Is there any configurable option to stop uploading the recorded script to the Blaze meter cloud using Blaze meter chrome extension? - google-chrome-extension

The security team in our company raised a concern on the Blaze meter chrome extension recorder regarding the automatic upload the recorded script into Blaze meter cloud. So looking for options like
Do we have any configurable option to turn off the automatic upload of the recorded scripts to the Blazemeter cloud??
If we turn off the upload, can we still be able to download the recorded script into a jmx file?
Appreciate your time in reading and any valuable suggestion. Thanks
I did try researching on the Blaze meter website and university but couldn't find much any option

As per The BlazeMeter Chrome Extension: Record JMeter, Selenium, or Synchronized JMeter and Selenium article:
Note: The extension needs to be able to communicate with in order for the recording to be converted into a script.
so there is no "configurable option", if recorded script contains sensitive information which cannot go outside your local Intranet you won't be able to use BlazeMeter Chrome Extension for recording. Consider going for JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder instead.


Chrome extension API for daily extension installs

I have a published google chrome extension. I am trying to find a automated way to query no of new extension installed and create dashboards/reports using that data. So that I can track how the user growth of the extension. I was trying to find a google api that does this but no luck. Appreciate if you have any suggestions / comments on this.
Used google API to query chrome webstore. But no API provides installations / uninstallation statistics

How to take data from a website's applications > localStorage using storage api to extension in chrome extension

I am pretty much new to chrome extension programming. I have a website which stores data in the localStorage tab of chrome debug tools under Applications with a key of activities. I want to access this into my custom made chrome extension and use it to download that data as a file. Please guide me. Any help is appreciated.
I am extremely confused by popup, background script, content script, etc.
P.S. The data is not stored by me, it is stored by the website I am trying to use this extension on.

Response Time on a web page like a stop watch

I have searched and found so many answers but nothing that fits my requirement. I will try to explain here and see if any of you guys have some tips.
I wish to click on a link manually and from there on; I wish that some kind of tool or service starts recording time from my click and stops when the desired page is loaded. This way, I am able to find out the exact user interface response time.
All the online web testing services ask for main URL. In my case the main URL has gazillion links and I wish to use only 1 link as standard sample which is a dynamic link
For example:
- I click on my friend's name on Facebook
- From my click to the time page is loaded, if there's a tool that does the stop watch thing?
End goal is:
I will be stress testing a server with extensive load and client wishes to see response time of simple random pages when load is at 500, 1000, 2000 and so on.
Please help!
Thank you.
You can use a simple load tester tool and the developer tools on the Chrome browser, you can get a clear picture of page load times under load. Also you can see which request completed in how much time and the time from start to finish.
Just start the load test and try from the chrome.
Also you can use a automated latency monitor like smokeping.
You may use httpwatch or YSlow to find the client side page load times.
http Watch and Fiddler helped. Didn't really go as I had thought but pretty Close and satsifactory. Thanks guys
You could try WPT this is a tool which has a private and a public instance for serving exactly what you want to do also supports scripted steps executed via the browsers JS the nicest thing i find in WPT is that you can use the public instance to measure the actual user experience from other than yours world locations or you can make a private one.

Use Autoupdating in Google Chrome Web Store

I'm making an extension for Google Chrome and I use code for autoupdating. This is because the extension isn't yet in Google Chrome webstore. But in a few days I will upload it to the Webstore and Google says you can use the Webstores autoupdating. But if I don't want to use that, will my app still update by my own server, like the way it does now?
Thanks in advance!!
I agree that docs are not very clear about this:
If you publish your extension using the Chrome Developer Dashboard,
you can ignore this page. You can use the dashboard to release updated
versions of your extension to users, as well as to the Chrome Web
But, I've tested it myself and your update_url setting in manifest.json will be overridden when you publish your extension via Chrome Web Store (CWS). In other words, publishing to CWS means that you can't use self hosted autoupdating anymore.
The reasons for that, that I could think of, may be as follows:
CWS wants to keep track of each extension stats (i.e. number of users using each extension)
privacy concerns (people don't want you to track them when they update extension)
security concerns (each extension update must go through CWS verification process)
If you want to track people (please don't) use Google Analytics on i.e. background page of your extension.

Build Chrome Extension that receives voice input

I plan to build a Chrome Extension that allows users to navigate web pages via voice commands.
To do so, I plan to put my speech recognition program on a backend server that connects with clients via Chrome extension.
Is it possible? I know how to develop an extension, but would appreciate if you could show a way of receiving voice input.
You don't need to modify Chrome.
Until the HTML5 tag gets landed in Chrome, your only option right now is to use NPAPI and include the plugin into your Extension. For more information visit this page:
You would have to implement a JavaScript audio input API using C++ inside Chromium, being aware that you have to transfer data through the sandbox, then once exported you can use the new API in your extension.
A lot of groundwork has already been done on specifying the audio API, read the details over at W3C:
Which links to details of a special build of Chrome with some already built samples:
