method e.g diferences(list) that calculates the differences of a list and returns a list with the parameter list and the min difference i.e differences([1,2]) should return [1, [1,2]]. call it once on the first sublist i.e min = differences(mylist[0])
2) create your sublist method like this:
def sublist(initial_list):
# 1) call differences() method for the first sublist of the 'initial_list'
# 2) update 'min' with differences(initial_list[0])if differences(inilitial_list[0])[0] < min[0];
# 3) call sublist() again now removing the sublist you checked before from the arguement
# 4) (the following should be at the start of your sublist() method)
if len(initial_list) = 1:
if differences(initial_list) < min:
return initial_list
else: return min[1]
Hope that helps
